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When you have to self-label, do you describe yourself as an agnostic, skeptic, non-believer--or something else?

GarytheGondolier 6 Oct 4

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I usually will say an Agnostic Atheist.
Meaning Atheist, because I in no way believe in any kind of a god figure.
Agnostic, because I really can't prove 100% either way.


i just say i am atheist. unless a Jehovah witness comes to my door, then i am Satan.


Depending on the audience. Humanist to the religious. Agnostic to those on the fence. Atheist to those who are not afraid of the word.


Atheist. At 65 I don't care to keep it to myself any longer. If someone has a problem with it they aren't meant to be in my life.😉


For about 7 years I thought I was an atheist --- but some of their beliefs didn't gel with me due to conflicting evidence (energy, science, etc) So I finally found out that I'm a Scientific Panthiest. []
Scientific Pantheism - SciPan for short - has a naturalistic approach which simply accepts and reveres the universe and nature just as they are, and promotes an ethic of respect for human and animal rights and for lifestyles that sustain rather than destroy the environment.

When scientific pantheists say WE REVERE THE UNIVERSE we are not talking about a supernatural being. We are talking about the way our senses and our emotions force us to respond to the overwhelming mystery and power that surrounds us. We are part of the universe. Our earth was created from the universe and will one day be reabsorbed into the universe. We are made of the same matter and energy as the universe. We are not in exile here: we are at home. It is only here that we will ever get the chance to see paradise face to face. If we believe our real home is not here but in a land that lies beyond death - if we believe that the numinous is found only in old books, or old buildings, or inside our head, or outside this reality - then we will see this real, vibrant, luminous world as if through a glass darkly. The universe creates us, preserves us, destroys us. It is deep and old beyond our ability to reach with our senses. It is beautiful beyond our ability to describe in words. It is complex beyond our ability to fully grasp in science. We must relate to the universe with humility, awe, reverence, celebration and the search for deeper understanding - in many of the ways that believers relate to their God, minus the grovelling worship or the expectation that there is some being out there who can answer our prayers.

Cool! Yup..that's me, except that I don't think of the Universe as being separate from me. I am the Universe and the Universe is me, and I am everything. No separate being to venerate, in any way. If a "god" exists, it's me. And everything. And everyone.

Thanks for the thoughtful, expansive response.


Atheist.. Just to prevent other people putting a softer label like "non believer" or "no faith".

Tilia Level 7 Oct 4, 2019

You are the first person to ask. I sort of lean toward being ignostic, that is to say that the question of God’s existence is meaningless because “God” can not be defined. But also, the word “existence” is likewise undefinable and meaningless. Also, this “I” thing is an abject and total mystery.

Probably a more descriptive term would be “confusionist”. The trouble with saying you are a confusionist is that it presents a weak front so that some preacher or materialist is liable to leap in and try to de-confuse you, not realizing that he himself is even more confused—just propped up with lies.

The only glimmer of light I see in all the darkness is presented in the Upanishads under the label “Brahman“. I can’t really call myself a Brahamanist because attaching “ist” implies belief and in my world view belief has no place. I do not “believe”. I am aware and swept with awe, appreciation and reverence.

I guess I could say that I am an atitulist, one who does not label—but wait! “Atitulist” is itself a label.

This is going nowhere. Maybe it would be better if I just shut up. That’s it! Silence, or no answer.

I enjoyed your response! Thanks.


I am an atheist and an anti-theist.
I don't believe in any gods. I believe ALL religion is evil and must not
be permitted to influence public policy.
I also believe the religious indoctrination of children should be classified
as felony child abuse.


I don’t always...

skado Level 9 Oct 4, 2019

I put "other"...none of anybody's damn business, ever.


It depends on the situation. Sometimes I say I'm Atheist, sometimes I say I'm Humanist, and sometimes Agnostic. It kind of evolves. Most of the time I'd go with Secular Humanist and totally confuse them. For most people, especially in the US it is black and white, either Xian or not. They don't care or understand about the shadings.

The whole 'black/white' thing is precisely why I go straight for the jugular.
I don't want there to be ANY vagueness about my positions, for anyone.

@Doraz If I'm asked, I'll explain what it means. Or I'll tell whomever is asking to look up the definition. Both are the same answer.
I usually also have to explain that I don't worship satan because I don't believe in him either, and how it's ALL fiction.


Atheist or humanist if there needs to be clarification. There is a kinda angry racist wing of atheism here on the internet that I sometimes feel the need to separate myself from. I do not believe there is a god or deity. There is sufficient evidence that we came about by natural process.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 4, 2019

How about "often confused".

Cool answer!


anti-theist and/or a bright []


Agnostic Atheist. Atheist because I absolutely do not believe in the existence of any gods. Agnostic ONLY because I acknowledge that I do not have access to all of the knowledge of the universe, or universes. But, most of the time I will just say I am an atheist.


Depends on the context. Atheist for a simple to the point answer. Agnostic of Ignostic if there is reasonable confidence that those ides might be understood. Non-believer when I really do not wish to engage.

Sometimes I like to say I don't believe in ghosts. That seems to stun them.


Atheist, except for those rare occasions when I want to soften the shock or avoid bullshit conversations. But as I said, those occasions are rare.


I say pretty much what #TristanNuvo says... I think that is the best way to express it. I might follow it with one of the following;

  • That's right! I am part of the godless horde!

  • I'll bet you will be locking up your daughters tonight, eh?

  • Me? Going to hell? Well.. At least I will FINALLY be in a temperate zone to grow a palm tree!

  • Godless doesn't mean without morals or character!

  • What are you doing Sunday? Me? I'm working on a project on the property! Oh, that's right...

  • Dinner Friday night? I'll be serving steak and lobster!


Most of the time here in rural south I just say I'm not religious .


Atheist or non-believer.


Atheist and I wear it proudly.


plain old atheist here, and i casually self-label when appropriate, but i wouldn't say i HAVE to.



I like to frame it in the positive. I am not gonna identify by what I don’t believe - that would be a pretty long list. I do believe in things that are real, so I suppose that makes me a realist. Lol


I am a christian-atheist !

mzee Level 7 Oct 4, 2019

Interesting. Are you saying you don't believe in the Christian god (or Christian trinity), but you do believe in some other god--or are you saying you are a follower of Christ who doesn't believe in God--or something else?

@GarytheGondolier no. I am an atheist who grew up immersed in a christain culture.


Well, besides agnostic, Metalhead... Also crazy... Narcissistic as well...


Atheist, non believer, leave me alone.

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