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Why are you a humanist?

VictorEhis 3 Oct 13

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because I believe in Good and I think it is more socially acceptable to say I'm a secular Humanist rather than Atheist, especially if you live in a conservative bastion.


I am not . I hate people .

Bullshit! 🙂


i'm not. i wish i could be but just aren't likeable enough. although to be honest i think that there are way more bad ppl than good.

So what? As long as they are Human they are in! There are bad people in every category, and as all Humans have the same basic way of getting good, the more you convert the easier it gets.


I think of myself more of a "dog-ist" than anything else.

I've never had a bad relationship with any of the dogs that have agreed to share their lives with me.


They taste good when properly cooked.

No, wait, that's "Why are you a humanitarian". Like, "Why are you a vegetarian".


The bright side:
Because I like to think my life can change things for the positive, and if I don't try/ lead by example, how can I expect anyone else to?

The dark side:
Because life would suck if I wasn't and I'd not have much to believe in or hope for.


It just dawned on me that and mirror each other. So, this gentleman may have posted to and not realized it cross posted to

CS60 Level 7 Oct 14, 2019

This happened to me too! Ask admin for reasoning?

@Mcflewster I would check FQA first. There maybe some way to only post to just one site. I don’t care if they post in both places.


Basically, because I'm a human person. I like people.


Simple answer, Because I care, not just about humans but the entire planet as well.


I became a Humanist through the writings of Bertrand Russell and others in the 'The Plain Truth' Magazine in 1960. Around the same time as the British Humanist Association [Now Humanists (UK)] formed. I stayed a Humanist because I was not going to follow people in the past who turned to outside agencies ( e.g god) to solve their problems. Using science to get as near to the truth as possible as knowledge emerged from the darkness means that the agencies are redundant. Humans CAN solve their own problems and the solutions will happen much quicker if all peoples would just train each other to have dialogue which is respectful, fully interactive and done democratically and at regular intervals. Teaching each other largely by following good example.

Please search Humanist(UK) and their dialogue initiative.

BTW All Labels should be regarded as replaceable easily when new ideas come along so that it never ties you down.Try a science label for a while and see what it changes.


I don’t claim to be a Humanist. More of a 60s live and let live thing

CS60 Level 7 Oct 13, 2019

Humanism is mostly a "life and let live thing" . very liberal.


Fuck humanist up to 200 earthling species die every day.

Humanitarian well that's better, still.
Stop fucken up the planet.


To get to the other side.


How can that be?


This lady,Jen is American and an independent purveyor of HUMANISM for business and as a motivational speaker.



That's easy. I'm human and everyone I love is as well.


I’m not. i like humanism, but i don’t believe humans are inherently better than any other animal.


Not any more. Rapid human reproduction and propagation is destroying the biosphere and driving other major species to extinction.


Am I?

Humanists are not nobody. {weak} Joke.

@Mcflewster Well that settles it.... IamNot 😊 ( Just what I though anyway )

@IamNobody Glad to be of service.

@Mcflewster Cool

@IamNobody My aim is cool ......doesn't always hit the mark!

@Mcflewster Not for me to say... IamNobody


I am a humanist because it gives me freedom, and I don't have to be a subject to a god who is non existent.

Top prize for simplicity.


Because I am a human and every other being I can communicate effectively with is a human.


Damn straight. F national borders. We're all humans on this space ship Earth and we need to care of it and each other as we travel through the Galaxy.


I think it has something to do with fluoride in the water. 😉


It beats being a bestialist!


Because I'm a human being!😁


Because I'm human?

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