Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece. This gives the Israeli people great comfort in conducting their genocide aka moral support............so states this channel with confidence.
So how true is the 82% figure you think? I think it wouldn't be that high if the question asked was "Is the sky blue?"
Propaganda 101
Generally if FrayedBear is against something, I assume I should be for it to end up on the right side of history. This is probably another instance of that.
I think you mistook puff for frayed bear, but that is an easy mistake to make, being as they're both on the Kremlin payroll.
@Flyingsaucesir They are both very vocal pro-Putin, pro-terrorist, but Puff and I can see eye-to-eye on a few things every now and then. FreyedBear and I essentially never agree on anything. For fuck's sake, that guy thinks women should be prevented from getting an abortion for any reason "because they should have just kept their legs closed" as he likes to say. That's why I went Bear over Puff.
82% of those with close ties to Israel were favorable, would be more accurate
82% agreement on anything in America? Yesterday a post said 2/3's disagreed that eggs equate alive (so 1/3 are a real worry) but 82% is above that. I was serious when I said if you asked if the sky was blue, I doubt you would get 82%
60 minutes Sunday night: 29,000 dead Palestinians, 12,000 of them children. you disgust me Israel . You let a terrorist attack turn you into a terrorist STATE.
They always have been a brutal occupier, terrorising Palestinian populations. The desperate lashing out of resistance on Oct 7th, not justifiable but admittedly highly effective, just ripped the mask off.
Just the other day @puff was arguing that Donald Trump should get a pass for his grifting in the state of New York. He thinks that the former president should be able to commit bank fraud, insurance fraud, and tax fraud with impunity. @puff says it's selective prosecution, and conveniently ignores the fact that the state prosecutes people for such crimes all the time. The fact is, Donald Trump was not singled out; the state heard damning testimony under oath that Trump had been grifting for years. Then prosecutors did what we pay them to do: investigate and charge where the investigation turns up evidence of wrongdoing. Why am I bringing this up here, on a post about Israel and Palestine? Because it shows that @puff is prone to bouts of really poor judgement. This post is another one of them. And if you look back at his earlier posts and comments, you will see him spouting the Kremlin's line of bullshit about Ukraine. It's all of a piece: support for Putin, support for Trump, and nothing but criticism for Americans who stand up for democracy.
I'm not on my Pat Malone seeing Trump got shafted in NY, prosecuted by one who campaigned on they would get Trump. Having a rude awakening over Ukraine are we? You can go cry with Nuland.
TDS is very real in the USA. Some so deranged they will still vote for a demented, grifting old man who gave them so much like the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Nord Stream, enables genocide, a rapid growth of BRICS and weakening of $USD use, inflation from both spending policy and sanctions to hurt Russia, secure borders........................how did he only get 14th best president? Robbed.
Stand up for democracy? Where?
US is so into democracy, just look at Iraq. Illegal bases that the democratic government has told the US to remove and get out. But they won't. That's your "standing up for democracy".
@puff History will look very favorably on Biden, and very unfavorably on Trumputin.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was not as tidy as we would have liked, but the important thing is that we got out.
As for inflation, it's lower in the USA than in any other developed nation. Against all odds, it looks like the US economy is having a soft landing post pandemic.
And Nordstream? That pipeline needed to be shut off anyway (as all such pipelines must be, eventually).
You have a decidedly Kremlin-friendly attitude vis-a-vis Russia and Ukraine. I think its too early, and you are too eager to call Russia the winner. Putin is a cheap crook, and Russia is a third-rate country. Europe is steadfast in its support of Ukraine, and once we have Trumpty Dumpty in our rear view mirror, the USA will come through for them too.
@Flyingsaucesir Fuck me first sentence, back to Trump. Full blown derangement syndrome in this one. Trump is not in power atm.
You are damn right I have a Kremlin friendly attitude if the choice is between that and a fascist regime that lives off constant war with unwanted garrisons world wide. I am consistent and support the right to resist a foreign military occupation. I supported Ukraine but understood Putin's, actually not Putin's but Russia's motivation. Zelenskyy should be shot for accepting then rejecting the negotiated peace early on that would have left his country largely intact and saved countless lives. Instead, he became a proxy general for the US and his citizens and country be damned. NATO expansion is non negotiable.
You don't like pipelines? Then cut any crap about a new green future as transmitting gas this way is by far the most efficient, cheap and environmentally friendly way to do it. Same sourcing energy close by ie less transportation ie better for the environment.
And last sentence, back to Trump again.
