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Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as VP!!

Cutiebeauty 9 Aug 11

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. . just read the NYT article (and NPR). Will be interesting to see how the opposition shapes-up (imagining the worst from Trump). 😮

Well she did lock up lots of black people for non - violent crimes. That, and fucking her way to the top, ought to endear her to some Trumpsters

@twill fucking her way to the top? Are you for real?

@Mofo1953 Willie Brown

@twill - I choose not to hold women to a standard that men aren't held to... but yeah, boning Willie Brown was a calculated career move.

@WilliamCharles I should get over it. I'm jealous. Kamala's Hot ! Of course I'm jealous of Donald boning Melania too.
Can't win

@twill an extramarital affair over 20 years ago is fucking yourself to the top. Do you hold the same standard for men? Ridiculous.

@Mofo1953 seems like Ole Willie promoted her on the taxpayers dime while they were at it.
Fuck it I'm getting past it.....

@twill . . . your replies about it could be construed as evidence to the contrary. 😮

@FearlessFly It's not easy turning this ship around


What does it say about a woman who believes Joe Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade and two other woman and then accepts the offer to be his VP. And don’t give me the crap he may not be guilty or not . This is not the point . The point is SHE said she believed the charges .

lori99 Level 5 Aug 12, 2020

It says PLENTY!

So Guilty until proven innocent is the new norm?

he may not be guilty ..

@dermot235 do you have bad reading comprehension. I said it has NOTHING to do with quilt or innocence it is the fact she BELIEVES the charges against him

@Cutiebeauty You just don’t get it do you.The post does not address his guilt or innocence it is about an individual that would align herself with someone she perceived to be guilty of being a sexual predator.It is about a person compromising ones principles to advance herself . This is the status quo for most lowlife politicians.

@lori99 excellent observation.Typical whore politician who would do an about -face to get a job

@becketb i guess you don't get! Would you allow Donny to grab them (your mom )

@Cutiebeauty Why do you assume she is a Trump supporter ,just because she submitted a comment in regards to Harris

@lori99 These liberal knuckle heads have a habit of throwing trump in your face any time they can not think of a valid response, even when he has nothing to do with the post or comment such as this

@lori99 bad reading comprehension? Seriously? Do you know what a quilt is? Lmao

Go back to school sir!!


The name calling started already, trolls even here, nobody is more a sellout than the orange turd, aside from being a corrupt con man, a traitor, a racist and a xenophobe. So I will gladly vote for Biden and Harris, with zero hesitation because another 4 years of the orange turd will destroy our country as we know it. Fuck trump and his ilk of republitard ass kissing enablers!

I'm with you bro!

Of course the naming and lies started already, that's all they know.. Lies..

It's crazy to run mediocre candidates merely because Trump is so awful. The DNC's boneheaded machinations are why we have Dolt 45 to begin with (pied piper).


Best be sending out that as a daily reminder up until election day.............

@WilliamCharles Why is it sio hard to understand that Biden needs the black vote? Clyburn got him the primary nomination. The Bernie Bros didn't come through for Hillary. Black people have to save the world yet again.

@WilliamCharles deal with it, mediocre maybe for you, Harris is worth 4 trumps and 6 Pences put together. Biden was not chosen by the DNC like Hillary was, so get over yourself. The voters of the primaries wanted Biden and they voted for him. Period.

@Mofo1953 - you must have see a different primary than I did.

The Establishment Dem ratfvckers were out in force.

@UrsiMajor - I would enthusiastically vote for Biden with Nina Turner on the ticket.

Harris? Meh.

@WilliamCharles we have the turd because of people like you who didn't think about what you can do for your country when you didn't get the candidate of your choice. I wanted Bernie in 2016 and again in 2020, in 2016 the superdelegates cheated Bernie. I was pissed. But faced with the binary choice it was unthinkable voting for the orange turd, so I voted for Hillary. Many did not vote ergo this 4 year nightmare. 2020 was a different animal, voters gave their votes to Biden. No machinations from anyone no superdelegates. Yes we all know the DNC pushes corporate dems, it's a given, but progressives are winning and they will have to deal with that. That is an entirely different issue. Biden and Harris will get the vote of this progressive dude no questions asked and no regrets.

@WilliamCharles one sees what one wants to see. Super tuesday went overwhelmingly to Biden and from then on all states primaries went to Biden. You sound exactly like trump when he questions the votes. Ridiculous. []

@WilliamCharles she is not the one. You have to choose between Biden and Harris or Trump and Pence. That is the reality. Deal with it.

@Mofo1953 - and you have your blinders firmly in place. The DNC cheated on back to back primaries to install their corporate puppet.


