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Friday January 11th was a bad day for me and I still cannot explain all of it. I always thought it was funny to see the "help I've fallen and cannot get up" ads on TV, ----then it happened to me. I had returned from town as the weather was starting to get bad and my first thing is to get all the bags out of the car. Suddenly I'm on the third step of my porch and cannot move. Everything is surreal and it is as if time has stopped. My muscles feel as if I am trying to support a thousand pounds as I fell down to the ground. I'm trying all I know to get up and nothing is working. In the next 2 hours I would try to get up only to fall back again into the rain and coming snow. If I could not walk then I would crawl. It was all I could do to crawl onto my porch and in through my storm door. As I make it to the door a crash like thunder came and a large limb went flying across my carport roof. Once inside I could not stand up. I ended up crawling out of my clothes and crawling to bed. It took me 2 or 3 days to stand up properly and my arms and legs had no strength. Here I am a week later and I still feel this.

My boss agreed that I can be off work and now I go back officially the 29th. Fifteen people and their brother (that is an expression, not reality) think that I must have fell and hit my head. If I hit anything it is news to me. I have pain, yes, but it is a collective pain. One relative just knew that I'm diabetic and my sugar was too high. I am diabetic but this type of fall is not related to diabetes. Why would he think that it was? Others keep asking me what my doctor said. I'm sorry. I spent the time in bed and forgot to crawl on into my doctor's office. Maybe she can guess about what happened to me if I go see her now. Jesus, I could have been shot by a giant space laser.

Recovering slowly, and the insurance man has now visited me saying this might be as much as $6,000 to repair. What he means is the limb that is now inside my living room. All I saw was the limb flying across my carport roof but another part had come through my roof into the living room. I discovered it the next day. They want to replace some metal on my professional over roof but when I get someone to do this job the hole will be covered by a professional roof vent. Then I keep the rest of that $6,000. Idiots that have heard of my plan keep telling me that I will still have a hole in my roof. OK, so do you with your sewer vents and water heater vent.

DenoPenno 9 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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My biggest worry with this issue was FIXED TODAY. When a tree limb comes crashing through your living room ceiling the biggest concern is water leaking into your home if it rains. Otherwise why have a roof. My neighbor's nephew came by today and saw my problem. This is the repair-all guy that cuts my grass for free every time he cuts next door. He fixed my roof for $175 and it had 2 holes in it. I'm more than happy.

My insurance check will be a while coming yet and it will come with my name and my ex wife's name on the check. This problem will be fixed with the quitclaim deed that I had her sign as we got the divorce. She has relinquished all claim to this property. The Insurance company will get a copy of this quitclaim and issue one check in my name only. Then I fix the living room ceiling and keep the rest of that money in the bank. Everything solved.


Deno, it sounds like you may have had a stroke of some kind. It would be a good idea to go get checked out by your doctor. You may feel ok now, but there could be underlying issues still causing problems for you in the future. I do hope you are doing better.

I appreciate your concern but I was never afraid of a heart attack when I went to the ground and could not move. I had no pain and no trouble breathing but I felt as if I was knocked down and had the hell kicked out of me and maybe beaten with a rubber hose also. The fact that all I could do was crawl came from that. My muscles would not allow me to stand up. My back and other areas would not allow me to set down and then stand up again. This took a few days to get over.

Once the above becomes a good description of heart attack or stroke I might take this more seriously. I'm not taking a physical situation where you feel you were beaten half to death as a stroke or heart attack.


You get to the doctor yet?🤔

Not going. Apparently people cannot read my post correctly or I'm not able to post what happened. What did happen? I fell down and could not get up, feeling as if I had been kicked and beaten repeatedly. This is not how heart attacks go. It took me days to recover. None of this had to do with breathing or shortness of breath but now everyone wants to scare me up.

@DenoPenno Did we not read your post correctly, or do you indeed need to see a doctor?
People don’t fall down and lose all the strength in their limbs for no reason?!
And I have yet to mention a heart attack.
Although a stroke would cause you to fall down and be weak for days.🤨

I’ve known people that have had strokes. One of them did just as you did and crawled in his house. A friend found him on his floor a couple days later and called an ambulance. He was lucky to live through it, and likely wouldn’t have for not someone coming by.
You can chalk it up to nerves, or whatever you wish. Clearly you should see a doctor….🤨


Did Insurance job last fall. 3" hole in roof. Homeowner patched it.........
OLD aluminum siding scratched.
$28,000 later.... TY Insurance company? NO.....Thank You Insurance Company Customers !

