37 13

Are you all ready for April 23rd???
And you thought TAX DAY was stressful. šŸ˜›


MikeInBatonRouge 8 Apr 17

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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I have been looking forward to all of the christians being swept up into heaven for some time. I think the world will be a much nicer place afterwards.

JimG Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

@Bierbasstard agreef!


It is amazing how popular this stuff is. Who can forget the year 2000?

I will not forget the year 2000, but for a different reason. I was Y2K'ed. I used a credit card to make an online purchase approximately $150 on January 5th. When I received my January credit card bill, the total charges were over $4000, because the $150 charge was repeated every day from January 5 through the end of the month.

That was certainly not a "rapture" experience.?


If believers would only look forward to the continuation of the human race instead of cheering for the end of it probably many problems in this world would improve.


Aww man, ANOTHER rapture?
I hate when everything descends into chaos, war, famine, and disease.
Satan just really puts a damper on my mood, man.
(Lol, sarcasm incase that was evident).

Mea Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

Relax. According to the Miriam Webster dictionary, RAPTURE is not about chaos, war, famine, and disease. It is about ecstasy and passion ā€“ so make the most of it ?

THE RAPTURE is only for "saved" Christians, ...or Anita Baker (tell me you get that joke) , so unless you are one of those, you won't be caught up in it the good way; yeah, pretty sucky.


Tax day is not stressful for me and neither is a non-event day.


Not again, think they put that claim out there every few years. Is an insane way to try and get people to join the brainwashing religions.


Whatā€™s going on April 23rd?

Edit: Doh, the link.


I've lived through several armageddon/doomsdays and they're not all they're cracked up to be.

real disappointments


I, for one, could not care less ...


I ain't skeered.


It's called Monday or work day. I'm about as ready as I will ever be.


Iā€™m reference to doomsday?

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