27 9

Women: i don't need no man!

Car breaks down: thats a mans job!

Tree needs to be cut down: itll fall on someone's house, hell naw, that's a mans job.

Now go fix my tree and car you little bitch!

Basically how women treat men.these days

Focus1 4 Sep 11

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He's now up to level 4, so it may be Mission Accomplished...

@Focus1 If your goal really was to just rack up points as fast as possible, then you succeeded, but at the same time, you have probably established yourself as an asshole here who just likes messing with people, so good luck the rest of your time here, as you may end up getting blocked or at least shunned by most of the members here for your games, and then how fun will that be to stay here?

I know that I will probably block you once you read this, and I may have more company on that than you think..


Incel, much?

@Focus1 which husband? Or well-endowed friends?
My dear dear Focus1, you have no chance of ever being anything more than an incel, just accept it, the flailing around is Sooooo pathetic


Plenty of women don't need or want a man. Last time I checked, the anatomy necessary for fixing a car or cutting down a tree - or for washing dishes - didn't have much to do with the anatomy determing gender.

@Focus1 Wrong. Again.


@Focus1 - Your claim "99 percent of the military isn't women." That only leaves 1% of the military that could be women. If the actual # is 15% as you admitted, @LovinLarge disproved your claim. Elsewhere in the world, like Israel, all young adults serve in the military - both men and women.

@Focus1 - 99% isn't men either. So what?


Not the women I know.

@Focus1 I know plenty of women that can run a chainsaw and a wrench that aren’t trans or gay twatwaffle.🤠

@Focus1 Maybe you should stop shopping at Walmart and Kmart for your women!? 🤔

@Buck - Sounds more like he's shopping at Salvation Army.

@Focus1 I've known plenty of women that work on their own cars and do their own home repairs and improvements. Try getting out a little more and joining modern society.


If everyone blocks him then he'll go away.

Capital idea! He would then be left talking to himself....

@TomMcGiverin That’s all he can do. Since he’s in all likelyhood a dickless wonder he couldn’t even play wit’ himself.


If that's your experience, perhaps you might want to question what you're putting out to them.

Most tree removal services are male-run businesses, employing mostly males.
Same with auto repair shops.

Shitty examples. If you're trying to make a point. Try again.

As females we were told all our lives that there were limits to what we can do. During the last presidential election, when Kamala Harris was added to the Democratic ticket, I had a 15 year old male student tell me that his mother said " The vice-president should not be a woman". I think that there will be more women than men at the polls this November, so it is possible that the power of women will soon be known. I heard it said many times when I was a child that "It is a man's world." Then they wonder why they get stuck with the heavy lifting.

@MyTVC15 Spot on!

@MyTVC15 You make a good point. I have run across both many men and women that have their sexist views of what roles and activities are appropriate for each gender, and I get equally disgusted with both genders when they insist on maintaining their double or hypocritical double standards on gender roles. Such as women who want all the perks of feminism, but still insist on the man always paying the costs of dating, at least early on, if not all the way thru the dating process leading to a long term relationship. Same thing with a man being all for feminism, equal pay and job opportunities and such, but still insisting that a woman cook for him all the time as well as clean up after meals and do all the home cleaning and child care, etc.. You don't get to pick and choose your equality without opening yourself to hypocrisy and insincerity...

BTW, I hated both Biden and Harris as choices for the Dem ticket, having nothing to do with race or gender, simply because both of them are regressive, corrupt, corporate sellouts, instead of being progressive pols with some integrity, like Bernie or Nina Turner, or even Warren would have been better, even if Warren was not electable for the prez nominee....


If anyone ever doubted that you were a damn fool, you've cleared the matter up.

@Focus1 Right back atcha! 🙂


Dude, way to showcase your misogynistic views. There are good men and bad men, just like there are good wonen and bad women. What does mechanical and tree trimming work have to do with any of that.


What happened to you to be so bitter?

@Focus1 Yes, I can see you do have a problem. Perhaps some professional help is in order.

@Focus1 Really, and all these people who made a comment here about you still leaves you clueless. That truly is astounding.

@Focus1 So, now you know them personally too.


Don't feed the troll.


