Attn: Beneficiary,
I am Mr.John Michael Flint, group chief executive (CEO) of HSBC
private bank London, I am writing you this letter because a cool penny
is better than millions of dollars. It is better for one to live and
die a poor honest man than a rich dishonest one. I and Dr.Alison
Vincent, chief information security officer, HSBC private bank have
arranged with an insider in the computer strong room to bring out your
part payment amounting five million United States dollars. We did this
because according to information gathered from the bank's computer
room, you have been waiting for a long time to receive your fund
without success. We also found out that you have almost met all the
statutory requirements of the bank for the release of your fund, your
problem is that of interest groups.
A lot of people are interested in your payment and those people are
merely doing paper work with you and that explains why you
receives,emails and phone messages from different people. Also we
found out that officials of various ministries have been extorting a
lot of money from you in the pretext of helping you and we advise you
now to stop and do away with those scammers.
I am willing to help you get your money but please for top security
reasons do not tell anybody until you receive cash at your doorstep.
The money is padded in a trunk security-proof box weighing 50kg, I
went to four different courier services to make arrangements on how to
ship them by courier service. Dhl, Ems, FedEx and Gls, all said that
they must open the box for inspection by the customs before shipment.
This is something we want to avoid because the box was padded with a
machine, i told the courier service that the box contains
photographic and film materials and when opened will lose its
Today a friend of mine who is a good Christian i disclosed this with
told me that there is a Government courier service we can use to send
the package and it will be sealed under permit and privacy and cannot
be inspected by any customs anywhere in the world. The name of the
courier service is noble diplomatic security courier company (NDSCC) I
will meet with them as soon as i have your go ahead order.
Please maintain topmost secrecy as it may cause a lot of problems if
found out that we are using this way to help you, do not ever tell
anybody about this until you have your cash with you. I want to help
you because i will soon retire from my government and i want to come
over to your country with my family so that you can assist me when i
relocate to your country with my family.
Thank you and please furnish us with the below information.
(a) your full name
your receiving address
your private phone/cell numbers. God is with us as we wait for your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.John Michael Flint
Group chief executive (CEO) HSBC
So this is the email I got while at work few hrs ago . Friends , itβs a slow night at ED . Here is what I came up as a response . I like it
I canβt wait to hear back from that scammer
Hi there . Well mr Michael , we got a problem ! No wood box can be in my house ! 5 million dollars sounds ok , and I can certainly help u out when u decide to re locate . But I canβt receive anything in my house that is made from wood ! I will not be able to touch the box and get the money . I canβt even have the smell of the wood in my house , the reactions will be severe as death . Everything started long time ago , when I was a young child . I was living w my family at our private island and I was enjoying my time . One horrible day , while walking with my nanny on the beach , A huge bird came from nowhere . It was the size of a dragon ! . Probably 5 times bigger than the wood box w the money . At least 200 kg for sure . The bird flew low , got my nanny from her neck , shook her few times , and then ate her . Just like that . It was scary , especially because in her pocket was my pet lizard Jesus , and that day Jesus was eaten too
Well, after that scary big bird ate my nanny , I started running back to our villa . I made it while that dragon was breathing on my neck the whole time , and before I had a chance to warn our servants and our gardener and my parents , this huge scary bird was eating one by one everyone in the household . Everyone !!! Including my father . That day , I became an orphan . It was very hard but thank u god , we were very rich , and I inherited all my familyβs money . Unfortunately I also couldnβt get rid of the bird . He , his name is Willy , stayed with me in the island for 20 yrs . And actually , we became short of friends ! He has not ate another human since 5 weeks ago , and I think this time he is going to keep his promise . One can only hope
Because of him and his needs , I wasnβt able to get an education or get married and have kids . So I am wealthy , but stupid and without family . All of this for Willy . The last 10 yrs , Willy and I live in a villa in south Florida . And we both getting old . Recently I discovered that Willy gets very mad and aggressive at sight or smell of wood . I got rid of all wood floors and other objects , and replaced w marble . I had to re do kitchen cabinets as well , major construction I am telling u , it went well , although Willy ate a plumber and an electrician . Well . They were older anyways , no big deal , pls do not think of Willy as a monster . Just a hungry bird . Since no more wood around Willy , he is much nicer and able to control his appetite . I canβt risk to change that just for 5 million of dollars . I mean , thank u , but not worth the risk . If u find your self in usa , u can always visit us regardless money . But pls do not mention anything about god or christians around Willy . He also gets mad about Jesus and overall , he gets aggressive at sight of cross . He has a great attitude about Satan though . If u worshiping Satan , Willy can be your friend ! Well , good luck to u ,
Thanks again ,
Florida , USA
My only question to u guys , should I send as a reply from my email address ? Doesnβt matter I think , odviously some how they have my email , right ??
