There is a surge of scientific denial in America. Climate change and evolution denial and flat earth theory, are examples of a scary regression in education and thinking.
Algebra was invented in Iran, a once very progressive country, academically, and much more liberal. So what happened?
More and more US schools are moving toward teaching evolution as simply "a theory" and not a scientific theory (they don't appear to know the difference).
What will happen to America as this continues?
The Islamic science was advanced before Christian invasion. The Christian world was so impressed with the advanced knowledge that the hired translators to translate all Islamic literature into Latin and other languages.
Read here: []
How Early Islamic Science Advanced Medicine
The growth of Islam in the seventh century sparked a golden age of scientific discovery. Building on the wisdom of ancient civilizations, Muslim doctors pushed the boundaries of medical science into bold new places.
I am bit of a nut for reading historical texts, particularly the stuff that led up to the American Rebellion for Independence. Something that has resonated with me in recent years was the effect the Age of Reason, or Age of Enlightenment had on the leadership of the rebellion. Their pragmatism coupled with real HOPE for humanity is inspiring. The real rebellion was not against the crown in England, but against the dogmatic tyranny of superstition. And when I look at our so-called leaders, I do not see a single one moved by the principles of Enlightenment. I see no teachings in our schools about Enlightenment. What I see is nothing but the Modern Feudal Era.
We will become another Iran. We are already well on the way to becoming a theocracy. They are doing everything they can to close down Planned Parenthood, chipping away at women's rights to obtain an abortion by forcing them to have to travel hundreds of miles, not allowing them to breastfeed in public, etc. Religion steals billions of dollars from the public through lost tax revenue. The issue you raised though is certainly the most horrendous. Brainwashing our children into a lifetime of ignorance. Organized religion is nothing more than a cancer.
Let's see what the politboro has to say about this, comrade.
@DZhukovin They Might Be Our Saviors! I don't understand why voice recognition randomly capitalizes words. That must be a book title!
Right, Dad
No worries the internet will overcome this garbage. We in the U.S. are simply slower the the rest of the world. I will hopefully see the change that Hitch did not live to see.
Yes we are the Utah to the rest of the world.
I hope you are right. If your photo is current, you are a lot younger than I, and I may not live to see it.
@BirdMan1 It is from last year, Im now 49 as of tomorrow.
@DavidLaDeau Well, Happy Birthday, then. I'll be 77 in September. What I suggested might still be valid,if you live a long life. Now, there's some motivation to practice a healthy life style.
Sad state of affairs, to be true... Let's add "Men can be women just because they feel like it" to the pile of denials.
Ignorance lies in every direction from the center.
Can't resist being a bit of an arsehole, can you.
@Veteran229 Bollocks. It's being a champion of the overdog. It's picking on the weak.
And it's just a bit shitty.
And what's his problem with trans people anyway? Why give a shit? People out there working their arses off still can't afford to feed their kids, services crumbling while billion dollar corporations pay zero tax, prisons for profit reinventing slavery and he takes a cheap dig at a lass who wants to live as a lad?
It's like the evangelical obsession with gay people. I don't get it. Trans people exist. They always have. Get your shit together and focus on something important.
@Veteran229 That makes absolutely no sense. Psychology is not a science? Can't wait to tell my neuroscientist ex-wife that next time she performs a behavioural experiment on someone who is undergoing neurostimulation to help with stroke recovery.
@Veteran229 Thanks for that fact-void of an opinion. I will treat it with the weight it deserves.
It would probably help your argument of you could stitch a coherent sentence together.
Why are you wasting your precious energy and much superior intelligence on this loser?
@Athena Ummm... 'cause I'm a bit bored? And I'm a bit of a naturally argumentative son if a bitch? And really, it doesn't take much energy. But you're right, I'll soon lose interest and stop responding to Mr. Veteran229's silliness.
@MrBeelzeebubbles The headline is about science denial. Gotta be real.
@MrBeelzeebubbles Trans-maniacs are demanding special rights.
Trans-women are misogynists: what about REAL women's rights.
@MrBeelzeebubbles, @Athena Have you read the words? Trans is a mental state. And the trans-women are demanding MEN's rights and WOMEN's rights.
"WAX my balls because I am a woman and i have SPECIAL RIGHTS!"
that is science denial.
As long as you're entertained.
@Jacar Women don't have NEAR the rights you pig white dudes have. Get a life asshole.
@Veteran229 Well, that's one of the more interesting justifications for misogyny and institutional gender discrimination I've read. Wonder if you can justify the concentration of power in the hands of fat, old, hetero white guys the same way? Is that also due to their evolutionary superiority?
We will turn into one giant Alabama.
Scary prediction, maybe Preppers have a good idea going on.
I am traveling to France in October. Not to sound paranoid - but is there anything I should know, be aware, or consider? I am wondering if / when it is found out that I am from the US I might be treated poorly or a target.
