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It seems like with so many different beliefs and religions in the world it would be impractical if not impossible to go through literally all of them to ensure that none of them have evidence that match their claims. Is this where it would be reasonable to just say if there really was a god of a religion that actually exists the responsibility should just be on them to make it clear to you so that you know? That's what I'm thinking, just a random thought I had just now lol

AHWalter1989 5 Apr 17

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I feel it is safe to assume all "sky gods" are false...look how many have been forgotten with no trace: Baal, Zues, Ashtarothe, Amun, and on & on & on.........

The graveyard of Dead and Forgetten Deities must be a very vast thing indeed, but fear not, for there are spaces reserved for any and all Deities that can be dreamed up now and in the future as well as the ones of the Christians, Muslims, etc, etc.


Of the presumably thousands of religions around the world. They all claim to be all about love and understanding but they all are totally convinced that their religion is the one and only true religion. Most feel that all the other religions are bogus and will not lead one to enlightenment but rather to some to form of hell. All those religions are literally competing against one another like a pack of hungry wolves after a single piece of meat The fact that every religion rejects everything about every other religion alone, for me, is one of the most compelling reasons that they are ALL full of shit and just doing a sales job on people.

OCJoe Level 6 Apr 17, 2020

A simpler and more reasonable explanation is that all gods and religions were created by the ignorance and insecurities of humans, ergo they are all bullshit.

Yes 100%! You could either spend all that time or you could just use occams razor to knock all of them out in one fell swoop lol

@AHWalter1989 brevity makes things clearer, I believe.


It is the responsibility of the person making the existence claim to provide falsifiable evidence to support that claim.

The burden of proof rests with the claimants, and no nobody else.

Job done! 🙂


Many false stories... Disprove one, you disprove all.. Don't get lost in the sauce..


It occurred to me many years ago that if any god existed, and said god cared about being believed in, it would be a simple matter to appear in the sky in an unmistakable way and remind the world once a month or so that he/she/it was still around. Something like, "Just checking in, sorry about the COVID-19, but that's evolution for you, I'm afraid. It's okay, though, all those who've died have already been reunited with their loved ones in Nirvana!"

Or words to that effect.

But, mysteriously, that doesn't happen, leaving me to conclude either A) gods exist but don't communicate, B) gods exist but communicate only with illiterates and televangelists, and in either case makes sure nobody else can verify this contact, or C) gods just plain don't exist and all these people are talking only to themselves. Schizophrenia, after all, is a much better documented phenomenon than heavenly communication.

Exactly, occam's razor definitely makes the last option much more likely than the first two because it does not include extra unnecessary assumptions and it is consistent and coherent with all the known data and evidence we have. Thank you for posting that and demonstrating exactly how occam's razor works because I just got off of a long debate with someone on this site who is saying that Occam's razor useless and is implying I can't use it to demonstrate that it is not very likely that a god or gods exist.

@AHWalter1989 I wasn't thinking of it in terms of Occam but that works. "Occam's Razor" is just "common sense" in fancy dress. People who say "God moves in mysterious ways" are just disguising the fact that there's no sense in believing in a benevolent god whose supposed benevolence is indistinguishable from random chance. A "miraculous" survival of 1 person when 300 others died in a plane crash isn't a miracle; the miracle would be a plane crash where nobody died.

I want a T-shirt that reads "I Shaved With Occam's Razor"....

@Paul4747 I would totally wear that shirt lol

@AHWalter1989 Time to go into business


There are a group of people that spend their time chasing these pipe dreams, they are called priests, clergy, imams, lamas, gurus, rabbis, etc. etc. Yes, a whole professional class that spend their lives in a wasted effort to prove that their imaginary friend exists and that all the others are mere pipe dreams. 5,000 or so Religions on the planet and they all share the same belief, that all the others are false gods but their god is real. Atheists realize that all gods are false, just like religious people but plus one more. 😉

What? Odin is fictional?? 😉

@anglophone Odin and the other Norse gods are making a bit of a comeback in Iceland. Still doesn't make them real.

@Surfpirate But, but, but ... I see evidence of Thor every time a thunderstorm goes overhead! 😉

@anglophone I see him in the Avengers movies too but still, not the real deal. lol


I suspect that the very devout does not even want evidence because of such passages: "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." John 20:29, KJV. Religion has many fall backs.

MrDMC Level 7 Apr 17, 2020

Why would you have to go through all of the religions to see if they had evidence for their claims? Evidence is either real or it is made up. The believers continue to make things up.


I found it extremely refrustrating to relate dissatisfying experiences (my own or of others) with a form of Christianity only to be be told that the form of Christianity was not the right one and I needed to conform to their version to receive the proper inspiration/blessings from God. It is particularly frustrating because all these versions say essentially the same thing - they have the correct belief to conform to in order to receive the full blessings of the Christian God and total dedication to their version allows you revelations from God about yourself and potentially about others. It is a way to blame personal dissatisfaction with certain concepts of a religion on someone who is not happy with the belief and to absolve the belief system of any responsibility for its failings.