The last name that I wrote means β gofuckyourselfβ in greek . What do u guys think . Stupid ? I am laughing thou . I had fun writing this today
My nurses think that finally I lost my mind . Agree . Do we care ???
You are bloody brilliant!!
By all means, send it!
Hail Willy!
Hail Satan!
I think Willy is a great construct & should not be hidden under a bushel!
Fly, fly free Willy!
Fuck !!!!!
Only u Annie , only u !!!!! I love it
@Pralina1 she is funny huh
I recall checking my email one morning in the summer of 1998. I received and email from a Nigerian man who told me that his late uncle had died intestate and that he was involved in a lengthy and expensive legal battle with the Nigerian Government. Seemingly, his uncle left him several oil wells but due to the lack of a Will he had to contest the matter legally. For a small donation (Β£500) he would give me a 10% stake in an oil well.
I replied to his email and told him that it was a remarkable coincidence because my late uncle had also recently died. He owned thousands of acres of land in Yorkshire died intestate. A year before he died he promised that I as his fond nephew would inherit it all. I told him that such a remarkable coincidence warranted a meeting between us and that if he would care to send me the airfare to Nigeria, I'd be happy to meet up with him. Never heard from him again...
hahahahahahajahahahahah !!!! Nice !!!!
Eating everybody!!....... Willy nilly!!!
Yum yum β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
My girl. This is hilarious - when you get tired of the medical field -- a future awaits you as the writer of children's books.
P.S. The last name was a nice touch.
You can have a brilliant future as a scam artist. I'm grateful that you are working on the side of good, however.
Man, I am all talk but no walk . I couldnβt scam anyone , but I am a pretty good theft for pens and snacks
! Thank u though β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
This is brilliant! Send it and do let us know when they reply!! You should also think about a writing career, youβre very imaginative! I loved it!!
No maβam . I am looking to retiring at 59 from everything . I am so done with it all , patients and humans , I am just done . 8 more yrs to go , then I will enjoy been nobody
@Pralina1 Well, if anyone deserves an early retirement itβs you! After the past two years, you certainly have earned it.
@Pralina1 Eight more years before retirement is also my goal. However, when you retire, I'm rather sure you will continue to be a significant positive factor for good.
Hello Ms. P. Thank you for the entertaining read. You might want to do a lot more creative writing...and let us read some of it. Maybe even publish some of it?
Oh u are sweet ! But mostly I laugh with my own jokes , my English if not medical related are ridiculously bad , and overall besides u guys here that I feel like close , I donβt have much to say to rest of world . But I hate scammers !
Taking advantage of less educated or more volnurable people . Itβs wrong ! I hope I waste this guys time , I hope he respond , and I hope I find more to say
@Pralina1 A few years ago, an enterprising writer in London was contacted by a scammer of similar ilk. The Brit fed the scammer (a Nigerian) such a great story that he convinced the Nigerian to fly to London (thinking he would collect a 5,000 pound "investment" from the Brit). The Nigerian was arrested upon his arrival at Heathrow. I'm sure many of us would-be scam victims have fantasies of pulling something like that over on the scammers.
The time it takes them to read it is time they arenβt harassing other people so thatβs good. And from past experience, once you respond to them in any way they will try to keep up the dialog in the hopes of getting some king of useful information out of you. That can be entertaining for a bit if you need a little distraction from dealing with Willy on a daily basis.
Thatβs what I am looking for . U , as usual , u can read me β₯οΈ
Nicely done, a lot better than my scamming the scammers at every possible opportunity.
I was just thinking . I bet at your house , such a dragon can happen !!! Man. Your life is so exciting w stupid neighbor , this dragon has nothing on your real life
That's fucking hilsrious..send it then Block the Good Christian and his Wife..l
U think itβs ok to send as reply from my email adress ? I mean, y not right ??
@Pralina1 Google anonymous email accounts and you can find something like this:
You might need to set up an new account.
@Pralina1 they already have your email address. Responding and carrying on your fun wonβt get you more mail, and when you tire of it, just start marking as SPAM and they will go away at some point.
create a special gmail account and send it from there.
Ever heard of the Span file???
Why waste your time!!!
That was brilliant! Hilarious, disturbing and brilliant. Brings me to the children's classic "Where the Wild Things are." When you step away from the medical profession (retirement) I hope you consider becoming an author.
Would love to be a fly on the wall when they read that response
It helps to know how they got your email address. You may have to change a few online habits. I remember receiving such a email over 10 yrs ago.
Awesome, but do not answer. Let him assume it is just deleted and blocked. I hope that you will do the latter?
Thanks for the morning humor.
What about from anonymous email address ???
Hey Mitch , I hope u doing well β₯οΈβ₯οΈβ₯οΈ
@Pralina1 I would not respond. You don't know how sophisticated the phisher is.
Doing fine, thanks.