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i did not know where to post this either here or in religion
i find this a very interesting theory-again its just a theory
i welcome people much smarter than me to comment on this theory with some scientific insight

bklynite53 7 Dec 5

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Creation, big bang, science of the bible. I am ahead of many of you on these things. God revealed himself to me not so long ago and took me back in time. I learned a lot and actually got to meet the first disease germ, but I forgot his name.

Our creator is awaiting the start of eighth grade. He put us, his seven grade science fair (honorable mention), in the back of his closet. It is only a matter of time before the matrix breaks down.


No offense, but you do not understand science or the scientific process. In real science there is no such thing as j"ust a theory". You mean it's just an hypothesis. Words matter.

An hypothesis doesn't become a theory until it has been replicated consistently many times over. A theory is backed by thousands, if not million s of data points which support the same conclusion.

90 % of what people call a theory in popular culture is really a hypothesis. A theory is as close to a scientific fact as you can get. It's by improvements in technology allowing for greater precision and accuracy does a theory get upended. Many get modified to account for better data, but few get upended.

not even hypothesis, is ratter just a conjecture.
An hypothesis must be structured in a way that a test can be made once technical/financing/work/time challenges are fulfilled.
A conjecture is just an idea.

For example: I can say that the shirt you are using is red.
This is a conjecture, because red is not defined. We all know what is red, but what are the borders of red? Some reds can be interpreted as orange, or purple or almost black, red classically is from 620 to 750nm and is a very broad spectrum.

An hypothesis is when I say that the major wavelength emitted from your shirt when exposed to white light will be around 694nm (this is the classical red laser color).
Now I am saying something that can really be measured, tested and given an answer, now it is an hypothesis because i took loose concepts (red) and translated it in measurable concepts (wavelengths).

So most of people don't even arrive in the hypothesis, they stop at a conjecture as they can't bring their ideas into a specific testable concept.

@SanDiegoAirport you got me, I oversimplified the whole thing. But the concept is the same.
And I agree about the semantic games.
What we need to do is to show that if they wnat to keep their definition of theory, than when we talk about scientific theory is not that, so we give a new name for the scientific theory. Now on we talk about the schubles of evolution, schubles is an hypothesis well developed, well tested, with capacity to generate predictions and that explain observations.
This shows that the name is not important, the concept is.
When entering in semantics discussions always do that. simply state that" we are talking about 2 different things, so lets for the sake of sanity change one of the names for the duration of this conversation."


I concur. Thanks for taking my point one step further. I agree with everything you said. I knew the distinction, but wasnt sure how far to get into the weeds with elaboration.


I am endlessly fascinated by accredited scholars such as Gerald Schroeder (featured in this video) who feel such a powerful personal need to shoehorn science into religion. How could such an intelligent man make the astounding cognitive judgment errors presented in this video? It's boggling.

The information in the video is patently false by most reasonable standards. I really don't have the desire to explain why in any detail because I feel it's somewhat self-evident, sorry. I recommend discarding it.


This is the problem with so called creation science. It is not arriving at a theory based on provable facts and observed evidence, it is cherry-picking facts to fit a pre-existing belief.


Gerald Schroeder, PhD studied at MIT so he could then use all that he learned to "scientifically" push his RELIGIOUS agenda!? Sad, to say the least.


The better option would be not to spread this stupid bullshit around, and not post it anywhere. THAT'S what your dilemma should have been.

It's not a theory, it's a fairytail.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 5, 2019

Lol, that's a lot of bullshit with numbers there.
He just took the 15 billion years and hammered down to an arbitrary exponential plus loosely interpretation of cosmological knowledge and biblical text.
This is pseudo-science in its excellence, it does not discover anything, it just hammer down (very imprecisely) know facts with the chosen myth of belief.


"Just a theory" is a stupid phrase. "Just an idea" might be better


  • a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena *

that's actual science


not science. not related to science.




Just.... No.

I won't even stammer 'why'?



What a load of crap!


“with some scientific insight”? No. Just more horseshit.


More unmitigated bullshit, lamely trying to justify creationist garbage.
I really detest this garbage.

Like @Observer-Effect said, it's not an attack on you, personally.
It's just pathetic.


