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I grew up believing that unborn babies and kids not old enough to understand the gospel would automatically go to heaven when they die.... Buuuut according to that logic, wouldn't abortion to them be more favorable, sparing them the possibility of one day rejecting the gospel and be damned to hell?? It's sounds like a mercy killing to me.

Biblebeltskeptic 6 Oct 21

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Didn't Andrea Yates have something akin to this line of thinking when she drowned her 5 kids? In her severe mental instability, she came to believe her children were influenced by Satan and she couldn't save them except to kill them.

I'm more inclined to agree with Mofo1953 on tnis issue.

Oh, yeah. Now I remember.

Post partum depression is real RELIGION CAUSES ALL KIND OF VIOLENCE


Well, given that heaven and hell are NOT real, abortion is nothing more than a medical procedure.
It means nothing, and isn't anyone's business, but the female who is pregnant and doesn't wish to remain so.
Everyone else has no say in the matter whatsoever.
Pretty simple really.

Actually everyone has a say. Have u not seen the political debates, the news coverage, or read the 1st amendment?

@RickyAdams ‘everyone’ THINKS they have a say. In truth, a woman owns her body. Full stop.
Everyone else can just Die Mad About it😁.

@RickyAdams No. No one "has a say", they just think they do. They are 100% wrong.

I love u liberals point of view. Its a womans body. Its not a womans body, its an unborn childs body. If u wanna stab urself in the stomach or blow ur brains out... Thats ur body and nobody will say a thing. 😂

It befuddles me how simplistic minded liberals can be... U should be a vegetarian bc eating meat is animal cruelty but its ok to kill unborn babies bc its my body and i don't want to face my responsibilities. How the hell can that logic make sense to anybody

@RickyAdams Sir , with all due respect, unless you have a vagina and uterus, and are able to carry a fetus, your words ring mighty hollow. Befuddlement suits you.

@RickyAdams ahhh yes. Because raising a human being to adulthood is the appropriate punishment for sex. Aborting a pregnancy if you don’t want to be a parent IS taking care of your responsibilities.

@RickyAdams okay, as soon as you hurl the whole "you liberals" bullshit, you render your entire "argument" invalid.
I am NOT a liberal. Hell, I'm not even a democrat.
The bottom line is as long as it's MY body, it's MY life, and it is MY decision. It not anyone's business but my own.
As far as I'm concerned, it is nothing but a parasite which I have every right to have removed from MY body. There is no sentimental attachment, no matter how badly you or anyone else thinks there should be.
I don't have to live my life according to what you believe. No one does. Regardless of what you think.

I don't give a flying fuck if you don't like my choice. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with you. You can take your disapproval, fold it in three corners, and shove it up your ass.
Your opinion doesn't mean a fucking thing.
You have NO right to interfere with what I do, or any other woman does, with our own bodies.

No fetus is more important, or should EVER have any rights which would supersede the rights of the women you seem to think should be forced to gestate and carry any pregnancy to term.

When you grow a uterus and ovaries, and can become pregnant yourself, then and ONLY THEN, do you have ANY right to make that decision for YOURSELF.
Until then, your opinion means less than nothing.
You get to have an opinion on anything you please, but you do NOT get to interfere with matters that do not fucking concern you.
Whether you think you have the right or not.

Besides, if men could get pregnant, there would be abortion clinics at every intersection, and they'd all serve wings and beer in post-OP.

I really hope this clears things up for you.
I doubt it though.
You don't seem cognizant enough to understand what is your business and what is not.

@mongo1977 so some of them r heifers. But yea giving more rights to cattle than to human beings and calling it a parasite makes total sense.

@RickyAdams Just for clarification - Parasite: A plant or an animal organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishment from that other organism. A fetus qualifies.

@KKGator male entitlement and rapist rights are reason enough to kill a 6 or 10 week pre-embryo before it can learn how to harass or rape women in the future

@KKGator good job @KKGator pissing all over the sexist tampon terrorists troll....@RickyDavis volunteer to transplant a 6 week pre-embro and placenta scooped out of an unwilling uterus with a tiny teaspoon or better yet an ectopic pregnancy that could kill the unlucky woman and SEE HOW FULL YOUR ABDOMEN will tolerate a growing embryo with a tablespoon of amniotic fluid.....the growing umbillicus will drain you of blood and cause your breasts to grow hard and 8 times your current size.... squish your pancreas into gestational onset stupid fuck have no clue about the science of gynecology or obstetrics...go fuck yourself elsewhere and leave women alone and don't terrorize health care workers nor study menstrual pads for 2 week fertilized ovum

@CarolinaGirl60 stfu @RickyAdams

@evergreen for centuries "doctors" applied leeches to suck out "infections" .. the bibles ordered mass abortions against Samarian women and rape of virgin females while murdering everyone else VERY EXPLICIT instructions from the alleged bible gawd "rip open the bellies of pregnant women " 2 Kings 8:12 and 4 other passages 3 different "books" PARASITES ARE PARASITES be they religious perpetrators or Atheist rapist visitation rights advocates in dozens of states

@evergreen, @KKGator I keep laughing out loud when little dicks like his are put inside his own anus.... any advocate of rapist visitation rights like CongressBOY STEVE King is a misogynist criminal theocrat traitor to civil rights of women


Gospel?...heaven?...hell?...sorry, I cannot comment on things like Snow White or Batman...all fantasies to me.