@WilliamCharles what is your source, your ass is not a valid one by the way.

@Mofo1953 - that you seem to have your head firmly planted up your own tailpipe does not speak well for your powers of comprehension.

@WilliamCharles I posted a source, you didnt. So it is evident you're the one making up stuff totally unsubstantiated, ergo produced entirely from the deptgs of your colon.

@Mofo1953 []

@WilliamCharles please, don't make me laugh, so your source is from a conservative right wing conspiracy theory fanatic newsletter? I rather you had stuck with your sphincter than this ridiculous financial cum NRA supporting right wing rag.

@VeronikaAnnJ i definitely don't, neither should anyone here, I try to make my arguments short and concise, and many times direct language work best.


Just what we need a left wing liberal crazy woman from California! 🤪😜 I hope it helps sink Biden and gets Trump re-elected!

Moo. Looney . moo.. Looney. Lil

@Trajan61 Crazy AND unprincipled ,due to the fact she thinks Biden is a sexual predator but does not give a shit.


So does that mean that there won't be any debates? Mikey can't be in the same room with a woman other then his wife unless his wife is by his side. I don't think they'll let Mother on the stage.

My neighbor just said Pence will clean her clock in the debates when I told him Biden's VP pick. Bless his heart. He's an exceptionally wonderful man otherwise, but a conservative Christian.

@WilliamCharles it is humorous to listen to some of the "conservative Christians". I irritate them because they start calling Biden or Harris names and claim various fake things...I sort of turn it around and say you must not believe in the commandments, when asked why I give them the good old number 9...Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.


A sell out, who is on record as selling out people of color to advance her career.

A perfect, typical, authoritarian candidate.

SCal Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Biden gives the progressive base of the party another unmistakable FU.


@WilliamCharles F()ck trump, harris and the statue vp too.

Did I miss anyone?

@SCal - statue VP?

"A sell out, who is on record as selling out people of color to advance her career."

How's that? Any proof?

@WilliamCharles Pence, I'd assume


"In the 2020 presidential race, the disproportionate imprisonment of African American men has become a major issue, and it’s posing an especially big challenge for Harris, California’s first black U.S. senator. She is counting on strong support from African Americans. But many black voters are wary of her 27 years as a prosecutor enforcing laws that sent African Americans to prison.

Often left unsaid is that Harris, a former state attorney general and San Francisco district attorney, did not play a role in passing those laws.


Kamala Harris campaigns in Des Moines

Kamala Harris campaigns in Des Moines. Many black voters are wary of her years spent enforcing laws that sent African Americans to prison.(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

Still, her home state’s high rate of incarcerating people of color goes a long way in explaining the trouble she has had selling her candidacy to black voters nationwide. In California and many other states, racial disparities in imprisonment have intensified resentments of what many see as deeply ingrained discrimination in America’s criminal justice system."


Why is it sio hard to understand that Biden needs the black vote? Clyburn got him the primary nomination. The Bernie Bros didn't come through for Hillary. Black people have to save the world yet again.

@UrsiMajor - Madam Pantsuit didn't do shit for progressives. Hate Trump, but glad she lost. Trump was her handpicked pied piper. We have Dolt 45 precisely but she rolled the dice with the fate of the nation in her pursuit of power... and lost!!

@WilliamCharles And because progressives didn't back Hillary, we got Trump. Now you can have Harris over Warren because the DNC gets it.



@UrsiMajor - uh, gee. That's how elections work. The Hildebeast wasn't entitled to anyone's vote, she was supposed to work for them.

Instead, she thought she could coast to the finish line on the way to her coronation.

@WilliamCharles yes I agree with that.. Hilary coasted and thought she was a shoe in..


She’s been positioning herself to be his Vice President for quite some time.

Incel alert!! Eek!!


Q: Did you hear what Joe said to Kamala to let her know she was going to be on the ticket?

A: "Gee, your hair smells nice!"

You idiot.

@Storm1752 - I'm not the one sniffing women's hair and groping children on camera. You're thinking of Creepy Addled Uncle Joe.

@creative51 - that it needed to be pointed out as unacceptable in the first place was always a red flag for me. He excused it away saying things were "different" "back then."

What a yutz.


You grab them by the pussy and they let you..

How soon you forget...

Physical sexual assault is far worse then smelling someone's hair...

@Cutiebeauty - I've read people saying it wouldn't matter if his sexual assault accusations are true, the ultimate being a journo that satirically said it wouldn't be a deal breaker if he boiled and ate babies.

Where's your cutoff point? Seriously?

