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Great question from another site, Jesus was a carpenter what did he build ?

Axlefoley 6 Nov 22

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A strange paradox here. We have a man who is said to be a carpenter. Apparently this is the business of the father, Joseph, and it is passed on to the son. My first thoughts are how much wood was in Israel and how many things there were built out of wood 2000 years ago. Did people have wooden houses there at the time? Perhaps this word "carpenter" really means something else. Let us suppose that the translated word means "builder" or "laborer." This seems to fit as little better.

The next thing is that he was a fisherman and his followers were mostly fishermen, and we have those gospel-verse times where they are all on fishing boats in the sea complete with scary storms and men afraid enough to where Jesus calmed the waters. (That sea of Galilee was a bitch that way.) Was this is the book just so Jesus could make his followers "fishers of men" and later walk on water? Who knows. As usual, we have contradictory stories.

Beware! Storms on the sea of Galilee are coming in tonight so strongly that nighttime fishermen will be scared and also people on land in close proximity. The good news is that it is not a hurricane.


He was a very bad and lazy carpenter, never did a thing, not even a chair. He rather hang around with his friends and drank wine and when they ran out of wine he turned the water into wine so they could drink more.


Jesus built the pyramids.

With the help of aliens.

And Bob the Builder.


A great reputation that lasted 2000 years?

Just goes to show repeat a lie enough times it becomes fact!

Like the Obstructionist republicans and their insane criminal trump!!!


Don't know about Jesus but Eve was the first carpenter.
She made Adam's banana stand.


A pretty good bookcase, the buffet and hutch that Mary and Joseph used and a table that had one leg slightly too short do they had to use some offcuts to keep it level.

There was some talk that he would be involved in Ark 2, but to be honest, I think that’s nonsense!


I heard he was collecting "disability."


wooden dildo

Oh, the splinters! 😮


It would have been ironic if he was a cross builder. 😂

I heard he built lawn chairs 🙂


Or, is he a fictional character?


Ask Biff


According to a billboard I see every time I go to town he built me. It reads something like: "Discover why Jesus Created You." YHWH will not be pleased 😯.


There are a few things you can easily surmise from the greatest lie ever sold:

  1. Joseph was a carpenter, Jesus was not
  2. Joseph was much elderly than Mary. He rescued her from stoning for illicit teenage pregnancy, offered to marry her and leave that damn town
  3. Joseph died when Jesus was young, he could not teach Jesus anything. (I doubt if he could even hump Mary, lol)
  4. Jesus was unskilled and uneducated
  5. Jesus was mentally slow. He used to wander around, mumble incompehensible things and was gone for hours and days
  6. He did not help mother Mary to make a living, to earn bread at home. He was irresponsible at best. It is not known what Mary did to make a living

Conclusion - Jesus was no carpenter, was no messiah, no son of God. He was less than ordinary, just an accident, a mistake to say the least.

Actually according to accounts, Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus became one too.

@gater and God knocked up Mary?


A fricking stupid religious following.

I do not think that was started by Jesus but by Paul.

@jlynn37 Fair point, though I was more going off who was seen as the centerpiece of it all.




carpenter's son actually

Yeah, I want to ask those guys with the "My Boss Was a Jewish Carpenter" if they worked for Joseph.


So was Gepetto and Pinocchio....more real than the alleged baby gawd that never was born nor temporarily dead one Palestinian weekend 1990 years ago on the fake backdated calendar invented after Mohammed


First answer, the word that was used means one who works with his hands, such as a craftsmen. Which can include many professions. Someone in the past simply choose carpenter and it has been tradition ever since with many later writings about his adventures as a carpenter.

Second answer, we don't know that Jesus was a man at all. There is more attributed to the Bible than is actually in the bible. So you may do as is triditional in the evolution of any religion and make up what ever you wish. No one can prove you claims to be wrong.

Good answer, David. Another thing I always looked at is are there many things in that area of the world made out of wood. It does not appear that there were and wooden houses is a new idea there now.


A house of cards,


An alleged path out of an alleged vaginal virgin in a dirty donkey stable is this alleged carpenter bullshit story that never happened




A poppycock


He used to build crosses for the local authorities to crucify thieves and other criminals...


No one said he was a good or successful carpenter. This is why he became a free loader. He survived on the couch circuit. Since he could do what he could with the whole water to wine bit, and the fish and loaves of bread bit, he should have opened a chain of eateries. His overhead would have been next to nothing.


The wooden cup (holy grail) that was indicated in the Indiana Jones #3 movie?


If he did exist which I doubt ,He would have probably built magician props .This comes in handy in deceiving gullible individuals.

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