True Pinnochio is more real than the alleged vaginal virgin birthing in a dirty donkey stable 2023 years ago of the alleged baby gawds geebush jeehobah ghostholes when real King Herod died on the fictional backdated calendar 12 centuries ago


Shhhhh, you're not supposed to use your brain. You're supposed to just accept whatever religious book your culture currently believes in and never question it. Ever.

P.S. Religion is never logical


All of the back and forth about god , heaven , purgatory and on and on , give me a fucking break ! I got onto this site to ESCAPE all of that ignorant bullshit !

I'm sorry. I guess I'm ranting.

God is everywhere. Didn’t you know? 😆

Vent pal...slap a straw man here make an Agnostic smile and laugh a little

And, some people are here because they have come from religious backgrounds and have residual issues, or are in the closet about their non-belief, and it is good to be able to discuss things openly with like-minded people. If you don't want to read certain posts, then give them a pass--easy, peasy.

See my rant post on this very issue!


Ohferpetesake, abortion is a woman ridding herself of an unwanted parasite, and none of Anybody's business.

What I like about hsi question is that it points out a fatal flaw in the argument on the terms of the religious themselves.

I also favor the argument that the bible itself defines life as beginning with the first breath. I have yet to find a believer who can explain how if life begins with the first breath, why abortion would be killing. Of course I don't go looking for arguments either.

If an argument can be won just usign the beliver's own doctrines, I think of that as an ideal way to handle it, because they wont' listen to arguments which fall outside of their own beliefs.


They want kids to at least be born to create more believers. If they are aborted, then they miss out at building their ever decreasing army of jesus bubba's.


Abortion? No.. that's nuts!

One of the most asinine points of view ive ever seen. Hell lets just kill off the entire population to devoid the world of religion. SMDH


No, as you are born with sin so go straight to hell you need to be taught Christianity so you can be asked for forgiveness for the sin god gave you in the first place


No all the unborn babies go to purgatory 🙄


The problem lies with trying to apply logic to the book of bull shit. That same book of bull shit says that "god" knows who will be saved ahead of time, so the only real logic you can apply to it is that they did not understand or use logic when it was written, and it is therefore, simply bull shit from the beginning to the end.


I also have asked fellow Christians about the Noah's Ark story and why did the babies die. The answer is either that the babies and kids went straight to heaven instead of being raised fatherless, or that they were wicked too as it says in the Bible.

Beth, How was your mind freed... husband?

@Shevy, my husband showed my the light, er...darkness, about a year ago. I started questioning my faith after watching several episodes of Atheist Experience and other atheist YouTube content.

@Biblebeltskeptic I'm glad that you made it out of the Matrix!


You have to unlearn the crap that was imbued on you, there's nothing logical in religions much less in the gospels, to try and make sense out of inexisting things is an ilogical waste of time.

Not to mention, the bible actually gives instructions about how to perform abortions and when it's "permissible".


Logic and a literal translation of the Bible have an uneasy relationship.

skado Level 9 Oct 21, 2019

My best friend at primary school, aged about 7, was told by her teacher that she wouldn’t go to heaven because she wasn’t christened. Would to have loved to see the conversation her mum had with the teacher when she got hold of her, her mum wasn’t, ‘backward in coming forward’, as they say here!
It’s all codswallop as far as I’m concerned, if you have a termination you’re the one that has to live with it. But prevention is better 😉


I heard that too when I was being brainwashed and otherwise molested by adult catholics as a child. But It wasn't heaven that babies went to it was Limbo which is not heaven nor hell nor purgatory but some other made up bullshit place devised to keep everybody separated by their most holy egos because that is what religion does best - it separates people.

The point of Limbo is that your loved ones could BUY your way out of it


I think an unbaptised child goes to "limbo" where they float about for eternity.
I remember being told by an RC work colleague that when he died he went to purgatory for a spell before entering heaven. When I choked on my beer laughing at this he was "mortally" offended and I very quickly discovered that it was not done to laugh at others beliefs

Catholic belief is limbo. Limbo can also hold those who haven't been enlightened. It must be a full place for those born and dead pre 300 adish.

The Catholic Church has not included limbo doctrine for quite awhile now


Great effort at trying to convince the Fanatics that they are wrong about abortion. Unfortunately your analysis makes sense and they don't comprehend common sense.


Some religions have a completely different take on this question, which can be used as evidence that morality by religion is basically whatever anyone wants it to be. I believe catholics believe that a good person who never heard of god or a child who dies prior to being baptised goes to limbo, a sort of lesser heaven. Hinduism believes in reincarnation so they just turn into an animal.

When what you believe is made up, anything goes.


since thetre are no gods the point is totally moot.

you also cannot abort a kid who has already been born.



In some religion they go to purgatory another myth

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 21, 2019

Yes, but you can be paid out of purgatory. LOL

@Allamanda depends on which myth

Do you speak of the Guf aka the tree of souls? If they never reach ensoulment, they wouldn't leave the tree of souls. Fantasy is such a strange topic.


Sounds a bit drastic to me.

Yes, it is. And this is one of the things that got me thinking skeptically and doubting my beliefs.


I believe one of the Popes got rid of Limbo... Let me check on that - correct:



Some logic for the prochoice lobby to use on the right to life evangelists

Here is some more religious logic on that subject - in the bible it states that their god predetermines exactly when and where a person will be born. If the person is not born and instead is aborted it is still absolutely their god's predetermined choice for that person unless of course the bible is a lie.


I think you found a fatal flaw in the doctrines of many religions. I may use it myself in future arguments.

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