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Aren’t you glad to have this site as an alternative to Facebook?! ?

Katt75 4 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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Are not I glad? If I respond "yes" does that not mean I am not glad?
I are glad.

Glad... glad, glad, glad... gladiator?
Glad alligator?

Does that not answer the question?

@KimmyKatt That's 250% of my personality, the rest is nonsense and mischief.


Hardly use FB anymore, feels like a ghost town. The scrambled up timeline is a real killer. Moved to #countersocial on the Mastodon social-network and recently added for my secular interests.


FB really got to be a battleground; what a drag. I'm not a picture poster, and I don't suffer others to know every little aspect of my doings (which are not manifold, at any rate), so I've pretty much got my use of it confined to Messenger; and the rare harangue of an errant trumpanzee, not that I believe that does any good, but I just like to stay in practice.


I stopped any significant use of Facebook long ago, I’m very active on twitter... I’m glad to have this not as an alternative but because it’s very specifically delving into a topic I find important, I conclude much of religion to be damaging but damaging or not I don’t believe we are served by indulging in falsehoods... I have an atheist twitter page that I will continue to be active on, I sit here toggrling between them and my political pages... I like compartmentalizing my interests so when I want to delve deep on a topic nothing is in the way.


The karma is alive here. Welcome




YES. I abandoned that dumpster fire long ago.

Around 2010 I got a job building social media components for various websites. I came to find out what kind of data collection policies were in place at Facebook and noped out shortly after.


Absolutely yes !!!


We love it here - welcome to the community.


Very much so!!! By the way, i changed my wallpaper last week, and here is a cute picture of a fuzzy animal with a banal caption...


Yes, yes and more yes!


Yep...I'm dumping facebook. It's evil.


Yes, very much!

skado Level 9 Apr 6, 2018
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