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Apple is releasing an update that will allow them to search your iPhone, JUST IN CASE you're storing child porn on it. What fun, knowing you're being intruded on and having nothing that you can do about it.

But the best thing? This is only going to affect America!


Dyl1983 8 Aug 21

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We are having a police state open up before our eyes.

Wow, so many here willing to give up their rights. Scary.

Leelu Level 7 Aug 21, 2021

There is already Spyware in our smart phones listening to our conversations even when not being used. Spyware picks up certain words and then you get targeted with ads of whatever you were talking about. It's terrible to me that modern life almost requires us to use phones and or the internet just to live our lives. Extended laws need to be implemented on these tech companies that use predatory methods such as this!

Tejas Level 8 Aug 21, 2021

Thank you for posting this link.


Hopefully , they'll be able to remove some pediphiles from the streets and maybe they'll extend it to capture some sex trafficers as well .

Where in the article do you find claims that Apple will inform government authorities ?
In fact, Apple has refused to do that in the past.



@FearlessFly When I was young , our phones hung on he wall and didn't move . These days , authorities can track someone by seeing where the towers closest to their phone pings are . And yes , they can and do track people by following where their phones go .

I prefer to have my right to privacy.

@Cast1es I'm aware that governments can and do track. I don't have a smartphone and I remove my cell phone battery whenever I leave my domicile.

. . . you commented "they'll be able to remove some pediphiles [sic]" (pedophiles)

You didn't answer my question -- where does Apple say (or claim) that they will be reporting their findings to any government. ?


Adding insult to injury, it's a $1200 phone.


I will avoid all products that are doing this. Imagine you have a used phone or computer and the person who had them wiped them. OK, we know his porn is still there and experts can retrieve it. If you have these used products most likely all the communication can also be retrieved. If suspected of child porn the experts will claim that YOU wiped the devices. Well, they have you now.

If you think data is retrievable after 'wiping' you are doing it WRONG. 😮



So your fine with child porn? Are you fine with child porn in general?

I do not support child porn but what I find funny about this is the fact that America which screams it is the land of the free, where some people won't;

  1. wear masks
  2. get vaccines
  3. restrict gun access to prevent or limit the death rate in school/mass shooting
  4. follow medical advise about a lockdown
  5. have universal healthcare

because of their individual freedoms

but it quite happy to;

  1. allow religious people the right to peddle their religion in public places
  2. not allow women's access to safe medical care because of the religious people
  3. discriminate against people who the religious people don't like
  4. and now it seems allow a big multinational to access their phones to check for child porn (and please describe what that is. As I know of many parents who have photos of their own children where the children are naked running around the back yard etc what about the 16yr old who has a photo of another 16yr old that is a bit compromising?)

That to me while it may catch many predators (and won't it be fun to see how many switch to android) it is the slippery slope to allowing it for other reasons.

There was a researcher who wanted to show people how easy it was to make someone believe what you wanted them to believe.
So he did a questionnaire, asked a bunch of people a straight out yes no Do you agree with the death penalty? No choice but yes or no many circled no as they had some reservations etc.

Then he asked a mulit-question survey where the first questions was something like
Do you believe there is too much crime?
Do you believe that the law does enough to stop crime?
Do you believe that the punishment for crime is appropriate?

All questions most people would say yes to.
by slowly building on this people got into the habit of saying yes, each thing seemed reasonable when you put it into the framework of the previous question.
Most people then said yes to the death penalty.

So while most of us believe that catching paedophiles and stopping child porn is a good thing what about if some die hard xtain fundamentalist gets into power in these multinational companies, law enforcement and politics (does not have to be president just enough in other positions can do damage) and they go you know what we really need to ferret out the non believers so lets increase the spying on civiliians. Now a direct leap from paedophiles to atheists would have most people going nope don't need to do that but if they take the right steps in between then they get the yes they are looking for.

