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Atheism isn’t a culture as any atheist can tell you.
Could a culture be developed based on atheism?

As a social mammal of the Hominidae family I like having a social network, in fact it’s part of what makes me human. I find it unfair that we have to contend with institutionalized superstition that has massive social support.
Atheist have received support from individuals (i.e. loners) willing to speak up against the wishes of the majority for centuries while we waited for the internet.

Samuel Clemens (pen name Mark Twain) for example wouldn’t tell anyone of his atheism while he was alive.
We had to find out posthumously from a book that he had locked away long enough for him to believe the angry mobs wouldn’t desecrate his grave.

I just feel that we have quite a way to go before we live in a Star Trek...ish advanced culture.

Novelty 8 Apr 15

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Atheism is very much a culture which a very colorful and distinguished history. Thankfully, our culture is a bit more enlightened than in Twain's time, but progress has been painfully slow; we may be very grateful for what acceleration is occuring. Please note how social evolution on specific topics can and do reach tipping points.

Most importantly, religionists often behave and make judgements based on their myths, and it's purely a matter of luck whether they get it right. Allegience to atheism is all about believing and behaving according to the best approximation of rationality (BAR). That BAR is as high as one can get, and outclasses religious 'morality' on every count. The BAR is all about skepticism, self-examination and personal integrity. There is no room for the pretense of affirming ambiguous epigrams.

Atheism is supported by science in that, by definition, nothing in reality is reasonably understood to be supernatural nor miraculous. And yet, to be clear, nothing within the understanding of science has been observed to be supernatural nor miraculous, and that comes as close to a disproof of the supernatural and miraculous as is needed (Respects are paid to Sagan's proposition that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.). Higher physics do dive deeply into intellectual paradox as they inquire into hidden dimensions and entangled non-locality. Thus, to the extent that atheism rejects the supernatural, it embraces those regions of science that are only made possible in the absence of God. The other example being evolution of life being as profound as any other known scientific formulation.


"Atheism isn’t a culture as any atheist can tell you.
Could a culture be developed based on atheism?"

Isn't this exactly what Stalin tried to do in Russia in the 1920's and 1930's... to establish an atheistic culture. WWII is the only thing that ended his genocidal campaign against religion.

"This campaign, like the campaigns of other periods that formed the basis of the USSR's efforts to eliminate religion and replace it with atheism supported with a materialist world view, was accompanied with official claims that there was no religious persecution in the USSR, and that believers who were being targeted were for other reasons."

The last part obvious propaganda. "In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500"

cava Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

@Mortal With all due respect, contrary your assertion of "this false like between atheism and communism" it is a historic link made between Stalin's communism and atheism, and it was very real to those who perished for their beliefs.

"The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labour camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone.Only a twelfth of the Russian Orthodox Church's priests were left functioning in their parishes by 1941." (wikipedia)

There are probably as many forms of communism as there are other forms of government, my response was to your assertion of the possibility of an atheistic culture, which is what Stalin actually tried to accomplish.


Well, although there isn't a culture of atheism there is a general Non-believer collective identity^ which could be used a basis for a culture. This collective identity centers around several things: 1) Non-belief (duh), 2) support/promotion of science and rationality, and 3) human rights issues - particularly LGBT rights and Women's rights. If there were to be any sort of "atheist" culture I would hazard a guess that this is what the culture would be based upon. Non-belief would manifest as a strong separation between Church and State, the general sense that religion could harm people (especially minorities), and a general mocking of religious beliefs/organized religion - all of which are current manifestations of this part of the Non-believer collective identity. The later two would manifest in how we would think a scienctific fact being taught in schools, a cultural respect for science, and push for equality for all. Basically, a society with an "Atheist" culture would be similar to several European countries today and an overall extension of the current Secular Community (the good and the bad).

^Yes, there is a Non-believer collective identity. Not every person fits an identity completely, there will always be variation within a group, however, these are the general things that most Non-believers have in common when asked about their non-belief and their participation in non-believer groups/activities. We may like to think that the only thing "atheists" have in common is not believing in a deity/higher power but that is simply not true if we look at the reseach that has been and is being done about the Secular Community.