I wonder how NASA's rockets have been able to penetrate the fimament. Maybe they timed all of their launches to coincide with the windows opening to let the rain in.

BDair Level 8 Dec 5, 2019

not part of the subject sarcastic comments get you nowhere with me-

@bklynite53 but other people here read these comments and enjoy them and get something out of them. Youre not the only one in the room

@Burner yes, there’s a lot of flattery pushed out as a warmup
Before presenting the video. It is just propaganda pushed onto the site. Troll?

@KittensandSage meh, don't care what his motivation is. Doesnt change tje rights of people who reply, to talk about whatever they like.

@bklynite53 You mean you entire post was not sarcasm? - - 😟 When you announced it as "Just A Theory" I honestly thought you were trying to be sarcastic as surely nobody in this group would assert such nonsense "just a theory" to support an array of laughable post-hoc assertions and not assume the tongue in cheek posture.


Theory? Well, and this is not an attack on you - you didn't make this video - but thats not a "theory", at all. Gravity is a theory. Its a way of trying to hedge superstitions into science/reality. It seems a bit much to even call that a well reasoned "hypothesis" - however that is much more accurate than theory.

thank you for answering me like an adult. some people that have replied are truly disrepectful

@bklynite53 Ah well, the bar is getting pretty low in America. You can be in the most powerful position in the land, and make up names for everybody you don't like, and insult them constantly. What do our kids have to strive for?!


This is just desperation. The ancient writers meant six days as we know them--the rising and setting of the sun. And, anyway, there are so many other places in the Bible that are so scientifically ignorant it is laughable; and it is so contradictory that one can easily see that the Bible is a collection of man made stories-- largely borrowed from other cultures, and melded together stories of competing Jewish myths.

If you haven't read "Who Wrote The Bible" by Richard Elliot Friedman, I highly suggest doing so. Another good book to check out is "101 Myths of the Bible," by Gary Greenberg.


Oh geez louise, they get 2 so-called Religious Scientists, a total misnomer to say the least, together to correlate the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy with known FACTS of the Beginning of the Universe and the Evolution of Life on this planet, how bloody biased can a conversation get?
Of course they are going to agree, the more they agree, the more they can keep perpetrating their ages old lie, the more cash they can rake in from the poor and weak-minded fools that willing believe in their arcane, archaic myths, superstitions, etc.


It's like BLAH BLAH BLAH to me.

I didn't make the video, and not looking for recognition for something I didn't make.

@blahblah Did not say you did.

@Jolanta "...blah blah blah to me", you said.

I was really being or attempting to be funny.

@blahblah Gotta work on that.


This is pseudoscience or apologetics. The beginning statements in the book of Genesis let there be, whenever you speak things into being it's called a cantation spell, the same as a genie I grant you three wishes let there be a million dollars, these superstitious bronze age, ignorant savages believe in an invisible genie.


Without the corpse of God I do not see how you get hard, empirical evidence for any deity. Without that hard evidence, God is an assumption, and rationales to support that are rationalizations for why a believer believes the assertion.

Why assume facts not in evidence?


I really enjoyed Red Dwarf - especially Cat. He was so cool, with his "seven nipples."

@Beowulfsfriend - Sure!! It's a shame about the monkeys; I kinda liked them!!! 😉


Most people don't actually want the truth. They just want to be told, sometimes desperately so, that what they believe is true.


I appreciate all your replies. As a layman I watched the video and thought it possible to me. sorry that I seemed to annoy and upset so many of you with my simple mind. I do not believe in the bible stories but his talk is present day and would not time be different from different places and times in the universe as it expands? maybe one of you can give me a link as to this. try to be nice as I am serious about learning stuff like this


Complete horseshit. Just pulls the figures out of his ass. But if you're dumb enough to believe in fairy tales it might just work on you.

you know I tried to be nice but you clearly are an asshole

@bklynite53 If that's you being nice then bye bye


Great interview.
Might've been aliens with advanced knowledge somehow infusing the Genesis myth with scientific underpinnings.


There is no correlation in Genesis and the actual factual way the universe developed. This is all post-hoc attempts to make primitive men writing from their imagination and lack of understanding how the universe works seem wise and it's a failure every time.

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