@WilliamCharles cutoff point? Seriously? You equate smelling hair and sexual assault? And this is the second time you mentioned satire in as many days.. Is it your position that smelling hair and hugs by Joe Biden is the same as grabbing a woman, sexually and without consent? You wanna talk seriously, LET'S TALK SERIOUSLY! And toss satire in the garbage.. l

@Cutiebeauty - Biden has multiple (8?) accusations of sexual misconduct, Tara Reade being one. There's no level of acceptable harassment.

"Biden has multiple (8?) accusations of sexual misconduct, Tara Reade being one. There's no level of acceptable harassment."

Seriously! You wanted a serious talk. I made a comparison between trump and Biden and you focused solely on Biden and said nothing at all concerning trump, for or against.. Please get real.. Please.. You are not dumb.. I've spoke to you before..

@Cutiebeauty - Trump's horridness does not turn that of Biden into a virtue.

Can't stomach the hagiography.

@WilliamCharles holy crap!! You apparently can't make a distinction between and actual crime and an insinuation.. You do realize trump was actually impeached, right? An actual crime.

@Cutiebeauty - lots of misconceptions on your part to untangle. Bottom line is Biden is dreck.


Biden / Harris 2020. 🙂


She must like racists due to the fact she criticized Biden on certain topics related to race.

The fact that Biden succumbed to the demand of the BLM group that he pick a black woman for VP is very racist.

@Trajan61 YOu mean she's not up to the job! . Well that has made my day! hahahahaha. Let me introduce you to your president.

You mis-remember that debate exchange. She specifically said she does not believe Joe is racist. She questioned his judgment in a couple of instances from many years back when he supported policy positions she took some issue with. But that was to draw a distinction from her own approach, and EVERY politician in a campaign tries to draw such distinctions, even from colleagues with whom they agree on a majority of policy.

But I suspect you know this already and just choose to ignore it.

@Trajan61 define racist. Your use of the term is completely wrong.

Since when do people like what they criticize? So, if I praise something, I hate it?

That's crazy thinking...

@MikeInBatonRouge If you support the BLM group you are racist as that group is very violent and racist. And they get upset if you mention that all lives matters.

@Trajan61 My background is sociology and mental health. The Oxford definition is too simplistic and ignores social power differentials. Racism is actually race-based prejudice, which anybody can hold, but crucially, it is prejudice coupled with privilege and influence that society or social environment bestow on the individual. Anyone can be racist hypothetically, but only in certain social contexts. The below article is wordy but explains it. All prejudice is not created equal.

@Trajan61 "All Lives Matter" is a statement intentionally trying to whitewash the problem of law enforcement brutality toward people of color. I DO support BLM, and your allegations about the movement are just plain wrong.

@MikeInBatonRouge Why is it that a lot of BLM protest turn into attacks on police resulting in injuries and deaths of hundreds of them, not to mention the property destruction?

@Trajan61 very simply because major protests always attract some outside agitators who are there for their own purposes and NOT a part of the actual protest. That is not my conjecture. That has been documented by journalists digging into the question of affiliations of some of these agitators. If you dislike a protest and want to discredit it, a well worn strategy is to try to make them look bad. It is dirty tricks and not at all novel or original.

@Trajan61 So when a person chooses someone of colour for a position, they are racist?????. LMFAO

@Trajan61 100's of police deaths form BLM protesters.....REALLY. On what planet does this happen

@dermot235 Seeing as your from Ireland why don’t you worry about Irish politics instead of American ones.

@Trajan61 Is that your best answer. Did you get upset because I called you out telling a lie. And Who made you the ruler of the world. If I want to talk about American politics, I won't be looking for your permission to do so. Just so we are clear.



The question is; will Biden remember that in the morning?

He is lucky if he remembers his own name.


Trump must be going crazy , black and a woman lmao

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2020

Trumps done more for blacks.
Don’t forget that Biden did push for continued segregation back in the day. Lucky for him, he has the mental decline nowadays to continually forget who his VP is.


I think it was the best choice. She will make a great attack person and be able to really rip trump and pence. As a skilled prosecutor, She knows her stuff and her senate seat is safe in California. this election is really about control of the senate as was clearly demonstrated by the republican leadership that blocked everything Pres. Obama tried to do


May the white privilege, racist Republicans take notice. Your time may be numbered. About time.


She was my original choice for President in the beginning. The conservative snowflakes are starting to whine and cry out already.


"There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And then she sold out her own values in pursuit of power to run with an addled old corporate racist. That little girl was me," Kamala Harris said.

Here's the actual quote without the added fake news..