You're fine with witch hunts and invasion of privacy in general, or is it only when "child porn" is invoked as the reason?

@Budgie All it takes is bogus surveys showing how "X"% of atheists are rapists, pedophiles, what have you, just as it's still common myth that gay men have a higher tendency toward pedophilia.

@Paul4747 So you are fine with child porn? I sure google will follow suit and do the same with android phones.

@xenoview Why do you assume that anyone who is not fine with reckless invasions of privacy by private corporations, is therefore "fine with child porn"? You are setting up a false dichotomy.

@Paul4747 You must have something to hide. So you are fine with child porn?

@xenoview You're ignoring my question. Therefore I ignore yours. Particularly since yours is based on the irrational assumption that only someone with "something to hide" has an interest in civil liberties.

@Paul4747 No, I'm not fine with invasion of privacy. But, I'm very much against child porn. Apple could do the checking for child porn without telling anyone. So are you fine with child porn?

@xenoview I am not "fine with" either one.

Your implication (well, your main implication, because you also keep implying that anyoe who is against this idea is also for child pornography) is that the majority must sacrifice all rights to any degree of privacy and security in our electronic effects- which the courts have held to be every bit as private as physical papers- in order to combat crimes of a tiny minority. I dispute that logic.

See my argument above regarding landlords. If Apple can electronically search your phone whenever they please, why can't a landlord physically search their tenants' homes whenever they please, with the same rationale? Answers on a 3x5 postcard please, addressed to the American Civil Liberties Union, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York NY 10004.


Yet another reason why I don't purchase apple products.


Oh, my, they never had this capability before? If you think that, I have a bridge to sell you......


Only if you have child porn, nothing to worry about if you don't so do you

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 21, 2021

"Only if you have child porn"
lol, ok

Nothing but a police state.

"Only the Jews"....


It’s in the disclosure agreement, you could always say no and purchase a Samsung. I like my iPhone and have nothing to hide.

"have nothing to hide"

That statement is (always) based on the FALSE premise -- If there are things a person does not want to be 'discovered', they MUST be doing something wrong. 😛

Have you noticed that virtually everyone who makes such a statement is fully clothed while saying it ? 🙂

@FearlessFly I was naked when I made my reply and here I am naked again so your argument is faulty.

@Willow_Wisp Unless/until I have actually noticed this (claimed) nakedness (snicker,snicker,snigger), the 'argument' still holds 🙂 🙂

You think you have nothing to hide.

You've never paid a bill, got a medical correspondence, had a private conversation over your phone? You're okay with random employees at Apple (or a subsidiary) pawing through your every file, just in case you have something suspect on it? Or because someone called in a phoney tip about you?

Everyone has something to hide.

@Paul4747 "If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him"


@Willow_Wisp Please send pics lmao


The Fourth Amendment protects you from US Governments, NOT from Apple (or any other private corporation). 😛




Sexual child predators are despicable beyond words and any tool that can be invented and used to winkle them out and identity them is to be welcomed as far as I’m concerned. Roll it out right around the world I say..because it’s a global scourge that destroys the innocence of children and wrecks many of their lives forever.

Totalitarian governments are quite skilled at (attempting and) making tool(s) "invented and used" for whatever purpose they think they can get-away with (even against otherwise innocents). 😛

They don't need encouragement.

@FearlessFly Are you saying child predators don’t exist and governments are inventing them as an excuse to curtail civil liberties?

@Marionville NO
IMO, "won't you think of the children" is typically the 'thin edge of the wedge'

IMO, unreasonable search and seizure protection is a NECESSARY tool to be used to keep ALL/ANY government in check.

We have ONLY the rights that can be defended, it would be foolish/disastrous to give it away without a fight.


@Marionville well, there are many obviously better ways to deal with that though?

@bbyrd009 For instance?

