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I anticipate a load of social media posts about flying saucers and aliens by this weekend. NASA is holding a big "UAP" conference. (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UFOs)


Petter 9 May 31

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It is unfortunate that this has become a subject about which any serious discussion is almost impossible now, including on this site, because of the strident hostility of vehemently anti UFO ers, despite serious discussion taking place in the world. Not much can be done about it.

Especially on this site it shouldn't be a valid discussion. I'd there a sci-fi group? It belongs there.

@barjoe thank you for illustrating my point about the hostility.

Should something break on this subject, and I mean serious revelations about it, I have every expectation that the strident hostiles on anything to do about this subject -- perhaps including yourself-- will suddenly remember how open-minded they were about it, and open to discussion and evidence. Such is the power of reconstructive retrospective human memory. As for myself, I would merely laugh.


We will see multiple deluges of SM posts when Congress stops taxpayer funding for NASA’s standard model, aka the gravity driven Big Bang, and NASA announces its support for the Electric Universe.


Little green men appeal to superstitious morons.

An ad hominem judgement based on studied ignorance and confirmation bias is not a good look. Projection?

@racocn8 Ad hominem judgements are completely valid when talking about scientific impossibilities like afterlife, breaking time continuum, psychics, clairvoyance, Santa Claus, God and...little green men.

@racocn8 That goes for ghosts, goblins and things that go bump in the night.

You are probably right about 70% of those. The other 30%, are more likely to be possible. Saying they are all absolutely impossible is an assertion of arrogant hubris or worse. But then, you just admitted to embracing fallacy...

You are probably right about 70% of those. The other 30%, are more likely to be possible. Saying they are all absolutely impossible is an assertion of arrogant hubris or worse. But then, you just admitted to embracing fallacy...

@racocn8 💯 when it comes to the supernatural or actual aliens roaming the earth. 💯 when it comes to psychics. 💯 when it comes to an afterlife. 💯 when it comes to ghosts, goblins and little green men. So where it this 30% you're talking about?


SMH! Why are so many people so eager to believe conspiracy theorys?


As if NASA would ever be anything more than an embarrassingly obsequious stooge of the Deep State. Let them put the Kecksburg object on display or did they lose that too along with ALL the documentation?


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