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Traditional burials are hugely wasteful and toxic, while cremation uses lots of fuel, emits vast amounts of CO2, and vaporized toxic chemicals, like mercury from fillings.
This article covers a wide array of greener ways to get rid of the body (yet still legal)

Justjoni 8 Feb 20

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some great ideas


I just want walk off into the woods....sit down for a long spell. Very long. Lol

The Australian Aboriginal way, a last walkabout.


Why not just power the cremators with either solar or wind energy instead of fuel?

Crematory ovens are just that - ovens. They need to generate intense heat for a period of time. Some sort of fuel must be burned to create that heat.

@evergreen I'm sure someone can come up with a more powerful oven that harnesses the immense heat that is already generating temperatures of 500 F.


Well, I've already paid for my mausoleum niche, My cremation, and I have my urn. I am an organ donor, so there shouldn't be a whole lot left of me to cremate, so it is what it is. I was going to have my children throw
my ashes to the wind but I can just see that being a circus with my two little angels. My son would be constantly washing his hands and freaked out by the ashes, and my daughter would probably throw them to the wind and they would blow back in her face, because that's how they roll.


My late partner signed up for the willed body program and the University of Washington came for her body and returned her ashes 2 months later. I have also signed up for the program. The big problem is that death and suffering are a huge business and any new ways will face big hurdles.


Donate my body to science or to a body farm so they can study decomposition. But no embalming and casket. Cremation is also bad for the environment so any natural burial is better.


I like the Recompose idea. I have always said that I want to be fertilizer for trees. At least I could be sure that I will have done at least one decent thing with my life.


I like the sound of resomation and recompose. I read an article a couple of years ago presenting biodegradable burial pods that turn your body into a tree. I like that idea also.

Carey Level 5 Feb 20, 2020


I’m doing cremation with a biodegradable urn designed to be buried with a seed in the top to grow a Maple tree.


I want to be cremated and my urn to say MILF.. 😁. J/K. I plan on donating my body.


Is being dropped into a volcano a green alternative?

I don't know, but the more I think about that idea, the better I like it.


Interesting article. I am an indexer by profession, and I compiled an index for a book on this very topic a few years ago. So for those interested in further reading, I highly recommend Elizabeth Fournier's The Green Burial Guidebook. []


Put me in a mushroom suit in a shallow grave, let nature do its job, then use what remains as compost. To me, this is the best way to get my energy back into the mix 🙂.


I think people should be harvested for organs and recycled, now that there are more than 7 billion. Also, we should create euthanasiums, where you can go to end your life at your own request, where they put you to sleep, take the good organs for medical use, then kill you with drugs and compost you.


My family have my plans, a cardboard coffin in designated woodlands. I want to help the plants grow and blood and bone is better than carbon for that 🙂 maybe I’ll get a light sprinkling of lime if the site allows, to help the process along!


Just bury me naked under a tree.


I completely agree with your assessment. However, many states refuse to allow alternatives as the “old guard” believe them to be a sanitary risk, and the funeral industry pays big bucks to protect their monopoly by blocking legislation to allow alternative corpse disposal.


Define "vast amounts". How do they quantify these things? Seems like hyperbolic wording to me.

seems you need to read the article mentioned in the post.


I love I want to be fertilizer for trees🌹✌️😊🌻Hope it happens...and if for some reason it doesn't happen... Lol. I'll be dead anyway ...😂. Who cares!! 😂😂

My response exactly. []


I fancy one of these. Plant and apple try on my and make cider in my memory


Water cremation ( somation [] ) sounds like a sustainable option to replace fire cremation.


Great info. Definitely do not want a traditional burial would much rather be allowed to decompose.


Turn me into fertilizer and spread me on a nice flower garden where I can bloom in peace as long as my molecules remain in the area.


Natural burial, with no embalming, no headstone, just a wrap, is how we are planning to go:


When Pop died, he didn't leave any instructions. So the whole famn damily looked at me, as the eldest son. So I had the Old Fossil cremated and scattered his ashes around his favorite oak tree.



With trump and the obstructionist republican fascists and their followers, it will not matter, for they already are destroying our chances of survival to the point of no return!!!

Soylent Green is us!!!

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