I can accept that there are beings in this Universe that are so advanced compared to humans that they appear godlike in their abilities and I can even accept the possibility that there is some form of modification/creation of the human species through scientific means.
Prayer is about subjugating the will of people, keeping them downcast and obedient to religious leaders and governments because religious leaders and governments tend to work hand in hand to feather their own beds. So call me an Atheist and I will wear that proudly but call me an Anti-Religious and I will beam with even greater pride for those bastards are the lowest of the low.
Yes prayer. Close your eyes and bow your head and start talking to yourself. OK. Close your eyes and bow your head and imagine anything that you want. Does this sound like a kid game yet?
There's a reason why priests are called Father, they want to keep you in line like a little kid.
Now why would you call yourself antitheist? I suggest you accept factual evidence and not unsubstantiated bullshit.
It was sarcasm.....
@AnneWimsey was it?
The word I was looking for was Anti-Religious.
@SnowyOwl let's see...Catholics have enriched themselves with trillions in assets, participated in the crusades, the inquisition, supported Hitler because he killed millions of Jews, they killed Jesus didn't you know? Then they operated the rat lines to get these Nazi war criminals to south America, they currently have an epidemic of pedophiles among their priests to which they turn a blind eye, Muslims and Islam are equally retrograde and fanatics who kill and bomb and maim just because you disagree with their barbaric religion, Jews killing Palestine children and bombing the shit out of them, Hindus killing Muslims, Buddhists in China killing Uyghurs, protestants of all denominations were not very nice to the natives and stole their land, all religions are despicable and should be erased from the face of the earth, no middle ground here or Mr nice guy, fuck all of them, I hate them!
@SnowyOwl yep, a very popular and well known quote that is in everybody's top of mind, how can one not be aware of that extremely well known massacre, here's another very popular quote that everybody knows..."non tua culpa est, ambitiosa tentare asinus" or it's not your fault to try to be a pretentious jackass!
Prayer = Wishing.
But with greater intensity and less realistic uncertainty that the wish will ever come to be.
That is a mistaken definition and lumps all prayers in with supplicatory prayers. A prayer is a conversation, not necessarily asking for something.
@Andy4608 I had not heard that people considered 'talking to God' to be a form of prayer, but I can understand that definition. Does that type of prayer have a name? In any case, I would say that:
"Talking to God" = "Talking to yourself" (in the pejorative sense).
Either way, both are expressions of rank ego-based selfishness.
@racocn8 My ex was a Catholic school principal and a couple of the priests from the attached church were regular dinner guests. My views were known to then and often led to enjoyable conversation on a number of subjects. I remember a couple of them saying that praying was a conversation with god (their term) and that it should take a form you were comfortable with, be it in a church, sitting on a sofa, out walking or whatever. The subject of the conversation need not be confined to deliverables.