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I have come to find "know it all" atheists to be nearly as wrong and irritating as those religionists who aggressively believe in a man made dogma defined "god" of some type , such as many American Christians do and also mix their so-called faith with their politics .......As an agnostic, I try to be open to all possibilities concerning the "meaning of life" ....In fact, I believe all children should be pointed in the direction of Nature to gradually understand and define their own working definition and spiritual paradigm for giving additional meaning to life....

RonLear 4 Jan 7

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Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Sorry about your dog. Had to do the same in August.
I'm still raw about it, and I'm still grieving her absence.

As far as "know-it-all" atheists, I guess you would probably categorize me as one of those.
I see no reason to change my position on there being no gods unless and until credible, verifiable evidence is presented to prove otherwise.
I'm also an anti-theist, and firmly believe that the religious indoctrination of children should be designated as a Class-A felony.

Whatever we as individuals believe is as varied as how many different gods that
have been created by men.
I have no use for the "middle ground" in this respect.
If anyone wants to say they don't know, that's fine, their choice.
If anyone wants to believe in gods, their choice.
However, those who choose to believe in gods have NO right to force their influence
on public policy. Ever.
Yet they insist that they do, and they spend an inordinate amount of their time and OUR money, forcing their beliefs on everyone else.

I no longer believe in "live and let live".
If that makes me a "know-it-all" atheist, and I irritate you or anyone else, I'm okay with that.
Really. No problem whatsoever.


Pushy people are annoying in general. It’s a personality trait that has nothing to do religion or atheism.

i changed my wording after reading your comment........


Arrogance and narcissism are not specific to any creed.


Annoying comes in all flavors.

And it is so unnecessary.


Sometimes religious and atheist alike can seem to have a problem with, "I don't know."

MrDMC Level 7 Jan 7, 2020

Atheism has nothing to do with "meaning of life" and only deals with one issue, the non-existence of god(s).


Well, that was refreshingly polarising, well done you 😎.

My experience is that most people don’t even consider if they are ascribed an atheist or agnostic hat. They don’t give a shit. They are just getting on with their lives, regardless of those squabbling about whose dad is more important at the edges of society.


Hang around and we will do our best to irritate you even more.
"meaning of life"? Is there one ?
"spiritual paradigm" ????


It seems we all step out of one box, albeit a large one, and think there are no other boxes. The world is full of boxes and all of us (including myself) are often trapped inside some box(s). One cannot know everything and be right all the time. A lot of time a dose of humility is needed.

gotta watch out for them boxes . . .

@Davesnothere Yes, those boxes can entrap us.

@JackPedigo They do, it is our responsibility as humans (I think) to strive not to be boxed in. Those boxes are biases which cloud all our worlds, and as humans our responsibility, to ourselvews and all others, is to free ourselves from as much unfounded bias as possible.

@Davesnothere Good luck with that. There are an infinite number of boxes.

@JackPedigo Yep, and a lifetime trying to avoid useless ones, or outright traps.


"I have come to find "know it all" atheists to be nearly as wrong"

nearly as wrong? wrong by degree about what? use of tactics or premise?

how do you aggressively believe? belief is a state, not an action. you seem to be describing how folks interact with others based on their beliefs. to me you either believe it or you don't. you can, i suppose have a degree of belief, or it can waffle, but that is not what you describe. no belief is aggressive.

i am reasonably sure some agnostics and theists, find my points of view untenable. (hell i believe i have been blocked by some atheists.) i am absolutely sure many of them find me irritating. not nearly as many times as i have been irritated by the faithful, as i am not published. nor do i have or want a public platform to spew my thoughts. here is fine as i react. i am unmoved by the "victims" of my rants. bring the bible to a climate debate and cite it as fact? the public want and call for higher education to be eliminated because it is too liberal, doesn't fit with your christian world view? don't vaccinate your kids because that is god's job? don't teach evolution in schools? outrage is the most appropriate response.

in this very post you intimate that you are annoyed by know it alls and you prescribe me to point my kids to nature? for meaning of life? you think this is going to garner a pearl? my thoughts are that if i dwell on it, it'll just be another irritant.


In my years of study, I was open to all possibilities. I have also followed the evidence that I gathered, and became an atheist. I am not a "know it all" atheist, though. I admit the possibility that there is evidence I have missed in my search for truth. When I get into a conversation with people who are not atheists, I ask for their evidence. So far, nobody has offered any evidence that has changed my mind. So, until such evidence comes to my attention, I remain an atheist. 🙂


Yup. Studies show that Christianity mostly makes people more intolerant of those who are different, but I do like Thai Buddhism, with its acceptance of a Third Gender, and seeing all life as one energy, which it is. I like many/most Native American beliefs as well, except that I see the "spirit animals" as extensions of our own energy, not separate Deities.

While physicists will not typically use the idea of, "one energy," quantum physics is at least conducive. entangled particles will seem to instantly communicate no matter how far away they are from each other. A particle can seem to be in two places at once or everywhere until observed, (far out.)

I am not a physicist though I play one on TV, (no not really the TV part.) It is my crude understanding of videos I have seen.


I guess everything happens to various degrees. some of those atheists are worse than a lot of Christians ive run into.


As irritating as your know it all post?


"Know it all" types come from all backgrounds and are always irritating. I am an existentialist. The meaning of life for me is happiness in everyday real life experiences as best we can in our current circumstances. Find it, preserve it, appreciate it. Other efforts to find additional meaning are interesting but futile. That is my view and I don't really care if others believe it. They can believe whatever makes them happy as long as they don't harm others.


Good post, and you’ve apparently hit some sensitive nerves.


Becoming a atheist is the end result of my search for the meaning of life.

Interesting. So you have found meaning?