@puff Excuse me for being a bit of an outsider here but please can you remind me whose idea was it to get out of Afghanistan in the previous November, oh and negotiate the release of 5.000 Taliban beforehand? And whilst we are at campaign manifestoes, didn't Fredo (sorry Guliani) campaign on getting the Mafia? So one branch of organised crme is fair game but your hero is not? I mean if I lived in NY, I would want Trump to pay his taxes or pay the consequences but hey let's stand for law and order.
@273kelvin My understanding is Trump organised the withdrawal and Biden continued the process and executed it. It is debatable whether Trump would have left many behind before pulling out the last troops as Biden did, given up Bagram airbase and not utilising that ultra secure asset to exit instead of Kabul airport as Biden did and leave behind $800 million was it? worth of military kit as Biden did. The withdrawal did not inspire with desperate Afghani's clinging to planes.
That court case in NY set an awful lot of precedents eg prosecutors bought the case on their own; no complaint and no victim. The penalty is huge, unprecedented. That it needs to be coughed up in full before an appeal can even be lodged is also a new one. Many Entrepeneur's have indicated they will do business elsewhere after this new precedent. Entrepreneurs that have no love of Trump. And just think about the tax and insurance fraud for a bit. The charge is Trump inflated his wealth and potential asset building in order to secure a loan, with a disclaimer that the bank should check his figures. The bank lent him money and it was paid back. That was the crime. So if you inflate figures, would that not incur more tax and insurance liability? So the supposed fraud cost him money? Don't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Ever sold/ bought property? When you advertise, you use an inflated price and get as much as you can. When you buy, you negotiate the lowest price you can. Property is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. That's capitalism. In this case, the prosecutor disputes what was paid etc as "wrong" yet all parties involved were happy, good business would loan him money again the bank stated in court.
It was a hatchet job.
Lady justice must have an even hand. If Trump got prosecuted over this, so be it. But every single other property developer must be charged the same with the same penalties to have an even hand. If not, it ain't law and order. It's weaponising the legal system against political opponents. Banana republic stuff.
So big on democracy the yanks, let electors reject Trump. An unspoken norm in the states is you hold off on prosecuting presidential candidates during election season as it could be seen as electoral interference. Another new precedent.
Let democracy work. You may not back a winner but that democracy, not a perfect system but the best we have atm. The fact the WH is involved in many of these prosecutions of Trump, which is a crime as that is interference in the independent legal process, is suss as.
@puff You make so many wild and unsubstantiated claims it's hard to keep count.
@Flyingsaucesir Tell me one. I'll substantiate it for you.
$800 billion worth of military kit left behind? Over 20 years we poured more than that into that rathole, but was the material still worth that much at the end? Nah. Afghanistan is a harsh environment.
No victim of Trump's fraud over decades? The taxpayers of New York were victims. The banks and insurance companies that didn't get paid what they should have are victims. The people and companies that didn't cheat were disadvantaged and therefore victims. The entire business community suffers when laws go unenforced and lawbreakers go unpunished.
The reason that New York is the business capitol of the world, and the USA attracts investment from all over the world is that we offer stability. And that stability is achieved through enforcement of the rule of law.
Having to put up the amount of the judgement in cash or bond? That is nothing new. That's the way it works. (BTW, this should be no problem for Trumpty Dumpty, the self-styled multi-billionaire.)
The size of the award is out of proportion? Not really. Trump's grift over decades is what was out of proportion. He had gotten away with so much shit for so long that he thought he was immune. But then he threw his own lawyer under the bus, and Michael Cohen spilled the beans, in court, under oath. It could not be ignored.
The various prosecutions of Trump took a while to get off the ground, but they all started WAY before the 3-month window before an election in which the DOJ does not like to bring an indictment. Ironically, if it were not for Trump's assiduous delay tactics, all of the trials could be wrapped up well before the election. And that is what any innocent man would want: to clear his name. But not Trumpty Dumpty.
@Flyingsaucesir So this singular court case was to cover decades of sins. Not the way the legal system/ justice works buddy. Luckily they got the only property developer who does this, always just the one bad apple, luckily all others fully comply with the law and use totally fair pricing so as to ensure they don't make too much profit.
Afghanistan mission. Total failure with the Taliban now stronger than before they were invaded. You do know they offered to hand over Bin Laden, but Bush rejected that, wanted war. And thanks for dragging us into it too. Australians died in Afghanistan too you know? For what?
No-one has ever had to come up with 100% of the penalty just to lodge an appeal before. 10% is fairly standard, not 100%.