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day, and that little girl was me,”

@Cutiebeauty - one had to know the original to run the satirical version. Biden has tons of real quotes that reveal him as clueless. Harris is wonderfully well spoken and articulate, but votes in ways that gives me the creeps.

She will do her puppetmasters' bidding.

That has got to end.


Joe and Kamala represent everything Donald Trump isn’t. By electing them this November and removing Trump from the White House, we can finally, properly address the COVID-19 pandemic, stop the assault on our Constitution and rule of law from the top-down, and make real progress for the people when it comes to health care, voting rights, and so much more.

Yes, please, at a minimum, let's protect the health of our citizens during a world pandemic!!


The Dems REALLY want Trump re-elected.

twill Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Harris will bring in the black vote, the women vote, the millennium vote, and the minority vote... He made a good choice.. Plus California vote...

IKR? I love the idea of the first female VP (and subsequently the first female prez) being a woman of color. Just not this woman, though. I have very grave reservations about her and I voted for her as my senator.

I'm glad Barack Obama broke the color barrier, I just wish he hadn't sold us out to Wall Street. I would have loved to have seen the glass ceiling broken by electing a woman president, but Hillary Clinton was really a shitty choice on too many levels that were important to me.

Now we have piece of crap candidate Creepy Addled Uncle Joe, and a former CA AG that cut her law and order chops on jailing POC, but not prosecuting criminal bankers and that piece of shit Steve Mnuchin that is now our piece of shit Secretary of the Treasury.

Hevkuva job, Kamala.


@WilliamCharles That is the Dem Party way. Keep giving them another chance, and another chance and another chance. Biden who did NOTHING for middle class working people and has actually worked against us since forever (70's?) , has now been given another chance . The biggest chance, i.e. "reward".

I gave Obama one chance, 2008, then voted 3rd Party 2012 after watching him serve his puppet masters


Makes me sad. I think she will just as willingly manipulate people for power as far too many other politicians. 😟

But what will she do with that power is the important thing...


Good choice. I have been predicting that Kamala would be the VP pick. 🙂


Great Pick.

At least a great fit for each other. Between the two of them; they’re responsible for putting more black people behind bars than the republican congress and senate combined.
Pretty amazing record really.


Harris will be for Biden what Biden was for Obama...a frikin BULLDOG...and she can't wait to start ripping Bunker Baby a new butthole.😂😂😂


Not only is she beautiful, she's a hard-nosed prosecutor who will tell it like it is. If I was Pence, I'd be scared.
Earth to trolls: dispense with the sexist remarks...she's for real

Kinda sexist that you think her attractiveness has any bearing on her qualifications, no?

@WilliamCharles No.
Fox News certainly doesn't think so; unless you're a hot babe, don't bother applying!

@Storm1752 - I would never vote Hillary cuz she had cankles.


FFS the amount of male fugly leaders we've had and no one makes a comment. Your've very first comment is about her looks. This is insulting to the woman and all women. YOu have no idea how sexist you are.

@MsDemeanour Hey, I think Joe is a very attractive, distinguished looking gentleman, and Senator Harris is obviously a very qualified, accomplished, and admirable role model for women everywhere. Should her pleasant looks disqualify her? Am I saying she was chosen BECAUSE of her looks? Of course not. Did it factor in AT ALL? I don't know, and I don't care.She's a good choice not because of that, but in part because as a former prosecutor she'll be able to shred Mike Pence in their debate, and as a Senator she'll, along with Joe, work well with the new Congressional Democratic majority.
Why are some women so d--- sensitive? I was paying her a COMPLIMENT.

@Storm1752 - yeah, he's a peach.

@Storm1752 - this one is truly a rictus.


So, do you think he made his decision lightly??? Try picking your replacement to handle family affairs! Will that make the family happy..not everyone! She's his pick, deal with it!

What are talking about? I support his choice..

@Cutiebeauty Soory I should have posted at a nay-sayers comment!


That should make things interesting.


I actually think Kamala will do more to pull in centrists and independents. She may be able to pull republicans who dislike Trump.

She may drive away progressives and young voters, especially those who are already unhappy with having Biden.

Young voters? Not from what I hear in my circles..

I suspect both parts of your statement are true, but I hope and also suspect the latter part to only be a pittle true. tRump has been such a horrible shocking wakeup call that relatively few progressives will sit this out. I think they will hold their noses and vote.

@Cutiebeauty I don't really know but it seems like a lot of the progressives are younger and Harris strikes me as very central. This is just speculation and it really doesn't matter anymore.

@MikeInBatonRouge Just asked my young, LGBTQ roommate and she says there is just a serious push to vote, so I hope that remains true. Trump can be a great motivator. lol

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