67 4

Just curious. Who would not have joined this forum if it was called

Geoffrey51 8 June 9

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Wouldn’t matter to me.


Atheist here.


I'm an atheist for sure.


I would have. No matter what they called it, it's still the same website/forum.


I would have joined sooner as I would prefer it if it were


I would not have cared. Living in a conservative, traditional values type of US state, I do think that calling the site would maybe deter some potential members who live in areas like mine. Here in Iowa the term atheist has such negative connotation and stigma, very similar to what communist still has and what the term homosexual had a few decades ago. The term Agnostic seems somewhat less extreme or harsh compared to Atheist in areas like mine, probably because it is less known than Atheist., so that might make it easier for non-believers to feel comfortable with identifying with the community and the association with other non-believers. Most people in Iowa really are too ignorant to even know what agnostic means, so that way the term has not been as poisoned and loaded with stigma here like Atheist.

A side note, at a meeting of a group for singles called Dating After Divorce, we were discussing online dating profiles and I said that I listed myself as Spritual, But Not Religious, which is one of the categories you can choose from on the profile for yourself, even tho I told the group I was an agnostic. A woman then asked me why I did not list myself as Agnostic. I told her it was for two reasons, one, Agnostic seems more off-putting to most Iowa women who are believers than Spiritual But Not Religious, and I am tired of being rejected for ignorant assumptions on the part of other people. And that my second reason was that most people in Iowa are too ignorant to know that the term Agnostic means. She and about all the other women in there were very offended by that remark on my part. But I answered that maybe sometimes the truth hurts your feelings and that their reaction proved my point, namely that both terms for non-believers are very foreign to their experience and makes them feel threatened by being unknown and different from their experience. BTW, almost all the women in that singles group are also members of Christian Singles Meetup groups in my area, so, big surprise there..........NOT....


I would have joined either way since it the only thing out there like it that I found



djs64 Level 7 June 12, 2019

Would have joined anyway even though I identify as agnostic


I probably would have joined anyway. While I identify as agnostic, I function as an atheist. In other words, while I do not deny the possibility of God's existence, I think the probability of that hypothesis being correct is vanishingly small. A one-in-a-billion shot.





bobwjr Level 10 June 10, 2019

me. but the name is taken.





Either way. There is one; ust started later so I am here not there.


6 people, what do I win?

lerlo Level 8 June 9, 2019
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