Before my travels across Europe, in 2001, I was told by many of my Canadian friends as well as my American friends that I should sew a small Canadian flag on my knapsack, because "They hate Americans in Europe."
I don't believe that's true for all Europeans, but it has come up many times since then and seems to be a valid concern. I met very nice Americans in my travels, but the locals didn't hold back letting me know what they thought about America, once they learned I'm Canadian.
Don't be paranoid. Just be kind and be cautious.
That'd be me. So I am told
@twill No offense but #fuckOldEntitledRacistMisogynisticXenophobicLyingCheatingCreepyWhiteGuys is just too long.
@ReadyforaChange Now, you are talking!!!
I'm sure you have already taken your trip. It I know some people simply claim to be from Canada.
The left-pole regressives are in as much denial as any one else::::
The ice is melting: part of this is NATURAL (250k cycle, 1 million years of ice core evidence) AND human activities. But the LEFT denies any of it is natural. So, we are restricted to reacting to the shit the rightees spew.
The party of FACTS and SCIENCE has descended into trans-mania special rights, and obsession with gun violence::: DO SOME RESEARCH::: More guns now than in the 90's and way fewer homicides. And: the number of self defense gun uses are far more than the mass shootings. Which do not NOT include the drive-by shootings like the ones in chicago last month: denial of FACTS, DATA, EVIDENCE.
And of course: Men are not women: Yaniv wants justice for his balls. Canada is lost in the muck.
I think you're hungry.
Go get a sandwich.
I think you are ignorant and in need of a soul. Get to work on that, won't you?
Talk about anti-science!!!! Facts don't care about your feelings.
@Veteran229 Yeah, damn those peaceful authoritarians. They're gunna turn on you.
Any minute now.
'Cause few believe them. Which is why they won the last election.
Yep. Those few, who are the majority of the electorate.
Some ice melt is natural, sure, but the rate at which it is happening, in apparent response the human caused rising of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, is not natural. I have no idea where you got the idea that the LEFT denies that any of it is natural.
You're in Canada, genius. At least mind your own business, if you don't see the larger context, cultural implications, etc. then with that, a lot of U.S. politics is just chimpanzee gambits, and some of the "chimpanzees" actually enjoy it, including Flat Earth. The people being rope-a-doped are probably largely safe, anyway, and not all of them have a bad reaction to disabuse.
If you think that Canada's political octopus doesn't play chimpanzee games with you, then you are missing out on some very obvious things.
Amazing. You're not even trying to make sense.
Now I'm certain you're not making sense.
Good to know. This will definitely save me some time.
The fact that I don't live in the US means I can't be concerned or make observations?
Didn't you say something about Canada?
Do you live here?
No need to answer. It will be more nonsense based on what I've seen here from you so far.
What's being "told" to me?
Not sure whether you can't get laid, or hate women, or maybe you're really constipated and that's what's making you a condescending asshole. You've been difficult before and I wasn't the only one in the dialogue who had no idea what you were saying.
@DZhukovin You're a pig. Go away Comrade.
@DZhukovin It means that you do bugger off now.
The grown ups are trying to have a conversation.
If this continues long enough, Mr. Ronald Reagan, the earliest traitor in the W.H. that I know of, he of the line in a speech, calling facts "...just annoyances.," and evolution "just a theory," a comment inseretd into a speech by a believer in fairy tales on his staff, will rise up and be "Born Again" and go on to rule the world in the name of his blotto wife! NOT!
The current traitor in the W.H. is gathering up the momentum that Reagan, and Newt the Gingerich created for spreading anti-scientific gibberish, and taking it to an entirely new level. Gingerich was the leader of the "What acid rain?" crowd 25, or so years ago. The GOP ran with that denial, until lakes began to die...wait for it...because's coming...acidification. Wow! Who would'a a thunk? Did they ever apologize? Does the bear shit in Times Square?
Was it Gore Vidal who wrote that book "The United States of Amnesia"?
There are some kind of cracks forming in the Republican stonewall against gun legislation. My theory is that it was because the El Paso shooting was in Texas, that recent polls only have Trump up 2-3 percent in Texas, and my bet is that they have internal polling in Texas that overwhelmingly favors background checks and "red flag" legislation.
@greyeyed123 I expect that you are 100% correct about that
It makes me despair for the future of the US. If anything highlights evolution, It is the fight against malaria. Throughout man's battle with this disease, it has been like trying to pick up quicksilver. Every time we think we have it, it slips through our fingers. At first, we tried quinine but the disease adapted. Then we tried DTD but the flies became immune and it goes on. The only way to guarantee that you won't get it is to be born with sickle cell anemia. Evolutions way of ensuring that not all of the population is wiped out.
Not many people know that one of the biggest players in this field is the US military. They contribute about 10% of the worldwide research. What will happen if most of their intake is taught that species were created and are immutable?
Kelvin That will not happen religions adjust to military nescessity and political power.
Thou shalt not kill
(except in a just war)
A just war
(One that your country is engaged in.)