9 23

Ya know, IF there is alien technology at Area 51, "they" did not brief Trump about it because there is no way that blabbermouth could keep it secret.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Sep 29

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An interesting dilemma for the 'Men in Black', what to do if the elected head of state is a fuckwit (the official term used by my college's Social Sciences dept. for Trump).
Think back to Trueman not being told of the Manhattan project until after FDR had died and he became POTUS. But Trump + Pence, best keep quiet aye.


I'm sure there must have been a time when they gave him bubblegum hoping he would choke, but blew a bubble instead, making it his most powerful speech ever...


I agree. The truth however is that there are no crash retrieval sites. At least not for anything not of this earth. In the beginning we used weather balloons to spy on the Russians. Some of these came down. Later on we had to "cover up" our new aircraft technology at area 51. Russians and others followed a similar program and we have all used disinformation along the way.

BTW, years ago I used to believe in Roswell and aliens and I thought at the time that it explained everything. 🙂

Senator Harry Reid: "I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials," Reid, 81, told the New Yorker of defense contractor Lockheed Martin. "And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff," he said. "They would not approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me."
Reid spoke to the magazine as part of an article regarding government investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).


Dr. Davis met with Vice-Admiral Thomas R. Wilson, who was then tasked with oversight of special programs at the Pentagon, on October 16, 2002. The notes are objectively authentic, and Dr. Davis has not denied their veracity. Vice-Admiral Wilson relayed to Dr. Davis that the Vice-Admiral attempted to meet with the corporate “gatekeepers” of “the program” to reverse engineer alien technology in May and June 1997. Those persons included the corporate’s program director, the security director, and corporate counsel (either general or special). The gatekeepers denied Vice-Admiral Wilson access as he was not on the “bigots list” of people who were need-to-know. The Vice-Admiral hints the program was then run by Lockheed Martin; perhaps they call it SkunkWorks because something smells rotten.


@racocn8 I read a book detailing the dispersal of this technology. It was billed as not alien but as CIA "finds". Now something else. My cousin flew B-52's while in SAC.Spent a lot of time at Wright-Patterson. He did confirm to me that crash relics exist. Very secure area, shoot to kill orders in place. He could not say much. He always mentioned that there was so much he could not tell me.


The issue is that Trump is an alien! Figuratively, and literally. He is outside this, or any, culture on the planet, is a thing unto his sad, little, self.

We should build a wall around him.


Aliens wouldn't talk to him anyway.

@Gwendolyn2018 In all the movies I watched over the years, not once did I hear "take us to your dumbest human".

@Gwendolyn2018 They probably only come here to talk to the dolphins anyway. LOL


The whole of the security apparatus involved in crash retrievals is beyond Trump's comprehension. Most of the technology is beyond our understanding as well. But thanks for the additive manufacturing and glassy metals...

@Gwendolyn2018 I guess all the Pentagon videos were seagulls... Carlson has an interest and may have spoken to Trump to try to get something released, but others have been working on it for decades. Their prime directive is firmly in place, as is ours for the moment.


I wouldn't trust the Stump's judgement on the playground surrounded by 6 year olds. He would probably have them playing in traffic with his ugly hats covering their eyes.


Oh, HELL no! He'd claim to have discovered/invented it!

@Gwendolyn2018 Not only that--he'd try to PATENT the technology!


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 29, 2021

I don't know about that technology, but I do believe they didn't tell him everything for precisely that reason.

@Gwendolyn2018 Alien technology in Area 51. I don't believe there is alien technology stored at Area 51.

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