I give up. Your justice system is perfect, fair handed and just. Absolute winners in Afghanistan, Ukraine a roaring success and so full of anticipation for a second Biden/ Harris term. Secure border and a strong economy. Biden 2024!!!!!!
@puff I have answered every one of your wild claims, and instead of just being a man and admitting that you have been bested, you resort to the tired tactic of trying to put words in my mouth. Well it won't work here. This community has some pretty savvy and perspicacious members. They can read, and they know I never said all bad actors are caught. But then most don't go throwing their own lawyers under the bus. And I never said our justice system is perfect. In fact, I was beginning to think it might be broken beyond repair. But the prosecution of Donald J Trump is restoring my faith. And I never endorsed the long war in Afghanistan, and certainly never called it a success. Nor have I said anything like that about Ukraine. That is nothing if not a desperate fight with an implacable, criminal agressor. Do not even think about putting words in my mouth.
PS: 10% is what you pay the bondsman (if you're lucky). But the bond is for the whole amount, 100%, and the bondsman is on the hook for all of it. Things being what they are in Trump world, I doubt that anyone will cover Trump for only 10%. He is suddenly a bad risk.
@Flyingsaucesir Well done. For once you never mentioned Trump in that dribble. I stand by what I say and any who read our back and forth may decide for themselves.
@puff Okay "let electors reject Trump". Do you mean like they did in 2020? you know how smoothly that went.
And yes I have sold houses but I have never (and nobody else I know) said it was 3 times its actual size. I know we are metric and you are not but I think tape measures work the same on both systems. But Trump was not selling his apartment, he was getting a loan off it. Now remember that he could not get any American bank to go near him, so he turned to Deutsche Bank. Which is heavily financed by the Russian Mafia. So are you okay with your head of state being massively over-financed to the Russian mob? Maybe that is why he dismissed reports of Russia putting a $100,000 hit on every US soldier to the Taliban.
@273kelvin Afghan withdrawal, we will never know but yes, I think Trump would have fucked it up less than genocide Joe. No-one can be proud of their Covid response, except those Scandinavian countries that had no response and faired better. Same some African countries.
"Okay "let electors reject Trump". Do you mean like they did in 2020? you know how smoothly that went." It's called democracy and the alternative is not.
The handover of power was normal except for a protest that was able to enter the Capitol building one side because of a lack of security and agitators on the ground. On the other side, people just walked in although I doubt you have seen that footage. I think it may have been delayed 2 hours.
That bounty on US troops from Russia was part of Russiagate, thoroughly discredited. As the Taliban said, they are happy to kill foreign occupiers for free (atm people would pay to kill American occupiers aka genocide apologists and enablers in many parts of the world).
So all Deutsche Bank customers are compromised by the Ruskies. No worries mate, I'll keep that in mind. Luckily he wasn't with Citibank, they have had to pay fines for criminal behaviour.. Jamie Diamond of JP Morgan fame, such a fine fellow too. All Bankers are dodgy as and you borrow where you can.
If the yanks want to start prosecuting capitalists for playing the game well, go for it. Do it! If they only prosecute one with changed rules people will lose faith in the justice system. So again, go for it sepo's and bankrupt and lock up those capitalists! Go on, do it! What are you waiting for and why did you wait so long, until an election year, to do Trump? In fact all his court cases, strange coincidence they are all occurring in an election year. Funny that.
No wonder Putin wants another Biden term, good for Russia to have the shiniest peanut in the turd leading the US, soon to be the DS the way they are going.
Imperial storm troopers are suckers, thinking they fight for "freedom" whilst guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan or wells/ refineries in Syria. Been great to watch ex-servicemen and women burning uniforms and medals where Aaron Bushnell demised. They know they have been treated like suckers and I think many more will follow their lead.
@puff "If the yanks want to start prosecuting capitalists for playing the game well, go for it."
Keeping two sets of books is a fraud, it is fraud in NY, fraud in Florida, fraud in Auz and fraud in the UK. As it happens, NY has very stringent laws about it. That is why Trump has been barred from ever running a charity there. (not his 1st offence and that was before he ran for office) Now you can tell everyone you have a foot-long dick and that's okay but if you try and borrow money off of it due to your potential porn star earnings it is fraud. (assuming it is not that long) Let us clarify this. We are not talking about calling your outback shed "a quaint bijou, rustic cottage" when you try to flog it. We are talking about taking the piss big time. His pad in Trump Tower was listed as 3 times its actual size and valued at 5 times more than any apartment ever sold in NY. Similarly, Mar-a-Lago was down as restricted use for a tax evaluation and unrestricted use for loans, again inflating its value by 5 times. And that is fraud, plain and simple.
