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What do you do when expected to participate in public religious ceremonies such as prayer?

DavidLaDeau 8 Jan 18

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I don't.


I look around the room for other sane people that are looking around like me.

Me too!


If they stand, I stand. I do not bow my head, just stand as if waiting for the bus. Just the same as I do for the national anthem. To me, patriotism causes more harm than religion.


I am respectfully silent and still during the prayer, but afterward if there is someone I can talk to in order to voice my opposition to prayer and worship songs being part of a publicly funded event, I do.

I remember one spring morning, attending an event at a public park, funded by public funds, and when I saw the mayor walking on his own to the parking lot, I caught up with him, introduced myself and voiced my opinion on what had just transpired. I don't really think he understood my point. He invited me to the Mayor's annual prayer breakfast.



Defy expectations and refuse.

The ONLY expectations I have to live up to are my own.


That depends. Are they using real wine with the sacrament or just grape juice?


I look around the room to see who else is looking around. 😉

Me too!

@helionoftroy... and you'll find there's a few doing the same 🤣.

@TimeOutForMe yes indeed there are a few doing the same!


I stand (or sit) quietly and respectfully, but I don't participate.


I remain quiet and let the believers pray.
I do not participate.

Other peoples practices do not break my leg nor pick my pocket. Their attempts at legislation do.


Stand or sit silently, as the situation permits.


I receintly attended a funeral church service out of respect for a friend and his family. When they sung hymns I just sat silently. True to myself but having no wish to offend. I don't think anyone noticed.


I'm with literate hiker. I stay respectful and collaborate to a degree ( I don't start eating before they've said grace) but I keep my head up and smile knowingly at all those other nonbelievers who are doing the same as me.


Like BitFlipper, stand or sit, and that's about it.


I simply don't. I might bow my head slightly and be silent, but then I am looking around to see who else is doing the same thing. These are the people I could be friendly with.

I have done the same!


If I have advanced warning that it is going to happen, I exit the room until it is over. Other than that I just remain silent until over.

I do the same thing.


I seldom go anywhere there is a public religious ceremony but I would pretty much ignore it, no head bowing, hand over heart, or remove hat. Just stand and wait for whatever it is to be over.

sometimes you don't expect it. They were praying before dinner at a volunteer appreciation dinner in my community, a totally nonsecular event. Baffles me! I just sat quietly but I was fuming.


If I HAVE to attend such an event, I sit politely and watch respectfully, as I would at any event where I don't partake in the activity.


Depends on the situation. Funerals, etc., I'll just keep my eyes open and look around while their prayers go on.

I do the same 😊


I respectfully wait it out.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 20, 2020

I stand still, hands behind my back and wait patiently for them to finish.


If it is with my family, I play along with their nonsense.They all know I am an atheist. Anywhere else I usually avoid it or leave the room for a moment.


It’s so extremely rare, but I just play along. Last Thanksgiving I had dinner with one of my best friends. His wonderful mother, who is like a second mother to me, asked that we all join hands as she lead a prayer. I had absolutely no problem playing along. She was probably the only religious person at the table, but it was fine. I could even describe it as pleasant.


If I know it is going to happen I arrive late (after it has happened) if it is sprung on me then I will not participate, I won't say anything just wait for it to be over with. If they want people to hold hands I will step out of the group I am near and wait near a wall.


Participate with my own silent offering. Churlish to do otherwise.


Instead of bowing my head, I look around like I'm looking for something.

Trod Level 5 Jan 18, 2020

Stay seated...

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