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I just came across a dating profile that reads: ā€œA 6ā€™3ā€ warrior for Christ.ā€

I think Iā€™m in love! Perfect match. šŸ˜‚

Apunzelle 7 May 4

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A sex magnet!


Just make sure that it isn't two separate measurements šŸ™‚


Run, far, far away!


I love a hint right up front to click "next!" haha!


Have fun! Here is a link to a guide on BDSM torture devices invented by the church! Glory!



Onward, Christian Soldier!!!


Hint #1: 6'3" Is not his condom size. It is the distance from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

Hint #2: He is a warrior FOR Christ, not against Christ. This means he's a religious nut.

Hint #3: The laughing emoji shows that you are not serious. Good for you! šŸ˜‚

@BestWithoutGods On this site, I would hope there would be a laugh emoji. šŸ˜‰

@SeaGreenEyez Ah, but you, SeaGreenEyez, keep our humor alive with your daily cheese. Thank you very much. šŸ˜€


Fighting for Christ is like fucking for virginity. Its absolutely amazing how ignorant so many Christians are of the wonders of Christ's actual teachings. And thats from a legally Jewish non-religious guy who can't stand reading the bible. I mean, you'd have to work at it to be more ignorant of Christianity than I am, but somehow they pull it off.


Aw, bugger I've missed out AGAIN.
I'm about 6'1" used to have a body like Jean-Claude Van Damme but can't t remember who I loaned it to for the life of me....LOL.


Instead of looking for MILFs, I should run an ad looking for Mother Mary. That is, an older virgin wanting salvation.

@dan325 Good question, Dan. Although, in my jaded past, I did run across a 40-year old virgin who was very eager to rid herself of that problem. She was an opera singer who had put off her personal life to focus on her career. I did what I could. Which chiefly was let her get on top...sort of a DIY deflowering.

@dan325 OUCH! Your symbology makes me shudder.


By just stating that on his profile, he will probably get more sex than he can handle. Christian woman love that.

Perhaps every occupant of all the local nunneries will beat a path to his (erm) "door".


I have spikes and a hammer, i know of someone they can


Yeah, because the "Prince of Peace," Jesus Christ, was all about warfare. It all makes perfect sense!


This Christ supposedly opposes war and conflict, hence a warrior is a contradiction and an affront to the whole creed.



Onward, Christian soldiers! Just keep walking.

Deb57 Level 8 May 5, 2020

How could you pass on such an offer?????


Git it, girl!!!



Get right on that.


Please let's know how that goes.


Is his name Lurch?


He might be a lot of fun, he might want you to be assertive and help him FEEL the Lord inside him! Be FILLED with Christ! Oh Glory!

@Observer-Effect Ew.

That pic is precious

@Emerald Please spread it far and wide! It gets a chuckle from folks we want to see chuckle, and it grosses out and pisses off the people we want to offend! Here is another:

@Observer-Effect done and done

@Emerald Well then . . . of course there is always the Baby Jesus Buttplug!






lol probably nothing above or below

Certainly nothing above!

@anglophone tall men are often average and short men well endowed in greater percetntages

@whiskywoman Ma'am, I take your word for it. šŸ™‚


Well I'm 6'2" and was appointed a White Knight for the Sufis in 1976. But since I'm not a follower of Islam hopefully I will not be requires to take on this stalwart in mortal combat.

In my former life, I was a Ninja warrior. That was a long time ago..........


So, being a warrior for Christ, his commanding officer is a 2,000 year old Jewish zombie? Well, well, well!

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