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Tattoo's, what do you think of them and do you have a preference of body art or statements? (yes, some are both)

Some are quite beautiful and others are equally awful.

***Addition: Lets not be judgmental to people who have them, instead lets stick to comments on tattoos themselves.

mzbehavin 8 Mar 23

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I love tattoos... and just recently got lots of them at the age 48-50. Here’s one of them of atheists. My fiancé also has lots of them.


I am of a generation where only outlaw bikers and sailors sported tattoos but these days it seems like everyone of a certain age is tattooed. I remember saying to my son "OK get tattoos but not where they are visible when wearing a suit" His reply was "I will never have a job where i need to wear a suit". he is now a tattooed "hipster" running his own coffee bar and married to a gorgeous girl who is covered in tattoos so what the hell do I know ?


I love the art and am totally amazed by the artists. Their canvass moves, is not flat and may involuntarily flinch. I have a couple of ideas in my head (they have been there for years) but really don't think I could sit still for that long to actually get one.


Generally the more someone has the more likely I am to be attracted to them. Even more so if their work is unique and not cliche or genetic, and certainly not a relic lacking origionality from a bygone era (e.g. barbwire arm bands, tribal, tramp stamps, butterflies).

In particular I love large throat and chest ink on women and also like some small abstract face tattoos like dots under the eye or similar sometimes too.

I myself have full sleeves, my hands, knuckles, a huge piece on my left leg running from my toes up, and a number of smaller ones including both earlobes. My hands and ears are my favorite, although the roots on my foot are close as well

If i could afford to i would have many more

@mzbehavin each has a meaning of some type, although some are deep with layered meaning while others are more of jokes. For example I have a tattoo on my fuck you finger for my 10 years being straightedge that says XyearsX. Or the kiss Mark lipstick print on my neck


Of course, I'm a huge fan of tattoos. I have 11 myself and I'm always fascinated by others' tattoos. May be one day I will be entirely covered in tattoos, because I ain't stopping at 11. I don't care one bit what other people think of my tattoos or tattoos in general. I do care if someone makes negative assumptions about people who have tattoos. People are allowed to not like someone's tattoo but that doesn't give them the excuse to shame or denigrate that person. Otherwise, get a tattoo, don't get a tattoo, none of my business. Just about all my friends have at least one tattoo, so it's not a big deal in my circle.

I really like the tattoos in the pics. My favourite style has to be the Japanese style tattoos, mostly covering large areas of the body, even the entire body.

@mzbehavin I love the creativity, artistry, variety, etc. of tattoos out there!!! I'm hoping to make it to the Tattoo show next month, but the sound of all the buzzing going on at once is kinda hard to deal with after awhile.

1 Love them.


@mzbehavin It's a great image!


Personally, I don’t care for large tattoos or body parts covered in tattoos. I like small personal ones like the one I got about 25 years ago. Bonus points if you know what this is.

Haha, no clue! What is it?


To each their own. Everyone who has them, have their reasons for them.
I'm not going to judge anyone for having them, or not.

I have one. Got it when I was 37. It holds tremendous significance to me.
It is in a relatively discreet place, and not everyone sees it.
It's not large, probably less than the size of a half-dollar.
In the 20 years since I got it, I have not regretted it once.

Do I give a shit what anyone else may think about it, or me for having it?
That's a big FUCK NO.


If you are going to get tattooed your first consideration should be placement.


Pretty disappointing reading through some of the replies on here.
How often are we persecuted for our religious beliefs, yet several of you here preaching similar speech due to different opinions and values?

Shame on you.
Bunch of hypocrites... smh...

3 and I said “some” and “several” didn’t say all or everyone

@mzbehavin no there are 3 and this is a public forum. It’s not a controlled environment. My opinion is valid. Interpret as you see fit, but I wouldn’t change a word of it.


Love em and I’m covered
Should be able to have them anywhere


I have no trouble being with someone who has tattoos, and some look neat, but it is not for my skin. No specific reason, just not my thing.


Not a fan. It wouldn’t be a deal breaker if I met someone was a great match otherwise. I consider them a self esteem issue. A need to deface perfectly good epidermis with ink. Kind of like putting graffiti, not always good, on the sides of a beautiful mansion that you can never remove without destroying the walls.

@mzbehavin, no problem. My son has a bunch of them, and he had his tongue pierced in his teens, which I thought was ridiculous too. He held off on the tattoos until he was almost 30. I know most of them are due to issues in his marriage. It is good now, but went through a rough patch, which is when the tattoos started. But each their own. I would never get one.


Silly fad for weak minded people that want to be cool.

gater Level 7 Mar 23, 2019

one hell of a fad considering it’s been around for 1000’s of years

Spoken like someone who has never asked anyone what the significance of
their tattoos may mean.
Everyone who has gotten them has their reasons.
Most of them have nothing to do with wanting to be "cool".


I have one, a Celtic Knot on my shoulder. I’d love to have more Celtic work.
I follow this artist on Instagram.


I'm 63, I have 2. They are both pretty old,from before before tattoos became mainstream. My first one is about 35 years old and my other one is about 21 years old. I occasionally think about getting a new one, but can't really think of one that knocks my socks off, plus everyone and their brother has them now, so meh... I have never regretted mine ,ever. Young people just need to be damned sure that it's what they want...don't do it on a whim , then whine later that you wish you'd never got it. Whiners give tattoos a bad name.


In general terms I think some of the art work is fantastic, I think some of it is personal but tells a story, some of it is over the top and some of it looks awful but each to their own.


I think it's personal, but I like the quill. ♥


Do you have too much money or just think you need something for yourself rather than pay the apartment rent? If so, get a tattoo.

Shitty attitude
You don’t ever buy anything for yourself?
Doesn’t sound much different then religious propaganda to me

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