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If we are all supposedly created in God's image, wouldn't that mean God is everyone, every race, gender, sexuality, deformity and everything in between?

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 6

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The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all.
The Lord is the supreme reality.
Rejoice in him through renunciation.
Covet nothing for all belongs to the Lord.
Thus working may you live 100 years.
Thus alone will you work in real freedom.

  • Isha Upanishad

Seems logical to me; that's why it isn't accepted by the religious.


You left out the most obvious attribute of god, it is invisible and if we are created in god's image, why aren't we invisible?


Of course it would. I've tried that logic on religious people before, and they do not like it, lol.

marga Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

God was created solely in the image of them,the Believer. If people truly thought the way you said,there'd be no racism.
Or anything with an ism.
But it's not how they roll in my experience.

Unfortunately, religion seems to create and enforce an elitism that has a propensity to isming and that bigotry makes sense when faith is easier than evidence based science or critical thinking. In my opinion the problem is created in the family culture your brought up in and the kind of school you go to. Critical thinking is something that needs to be taught and when it's replaced by faith it is difficult not to be a bigot when you believe your faith gardens a place in heaven!


Adam was , not man . Just another convenient mix up by the church if you read the Bible he created man before he created Adam . That's how cane and able had wives

If as you say that man and woman had already been created in chapter one and then god rested on the 7th day, was god being untruthful when he stated in chapter 2:5 . . . . . and there was not a man to till the ground??? Where were all the men and women he created in chapter one? It is for this reason that he created Adam and then Eve.

@TheLiberalGent yup that god fella told quit a few lies throughout that book I'd take everything he says with a pinch of salt


If there was a God it wouldbe true. Its Neverland thinking.


It sure would!


This would seem logical to anyone except a Bronze Age sheep and goat herder. This is the mentality that modern religious belief comes from and is also the reason they fail so hard in trying to defend it.


Then God is one ugly s.o.b.!!!!!


Most religious people don't like any comments they might have to defend, because they know they have nothing in their defense arsenal!


It must suck to have a billion year old prostate.


Yes, it would also mean that God is bipedal which seems strange given that God is omnipotent and can just float around as needed.


I was taught to believe that the use of the word 'image' was never meant to describe physical qualities, but rather that we were made to reflect the character attributes of God (which explains a lot when you read the Bible), and perhaps even his capacity to create. I no longer believe these things, but at the time it seemed more plausible than picturing God as an old man.


If there were a god, that would be the case. And in the case of aliens, god would be unlimited in shapes.


Yes it would, but we aren't, so it doesn't.


God would be everything and everyone. He made life, animals, bugs, plants, people, and the galaxies.


Yes it would, but that wouldn't fit in with the Christian narrative, which absolutely requires an enemy to keep the people from looking too deeply into their religion!


I've always believed that, if there is anything we would think of as God, it would literally be part of everything in creation.


I bet he’s not a beautiful as you are. James

Leon Level 5 Mar 6, 2018

Which god? There are so many to choose from. If I get to choose, I'm going with Kali. She is pretty badass running around with all those severed heads and I do like to stick my tongue out in selfies 😉


Man created God on his image.
That is why he is a DICK!


Yes, it would. However, the people who believe in that bullshit also believe their god is a white guy.

I don't believe people in the Middle East think he is white.

exactly - Jesus was Israeli and I've never met a 'white' Israeli - 'white' Jews, yes, but they're from Northern Europe, well, in Cape Town, at least - yet god and Jesus are always depicted as being 'white' in children's Sunday School boox, ...mind you, Apartheid wasn't invented then

@Sticks48 Well, given that we have to deal with the morons in this country trying to force their beliefs into public policy, I'm not terribly concerned about what color the people in the Middle East think he is. Especially since 'he' isn't real anyway.




Yup he is everything so he tells lies also and sins because he cannot make anything imperfect so sin is possible since he created it.


Exactly, but IF he does exist, I would not want to be created in his image. As Matt Dillahunty exclaims, according to the bible, that would make him an immoral thug!

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