13 2

How many people have you blocked? I have blocked 2!

iamjc 7 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I've blocked three


I haven't yet blocked anyone. Perhaps the bigger question would be, how many have blocked me?

Duke Level 8 Apr 28, 2018

I was wondering that too 😉


None. I've come close with just one.
But, I'd rather hear all sides and maybe rants.
And, as this is simply a more focused version of Facebook (in my opinion), I disregard insults and obvious delusional comments... they're amusing!


Is there an icon or way to find out how many people I've blocked?

I sometimes post about controversial subjects; UFOs, psychic, and gender issue issues, which enrages some people, plus some men have been sexually crude. But since I've blocked so many people, it's happening less often.


Zero blocked and never will. If someone doesn't like my posts or me theirs so what? That's the way the world spins, besides if someone is an asshole I want to watch them make a bigger ass of themselves, myself included. Enjoy me.

You bet and right back at you buddy !!!


2 people

ebdb Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

One. And only because she is egregiously smug about her own disconnect from reality and I got sick of reading her unhinged blithering. That and I decided to get there first before she blocked me, like she's probably done with half the people on this site, by now.

@Donotbelieve LOL! ?


9 people


@girlwithsmilesI just can't be assed with any bullshit


None. I don't believe in blocking trolls. I believe in batting them around like a cat playing with a mouse before it goes in for the kill.

@Donotbelieve He's a guy..he doesn't know what you're talking about.


Oh, those are the ones who are especially fun to kick around.

Dudes like that usually eventually send dick picks because they think its a turn on and they're obsessed with dick size. Basically, they're mental 12 year olds. When they send dick picks, just tell them sorry, but you're looking for someone considerably more well endowed. It'll burst their bubble fast and completely destroy what little sense of self worth they possess.


That's where you're messing up. You're allowing those who are your inferiors to make you angry. You need to start viewing them as exactly what they are, and all that anger will disappear. The best you'll be able to muster is an occasional flicker of pity. Which is more than they deserve.


None, zero, nada, aucun, nicht, niet, não.... Yet ??

None, yet.

@girlwithsmiles oh-uhhh....are you going to block me now?? ??? (Joke)

Not yet 😉

@girlwithsmiles scared me there for a sec !!!! 🙂


No one so far. I haven't had interaction on this site with anyone who is disrespectful. But maybe my time is coming, who knows

As long as you don't say anything anyone would disapprove of...

@birdingnut well, I pretty much state my case and follow up with discourse if necessary. And if they go ballistic on me I figure they are either very passionate about their belief or very close minded or maybe a bit of both. Believe me, lots of people disapprove of my opinions. Do you remember the old saying Everyone has their own opinion but just like asshole, they don't want anyone else's. LOL

@AmelieMatisse I kept getting trolls ganging up on me for mentioning anything about teleportation, ESP or anything not solid matter. It's like they never heard of Einstein and E=MC squared (sigh), with insults, jeers, etc. If I had to put up with that, no reason to leave Facebook and the alt-right to come here.

@birdingnut hey just keep open-minded thinking outside of the box is a good thing

You're very fortunate in that regard


Morons normally block me lol

I know that feeling


none yet, I am like a skunk people don't want to pick one up, not do they want to hassle me after a couple of attempts.

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