Expect your premiums to continue to rise.

Can't you get a ride to the doctor Deno? I'd be worried as hell !!!!

twill Level 7 Jan 22, 2024

His symptoms are quite worrisome. He needs checked out…..👀

Currently I have no symptoms to be checked and I can now drive myself to a doctor. Why would I go to my doctor now? All of my muscles hurt for close to a week and I felt like I had been worked over with a rubber hose. There was no one point of p[ain and I did not fall and hit anything. Why should I get my doctor to lying? It was extremely hard to get in and out of a chair due to muscle pain. Whatever this was it is not the common heart attack senario. Let me change this feeling to something most people can understand. It was as if I was knocked down and then someone repeatedly kicked the hell out of me and would not stop.

As for a solar tube. Good choice. What I need for that grapefruit sized hole is a fake solar tube just to keep the water out. I would gladly pay a thousand just to do this and it is quick and simple. So far I cannot find anyone.

@DenoPenno Well if you're on the mend and feeling better, that's good. Stay home.
I am glad you're healing


Epic. Glad you're well enough to post. How big is the hole? You could get a solar tube.

It ended up being 2 holes and was fixed yesterday by a local repairman who is my neighbor's nephew. $175 took care of the metal roof part. I will fix the inside in time. Took my quitclaim deed to my insurance lady today so my check can come to me without having my ex wife listed too. At divorce time she signed off on all the property.


Pure speculation, but I question the unlikely coincidence of the limb crashing into your house. Is there no way you could have been struck by this limb? Perhaps a combination of concussion and impact, either on your head, or neck being twisted. After being struck, you might have semi-consciously stumbled onto the porch and collapsed.


I believe as Spinliesel says, that you likely have had a stroke. Please have someone take you to the ER?! 😐


TAKE THIS EPISODE SERIOUSLY. gET YOURSELF TO YOUR ENDOCRINOLOGIST AND LISTEN TO HIS/HER INSTRUCTIONS. If you do not , your roof will be the least serious issue you'll have to deal with. Are you a veteran? You can get good services through the V.A. You need to learn the steps to get yourself up in all situations. A physical Therapist can teach you. ( Also good for falling down with a motorcycle.) Please, please, please take this shit seriously unless you want to die miserably. I am in the last years (months?) of my life, going blind and walking with a cane. All the best to you.
Antje in upstate New York ( it is snowing again)

I absolutely agree with @spinleiesel, it was my first thought upon reading your description, especially the part about your limbs not working and the "heaviness", exactly what i experienced during my stroke from a chiropractor damaging my left vertebral artery at age 38.
This can and will happen again, unless you make changes, the sooner the better & seeing a doctor being the first thing to do!!!
You have been Very lucky, you could have been driving and taken out a family of 5!!!!!

That was my first impression too, that you suffered a stroke. I would definitely get checked out for that with a hospital..


Oh man, that is some scary stuff! I'm glad you could marshall the will to crawl inside. Maybe consider an emergency button to get help, like in that commercial. Good luck, buddy!

Your reply is the most sensible to me. I might try that emergency button. It makes more sense than crawling into a doctor's office and listening to what might have happened to me. The pain that I am talking about that continued for days is a MUSCLE PAIN with no one certain area. It is also not a pressure pain. It was as if the muscles were sore and exhausted. Slowly they all felt better.

@DenoPenno I'm not a doctor, but that sounds like an issue with nerves. Whatever it turns out to be, take care of yourself. Those buttons work pretty well. I got my dad one before he passed, he accidentally activated it once and emergency services were there in a flash.


Sorry to hear all that. I wonder have you been to see a doctor yet at all?


I would be getting a blood test. It comes in three's so watch out!!!!!!!!!!
And take care of thy self.

puff Level 8 Jan 21, 2024

Jeez, so sorry to hear you are laid up! Glad you are on the mend!


One of my biggest fears is falling on the ice. It is what took my mother down and I know that hitting the ground hurts a lot more than you think it will, until it happens to you. I hope you feel better soon and that the tree is removed from your house.


Wow! That was an adventure and a half. I hope you find out what the cause was and how to prevent another fall. Take care and be careful. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Jan 21, 2024
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