Believe it or not, I was friends with a very conservative atheist. While most of us seem to be progressives, I'm sure that many aren't. Maybe that will change now that radical theists are trying to turn us into a theocratic dictatorship and these conservative atheists find no place for themselves in the movement.


I'm sure you like the Next Generation episode where Mark Twain popped up. One of the dilemmas atheism is that it is about a disbelief as opposed to a belief. And it's hard to get people 2 rally around a void. When we have something to Rally around is a something. When we talk about atheism we talked about there being a nothing. It's hard to Rally a non thing. Perhaps atheism needs some catchy slogans or some ad campaigns to help spark people's imagination.

Ad. campaign? Well, have you seen the Ron Reagan Jr. atheism tv commercials?
Re. whether PR is appropriate for atheism or not, I think PR comes in all kinds of forms, and it ultimately is about encouraging visibility so that society as a whole can stop knowing only negative stereotypes about atheists and realize we are actually people. I can't help but compare this to the amazing progress made on the lgbt social inclusion front. It's 80% due to visibility. We are harder to demonize (irony intended) when we are visible. I say YES to PR.


A culture includes of the norms, practices, philosophies, knowledge, values -- everything that humans create. To base a culture on atheism is analyyous to forming a one dimensional image in a multi-dimensional world.


We have culture. There is nothing wrong with what we have and continuing to build on it with the understanding that what we came from got us to we are now. We don't have to throw it all out with the bathwater.

And who the fuck wants star trek exactly? That's an unrealistic fantasy.


This community is developing groups - check in your area.


If atheist start getting organized... how far is that fron a church/religion? I don't want to argue or complain.... the beauty of me becoming an atheist since child is that I followed nobody and leaded no one. Nobody on my side or leading me. To me that is being an Atheist. I don't talk god, I don't fight church, I don't argue religion. . I JUST LIVE WITHOUT god, religion OR church.

"Wimp" is a bit harsh a label. Socially shy, though. Different strokes...

I find that relationships with other people are a part of what make my life interesting and afford me some sense of meaning. I like to believe that someone cares about me other than just myself, and in turn I WANT to care about others; not run their lives, but care. I meet a fair number of people, though, that are just more guarded and not inclined to engage other people with their viewpoints, choosing instead to live quietly and separately. To each their own.

Re. "If atheists get far is that from church/religion?"

Quite far, I should hope. It sounds a bit reactionary to me to say that, because churches are organized, atheists shouldn't be. Organization is not the problem with churches. It is their doctrine. It is their insistence on a set of beliefs that members are not supposed to question.

Atheists can have principles, but not doctrine. Principles that are arrived at through contemplation, discussion, consideration of their rational merits. To say don't organize seems to be to be saying live your life in isolation, "free" from any sort of supportive community. Screw that!

@MikeInBatonRouge I am not here to discuss god, church or religion.


Re. "Could a culture be developed based on atheism?" I say atheism clears the path of all that pesky religious nonsense that leads to delusion and misery. What could shape an atheist-friendly culture, though, I would call Secular Humanism, which concerns itself with ethics and an aim of solving human emotional and social problems through human focus, strategy and effort, rather than fantasies of prayer.


SE asia has had secular cultures for several thousand years.


Of course their could be a culture developed based on atheism and probably is today. China comes to mind. There are organizations in the USA and around the world that are A-theistic and more coming online all the time. The only thing necessary for there to be an A-theistic organization is that there is a non-belief in a god(s). Seek out a Universal Univeralist church in your area or other A-theistic communities in your area.

@LetzGetReal No one is required to worship anything. It can and is used for community.


Eventually either the religous will purge the Atheists (for a time, it'll always grow back) or the Atheists will have to revolt or leave the planet.

You cannot have two so widely opposed and antagonistic viewpoints live together if society continues to polarize and tribalize as it's currently doing.

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