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Marijuana is on track to be legalized by end of 2019. Good news? Agree/disagree and Why?

sassygirl3869 9 May 18

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Agree, because I like weed. It helps with the aches and pains of being 71, and it can make a bologna sandwich taste like the best thing you ever tasted. P.S. I gave up bologna over 25 years ago, but you get my drift.


Would be great; we can stop incarcerating people for getting high and keep violent offenders inside for their entire sentence instead.

The guy next door getting high does not bother nearly as much as knowing rapists and murderers got released early due to overcrowding.


I'd love for it to be legal.


Good news. It would make it easier for me to try and scratch it off my bucket list.


It is good news and should have happened many years ago. How do you regulate use of a plant that grows wild in American fields? My belief is that it became illegal so it's use and sale could be fully regulated. That way somebody got the lion's share of profit.

I've read of a sheriff who says he does not care if it is made legal or decriminalized, he is going to arrest people he catches that have it anyway. Good luck with that one. It means you are going to be doing things that are against the law.


It's a tricky subject that was handled superbly by Kenya's tribal society years ago.
If a youngster got high on marijuana, when he should have been working, he was a wastrel and was shunned. (Major celebrations were excepted)
However, an old man, who had worked hard all his life, was now entitled to his dreams and leisure.


Should have happened forty years ago!

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