@AHWalter There have been indeed throughout human history an astounding number of religions, religious beliefs and practices without organised religions, religious sects, creeds of all types. A large number of these still exists in all parts of the world. But most of them have not been and still are not interest to convert masses of people or even individuals.Very few religions are today involved in proselytizing others. Christianity in its multiple denominations and Islam still campaign aggressively to recruit new members or bring back to god the many who keep going astray. Hinduism, though it can get quite fanatical, does not bother much to proselytize. Except through procreation, Judaism seems quite reluctant to increase. the numbers of those who have been specially chosen by the god of Abraham . Judaism is not really bothered to convert non-Jewish people. The “ goyims” are simply abandoned to their fate. Judaism does not feel responsible for their salvation.

In USA various Christiani stars preachers make it a lucrative business to present “evidence” on an industrial scale of the glory of Jesus and his omnipotence to millions of people on tv channels and elsewhere. They provide “ proof” every week that cancer and any known or unknowingly disease has been cured by faith. We cannot blame them for not trying to convince and convert the damned. They certainly have us in mind. They do give us a choice: join Jesus or go to hell.

Yet, in most parts of the world, agnostics and atheists are increasing in numbers. And we hardly proselytize.


As is ever so very much the usual practice when asked for evidence regarding the factuality of any and all religions the answer is always, " It is written in a book, it is the words of God/Gods, what more evidence could you need."
Ergo, as in legal cases,, ANY claim that has zero, tangible, tried, tested and proven evidence is nothing more than an Assumptive assertion.

I laugh when such wingnuts conflate claims with evidence.


I personally doubt sincerely any possible REAL god DOES anything at all.
IT just is.


A quark (/kwɔːrk, kwɑːrk/) is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei.[1] Due to a phenomenon known as color confinement, quarks are never directly observed or found in isolation; they can be found only within hadrons, which include baryons (such as protons and neutrons) and mesons.[2][3] For this reason, much of what is known about quarks has been drawn from observations of hadrons.
Do you believe in science? Prove quarks exist. Anyone?

What's inside a quark?
What's inside that?

@K9Kohle789 Yes that's proof to the guys running the experiment and possibly their peers . The rest of us have to have faith in science. They are also trying to prove the existence of other dimensions. If they do that, then all kinds of new possibilities will exist.

@K9Kohle789, @Storm1752 Thats easy, its God. At least for panentheists like me.

@JohnnyQB My friend, imho I think you'd have much better luck explaining the Theory of Relativity to a dead horse than you would explaining reality to one such as to whom you are attempting to talk to here.

@JohnnyQB Unless you do the experiment yourself you are relying on a form of faith. True its informed faith rather than religious faith which is blind. It's still a form of faith, however.


It would be like chasing every rainbow to find a pot of gold. 🙂

Have I seen every rainbow in the world? No. Would it even be possible to see every rainbow? No.

But I know enough about how light and water work to make a rainbow, and I know - more or less - where gold comes from. I don't bother chasing rainbows.

You are quite right to put your energies elsewhere.

Yeah I think for myself just the simple fact that it's clear to me that the odds of a god existing are so low it would be a waste of time to chase rainbows, so to speak lol


In the context of the number of ‘religions’ very few care what you believe or don’t believe. Animists don’t, Sikhs don’t, Judaism doesn’t

You are confusing religions with number of practitioners.


Ofcource! They've got you so messed up in their clouds, so bad that you started giving them special treatments! I can show a religious person enough Physical scientific evidence regarding evolution and humans. Can he show us 1 proof of his nonsense?


Actually, if any religion was valid and their gods did in fact preform miricules, answer prayers, or make appearances to people we would ALL know about it. As it is no "real" god has any more validity than a false god. As there is no god that actually does anything.


Pretty much. If there was a religion that could be shown to be true don’t you think everyone would know about it?


Almost all claim a supreme being with no logical proof, And seem to suppress someone to maintain power which their leaders crave along with money

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 18, 2020

It isn't necessary for anyone to go to such lengths in order to be a non-believer. Just think of how time-consuming and possibly expensive it would be! We all have a right to form our own opinions, based on what we consider a reasonable amount of information, regarding the existence or non-existence of God.

Right, and it's occurring to be after a comment someone else left that rather than go through everything single religion which would be impossible you can eliminate all of the religions simply by using occam's razor.


you will not run out of towns before I come


Instead of making claims and expecting people to believe those claims, the better class of religion simply points to the great unknown and fosters reverence, awe, and appreciation.


I have a copy of Sir James G. Frazer's 'The Golden Bough' on my Kindle. Just reading his survey of beliefs has been a major task and as you say 'none of them have evidence '.
Lol I guess.😎

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