@Marionville well, i would say locally; easy enough for cops to get warrants for what apple intends to do to everyone

@bbyrd009 If it was easy they’d already be doing it…they do bust many internet child porn sites and have charged many …but only the ones they can track and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

@bbyrd009:...this is NOT "the Government" doing this, it is a Private Corporation, Apple.
If it bothers you, use something else. Period.
and stop getting your panties in a wad over Your failure to understand this!

@AnneWimsey . . . hmmm, I think my comments have been misinterpreted.

. . . earlier, I commented :

"The Fourth Amendment protects you from US Governments, NOT from Apple (or any other private corporation). "

I have never paid any of my hard-earned money to EITHER Apple or Microsoft !
My first computer was a Commodore Amiga 2000 (with Bridgeboard) -- I still have it and it still works.
I have run Linux on all other computers since the mid 1990's 🙂
(I have never had a smartphone)

@FearlessFly my bad, I was replying mainly to @bbyrd009...fixed

For "child sexual predators", substitute "communists", "liberals", "atheists", "witches", "radicals", "feminists", "abortionists", or whatever flavor of the week you like. Whatever it is, guaranteed someone thinks they're a scourge on society and must be winkled out no matter how. And the accusation is the proof.

Have you heard of McCarthyism, at all?

What makes you think it's just fine for a private corporation, unfettered by law, to go on fishing expeditions through your electronics? And then do what, exactly, with whatever they might find? You really want Apple to be in the position of a nosey maid who rummages through your possessions looking for whatever they consider suspicious?

@AnneWimsey what he said

@Paul4747 because they owned the thing, and you signed an agreement when you bought it. Vote with your feet if you must, but you are undermining your own premise because You signed away your own rights, duhhhhhhh

@Paul4747 Ah…the slippery slope argument. ‘If you allow them to do such and such in order to find and eliminate something undesirable who’s to say what other thing they may then decide is undesirable too’…that argument. Well as it isn’t the state but a private corporation we’re talking about, the remedy would surely be not to buy their product and not be subject to their rules and intrusion. That you say would only drive the predator to using another product made by another corporation…but then if that other corporation and all the competitors were persuaded to adopt the same intrusive position too, then the person would have nowhere to go if he still wanted to pursue his nasty online activities. To the rest of us with nothing hide or to be ashamed of, we wouldn’t even realise it was going on because we don’t have such disgusting material or intent.

@Marionville @AnneWimsey I question first, did the EULA that Apple users (I am not one, so my interest here is purely libertarian) state outright or in effect, "We reserve the right to go on fishing expeditions through everything on your devices, without court order, and without stating what we might do with the results of such expedition, because we built the device"? I have my doubts.

And, correct, it is a slippery slope argumet to a degree, but I am also making the valid analogy that whatever the threat du jour is, private industry has no more right than the state to go snooping through your effects looking for evidence of it. Your landlord is not the state; do they have the right to come over and go through your papers looking for child porn, provided they announce that they might do so at any time? So you don't have any kiddie porn; but is your landlord really entitled to know of your interest in Hummel figurines, or what color underwear you own? "You can always move..." but when one landlord gets away with it, every landlord is empowered to do it.

Suppose your landlord doesn't find any porn, but does find some bootleg DVDs. Are they going to report that to the police?

This is a thinly-veiled excuse for Apple to hunt through the image files of whomsoever they please, looking for whatever they might find. Do you have a single copyrighted image saved on your phone? Even without realizing it? Then you've violated the user agreement and broken the law. Do you want private tech companies to have the power of the police, without the restrictions of the police?

I'm amazed that otherwise quite rational people are so susceptible to the hot button of "but child porn!" It's not that many steps down the road to raiding pizza parlors.

@Paul4747 let’s just say we agree to differ on this subject.

@Marionville And I'm right.

@Paul4747 I didn’t concede that !

@Marionville I didn't say you did. 🙂


Is this reason 4,872 or 4,873 to use Android instead of Apple? I keep losing count.

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