What, are you some kind of demented communist?

@creative51 Yep.

He wouldn’t know what that or ‘Socialism’ means even if it was explained to him.


How do men treat women? "Do my shopping, my cooking, pick up my stinky socks off the living room floor. Have my babies unless I don't want you to then you can deal with them all on your own and if you can't take care of that kid, forget about having an abortion cus you are going to have it whether you like it or not and I'm not going to help you and I can do that cus I am a man and I can get away with anything."

Be careful not to generalize that to all men, as it certainly doesn't fit me or most of the men I see on here, who appear to be pro-feminist males. Because, if you do, then you come off as just as much a misandrist as he comes off as a misogynist.

@TomMcGiverin Yes, you are right and I generally do not make such statements. I find this particular post most offensive and given the recent marginalization of women in the USA I felt I had to punch back.

@MyTVC15 I understand, at least, as much as any man can understand. If I were a woman at this time in this country, where they are now being treated as breeding stock or livestock when it comes to reproductive rights, I would feel nothing but rage regarding men who are misogynist. And I did notice that your statement was not characteristic of you on these boards. I just always make it a point to let others know that misandry in women's remarks on these forums is no better than misogynist remarks by men. They both need to be called out and labeled for what they are, rather than one gender always getting a pass, which used to be common on this site, until I and racocn8 started calling out the misandrists, even tho it got both of us bashed on here as misogynists and blocked by many women on here. But, at least to me, it's been well worth it...


Yes, it's a man's world. Shut up and take it like a man. Only a real man can drink this or lift that. That's woman's work. Charlie, are you a woman? Cook me some food, woman.

@Focus1 Well, that is often what happens regarding lost items and men, while women are more likely to get a little sad about the lost item, shrug it off, and then go on to plan to replace it soon.

4 to a great start!


Sometimes there is just no mystery at all as to why a man is single.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

No pic, no bio, no info, moronic post with no evidence = TROLL.


My guess is the OP just wanted to stir the shit and rile people up, and he succeeded...

@creative51 True, nowadays, the only thing the levels mean is getting up to level 4 so your comments don't need to be approved, otherwise, since the admin. left and no T-shirts or prizes are being given out, the levels mean nothing anymore.


Feels good. Been awhile since an asshole has come along to entertain us.


Pity him. He is in TexASS

I thought it was Texsucks!


Probably just YOU! Now go change your diaper.


Women: 'I don't need no man!' (double negative)
Exactly; women do need men, indeed. Lol!

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

I'm sorry you feel so angry. In my experience anger is normally a symptom of frustration, anxiety, fear, or hurt, sometimes a combination of two or more.

I don't know what your life story is so I won't presume to judge but I hope you can find some peace and contentment. The best of luck to you.

Betty Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

@Focus1 Then it may be wise to make your feelings clear so as to not be misunderstood.


And, most of us earn it honestly.

@Focus1 You do have a point on this guy's bio. It is pretty bizarre...

@Focus1 I am nothing but that, too bad not everybody can handle it or accept it, but that's all I've ever been. And I've always been willing to pay the price, such as being mostly unpopular, except to my friends, and working nothing but entry level jobs my whole goddamned working life, not because I wasn't a hard or good worker, but because I refused to play workplace politics or kiss ass to bosses...

@Focus1 Nah, never been interested in taking all that amount of risk nor did I ever claim to have the right mentality for that. I am a socialist and my natural bent would be to join a worker's cooperative business, hard as they are to find in my area..

@Focus1 It's called projection and the comment sounds like somebody begging for friends and pretending he doesn't need any.

Try not to strain too much. Even a cranium has sutures...

@Focus1 Fear belongs to the young, for that is the era in which it is cultivated. If you ever age, you'll understand this. If you don't moderate and balance, it won't be anything to worry about.

@Focus1 Посмотрите на себя..

@Focus1 Yes, they do. Less than that, will deprive you of learning about what it means.


So, if that's how you feel about women, why does your profile say you want to meet them?

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 12, 2022

We men are conditioned to react this way. Somewhere in our heads it's connected to mating behavior. We can be such suckers.


I fix my own damn car, and call a tree company with knowhow and insurance !

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