@itsmedammit yes, for myself, you just make shit up as you go, works for me.

What has atheism to do with the meaning of life?

@rogerbenham already explained that.

@rogerbenham on second thought, atheism is a end result from searching for the meaning of life. There is no meaning of life other than what you give it. Life is just being, and is all there is to it. What you need to do is find within yourself what meaning you give to it. A simple example would be this for me, my wife anf my son gave me meaning and purpose.
When my wife died it took me a long time to find purpose and meaning for my life, however I created a new purpose and a new meaning, with no help from some god or spirits, because they don't exist.
Is this what you wanted? Or did I just wasted my time?

@MrDragon No, not a waste of time but I find it all a bit sad. I don't have any idea as to what is the meaning of life. I have theories but without proof they are but concepts. I am fully content with just being. I don't need a reason. It is as it is and there are no mistakes. My now dead wife was just a partner in us being. Not a raison d'etre. I suppose my one motivation is to live to my truth.

@rogerbenham of course, they are all just concept, but they are very individual, and are only for ourselves.
I just like being alive.


Yeah, there are some atheists who act like atheism is a religion and like to act all smug and superior in their beliefs.

When I studied alcoholism and addiction, it was not uncommon for a person to maintain the same dysfunctional behaviors in sobriety that they developed in order to sustain their addiction. They are generally referred to as "A dry drunk".

I dont' know what you call it when an person who loses faith and becomes an atheist defends his/her beliefs with all the ferver of a religious fanatic. I do think it can be just as annoying though.

I have seen the dry drunk all too often.

@itsmedammit On further reflection I think the name "Dogmatic Atheist" would work for atheists who act like it is a religion... until I think of something better.

@snytiger6 I think to some extent it is human nature to want to share one's new found interest or significant revelation. But it can get out of hand.

I think the important thing is attitude and that probably is what OP is really complaining about.




I agree. I have known many atheists that make a religion out of non- religion. The difference is that atheists should know better than to force their views on others. Its a case of ghe pot calling the kettle black.


I've never met an Atheist that I didn't like! 🤩😁

How do you know for sure that they are atheists? I met a couple who had grown up without religion at all. I liked them well enough but we had different ethics.

@JohnnyQB A true atheist is rare. Most people wonder how it all began and eventually have a creator. Even if they have no concept of what that creator is like. Personally I think it is all illusion and I suppose I believe in the possibility that something has us here to learn so that if there is life after death then perhaps we can go on learning. If there isn't it doesn't matter.
It requires a lot of determination to be an atheist, a religion in itself.

@JohnnyQB Maybe it depends upon what you mean by a god?

@JohnnyQB This was posted by another. But no, a god can simply be an explanation somewhere. Who or what created the Big Bang. Was there a before? Was there a race of creators before. We have no understanding and that is where a god can be born.
I do not acknowledge any of the gods created by people. They are ideas. Miracles are events we do not understand.
But I stand by my statement as to what is meant by a god.

@JohnnyQB I give up. You win.

@JohnnyQB Oh I merely alluded to Christians claiming miracles. Healing miracles, walking on water miracles. Harder to know what really happened the further that you go back.
Actually I'm dealing with one myself. I cannot explain it but what does that tell me.

But I still wonder about this god thing. Yes I knoe people have invented loads of them for whatever reasons but getting beyond all that one is left with a great mystery. The astrophysicists have theorised back to a pico second after an amazing event.. What created that event is unknown. They now talk about a universe which is 42 billion light years across yet it was only formed 13.7 billion years ago. 2x13.7 = 27.4 and they can't say what is outside the universe except that it is getting bigger.

One can just accept that they know what they are doing but I don't think that they do at all. I'm left with questions. They don't involve a god in any way like people describe their gods. But Krsna's vision to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita comes closest to an idea. No I don't believe in Krsna but I like the description. It was an important book to read along with Sufi teachings.

@rogerbenham, I can be very open about my Atheism. Every person that has told me they were Atheists, I have liked. I like non Atheists as well.😁 But we're talking about people who claim to be Atheists. I have always got along well with them.

@Summer72 Good for you. I guess I just don't make a big thing of it. There is a very strong Dutch community up here who keep on building new churches and some of whom I know and are very friendly though would never invite me to their homes. A few of whom would love to convert me because they see me as a good man (it surprises me how many think this). Also I do have some friends who are very much Christian including my adopted hippie sister. Chacun a son gout (French). To me it is not an issue. Am I meant to be fervent about this to be on this site?

@JohnnyQB Maybe you should wait then ...

@FrankA Full pardon granted


There's the good and the bad everywhere. Simple!!!

@maturin1919, something tells me you have a personality problem and you think you're Clint Eastwood... Lol!!! 😉 (Jaysus, you made laugh big time with this, fair play to you!!!)



And look how he ended up

Yeah, but Snape was undercover. He had to "keep up appearances" to serve his mission.


Please forgive me if I sound critical here. Would it not be better to teach children simply to think and explore all things while being careful to dicern fact from fiction.
I see no reason to encourage any particular spiritual things or to point them in the direction of "nature"(I must admit I do not know what is implied by that).

I was careful not to influence my childern to do anything but analyse things for themselves using good research and discovering the facts. No god, nature or spirits required.
As far as the meaning of life, I have taught them that that it is their job to decide what is meaningful and to do whatever that is.


Atheists mostly just commit the sin of being direct. I seldom encounter one who claims to "know it all".

Besides, agnostics who fancy their not making unwarranted knowledge claims makes them "above it all" can be pretty annoying, too.

Agnosticism about gods is just a function of their non-falsifiability. It is no big deal.

Atheism is just a function of not forming beliefs about things that are non-falsifiable. It is no big deal.

Life is much bigger than the fundamentally silly question of whether gods are real.

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