I just found the first academic job that I am barred from applying for due to my lack of faith in Jesus Christ. Malone University (Canton, OH) requires a statement of faith for all applicants, not simply a statement of your faith or lack thereof (as some Jesuit universities do). I will provide their wording from HigherEdJobs.com so you can share in my displeasure.
Tell me what you think (because I have considered asking the site administration of the hiring website to take down the job posting for imposition of discriminatory hiring practices.
About the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences
The Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences is an interdisciplinary department that houses programs in History, Political Science, Sociology (minor), Integrated Social Studies and in Criminal and Restorative Justice.
Application Process
Application materials should include:
(1) completed Malone University faculty employment application form
(2) letter of application
(3) curriculum vitae
(4) Statement of Christian Belief and Practice in response to the following prompt: Malone University takes seriously the integration of the orthodox Christian faith and all academic disciplines and requires that faculty (full-time and adjunct) profess faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we ask that you provide a statement (750 words or fewer) in which you:
Discuss your faith in relationship to the University’s Doctrinal Statement and Community Agreement.
Describe your engagement with a local congregation or faith community.
(5) Statement of the integration of faith and learning in the academic discipline (750 words or fewer)
(6) Names and contact information for three professional references
(7) Statement of teaching philosophy
(8) Research statement
Welcome to the insanity of the God Mob.
I mean, it's not new to me but I felt like complaining and I wonder if it violates (if not the law) the spirit of the following (also on the job posting):
Malone University has an established policy of equal academic and employment opportunity. This policy is applied to all qualified students, employees and applicants for admission or employment, in all university programs and activities, without unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or military or veteran status. Malone University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.
@surrealhoax Welcome to doublethink writ large.
Change that to Balony University!
To call them a bunch of wankers would be a grievous insult to everybody who masturbates.
How about "Knob-Floggers Incorporated" instead....LOL.
All the midwest is filled with 1st century minded assholes.
"... and requires that faculty (full-time and adjunct) profess faith in Jesus Christ. "
your faith could be that you truly believe he doesn't exist in modern christian schools because they voted for Trump.
Did you apply for the job or were you intending to apply for the job before you noticed their requirements? Moreover, why would you want to apply for job whose entry requirements you are not in agreement? Kindly excuse me if I seem somewhat naive here but why on earth would anyone want to work for any company or organization whose values they do not share much less support.
It seems to me that they would be within their rights to reject you in much the same manner as you reject their requirements.
You wouldn't want to be teaching that the earth was created 6,000 years ago or that Intelligent Design was a better theory (even though it isn't a scientific theory) than the supposedly debunked theory of evolution.
I do get your point, however. Accademic integrity and freedom although obviously compromised at this school is still something they likely pay lip service to.
I would be interested to know just how much money Betsey DeVoss has been able to divert from legitimate colleges and universities to support religious schools like this one.
Last comment, how do these conservative schools continue to exist when something like 70% to 80% of religious conservatives believe higher education is bad for America?
So true!!
Why would you want to work for such a disreputable establishment in the first place?
You know, if the money is good enough and/or you really want the job, LIE! How can they check? It's not like checking on a degree or licensure! You can laugh to yourself every pay day!
I would call it un-constitutional but they will get away with it. Just go to another university.
Ummmm you would call it unconstitutional but they will get away with it. That sounds like a contradictory statement.
@Alienbeing It is. It may also turn out being true. We live in idiotic times.
The Trumpy Supreme Court ruled in July of 2020 that parochial colleges and universities are immune from discrimination lawsuits, because otherwise, their constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion would be violated.
And here I thought it was the human being who possessed inalienable rights and not schools or institutions. Next, they will be telling us corporation are people with rights too.
@RussRAB Unfortunately, they already have.
@Alienbeing - I was being sarcastic. It is unfortuate. I just hope they never come to believe they have voting rights too. Then we will really be screwed.
Seriously--is that legal? Do they take any funding from the government?
I wonder how long it will take for the Christian evangelicals to make such discrimination compulsory across the whole of the USA.
@anglophone Don't give them any ideas, ok?
Probably, because it is a private institution.
@surrealhoax Hope they don't take Fed. money.....it'd be fun to watch ACLU sue them.
@LucyLoohoo That would be an interesting thing to look into.
I never apply to the faith-based universities. They are immediately passed. I have taught at universities affiliated with a religion, but they did not compel any of this trash. The ones that do require do not merit any consideration.
I do not know this school, but private universities may request such supplementary materials.
My thinking on this is...these ‘dogma leaning’ schools were established simply to restrict exposure to ‘others!’ Their mindset is...they can be holier and sinless, with the right training! Ha ha ha. What shows up on the outside of these people, is anything other than...
This is discrimination for your ‘non-believing’ belief system! But if this should come before the present Supreme Court, it is pretty certain they would vote against you! This is the very reason that the Court has been packed with religious zealots! This is sad, indeed! My thought goes toward the indoctrination of our young people. Probably giving a lot of free tuition to attract more students?
So much for the separation of church and state!!!