As for "The handover of power was normal except for a protest that was able to enter the Capitol building on one side because of a lack of security and agitators on the ground." No, it was not. It was the culmination of a coordinated coop attempt Yes it was inept but that is because it was Trump who organised it. Trump exhausted all legal means to stay in power. He lost all the recounts, audits and 61 out of 62 court cases. He then organised a set of fake election returns and put pressure on state governors to fiddle the books. (If you don't believe me, walk into your bank today and ask the teller "Wendy, I just need you to find me an extra 1,780 quid in my account. If you don't, bad things will happen to you but I can make it worth your while if you do" How long before they call security? They would have you in handcuffs quicker than you could shout "Common Wendy, give me a break" ) All this culminated in Jan 6th when he called upon his faithful to "come to the capital. It will be wild" He then proceeded to rile them up and set them upon the capital building like the lynch mob they were. The plan being (and there is sworn testimony for this) that he could then declare martial law and stay in power. That lack of security was down to Trump not calling out the National Guard. (it was Pence who overstepped his authority to do so and finally called them out). Do not believe Trump when he says "I wanted 10,000 National Guard that day". What he wanted was to lead them on a march to the capital building like Mussolini did in 1926 (thankfully that got quashed faster than him wanting to host the G8 at Mar-a-Lago). Okay, let us say hypothetically that Jan 6th was just a peaceful protest that got out of hand and Trump never wanted all that violence (remember that not only cops but Trump supporters were killed and injured that day) One might think that he might have had an "Oh shit" moment or two. That he might have gotten onto Twitter ASAP. That he might have called in the National Guard himself up to 3 hours before they were eventually called? No, the orange twat sat watching it all play out on TV whilst playing pocket billiards for 3 fucking hours.
In the UK, Auz and US military you are guilty of mutiny/insurrection (the rules are the same) if you a) Participate in a mutiny/insurrection or b) Do not do everything within your power to suppress said mutiny/insurrection. Why should the law apply to lowly squaddies and ratings not apply to the C-in-C?
The fact that Trump's coop attempt did not succeed, is solely down to enough guys with some sense of honour and integrity left to do the right thing. Can you imagine what might have happened if Pence decided to throw a sicky? "Tell them that Nancy will have to stand in for me today love. I can't go in today" If, on the catastrophic off-chance that he gets elected in 2024, he has vowed not to make the same mistake again. He has publically stated that he will fill all the necessary appointments with political brownshirts loyal only to him.
@puff Okay I watched the CNN bit but skipped the MAGA bs. Not the 1st lawyer to gloat over a win and won't be the last. We are blessed with a (mostly) non-political prosecution service. In the US, DA can be a stepping stone to mayor or higher (see Guliani) and taking out a big mob boss or two can be very helpful. But at the end of the day, the guy has to be found guilty by a jury of his peers (which Trump failed to apply for in this case) or by a duly appointed judge and the guy was fucking bang to rights, smoking gun, orange striped shirt and a bag labelled "SWAG" slung over his shoulder leaving the building. All the MAGAs say "It was a victimless crime...Everybody does it???" Nobody says he was not guilty because an 11,000sq ft flat is not and never will be a 30,000 sq ft flat no matter how you spin it.
This is why you have to be (or used to be) beyond reproach when entering public service. We quite rightly hold our elected officials to a higher standard than most of us. You and I can lie to our bosses, lie to our loved ones, lie to our mates and get away with it. But if a politician lies to Parliament or Congress, it's a big deal and you can bet your arse there will be hundreds of dingoes (on both sides) looking to take you down over it. When you say "Trust me with your money I am an honest Joe" you better be 100% certain that you never scarpered off with the works piss-up fund back in 1987 coz someone will nail you for it. This is how we theoretically weed out the dishonest ones or at least the ones stupid enough to get caught. (which is almost as bad)
Can we also bear in mind that we are talking bout a guy who set the IRS on his political opponents and sent his former (now whistleblower) bagman back to nick during a pandemic to shut him up? Not to mention so many other instances of him weaponising the justice system for his own political purposes. So don't start whinging about the DA gloating over taking him down.
@273kelvin Utter BS Jan 6th. Trump flagged his plan BEFORE the election, throwing doubt on the results because of the postal voting of which 41% were counted for the election. The yanks have ballot collectors as well. So then the election happened then all the legal challenges after. January 6th is a ceremonial day where the VP accepts the college vote. The plan was that as some states had legal challenges, Pence could justifiably not accepting the vote until legal proceedings had been completed. A good plan for a psycho like Trump. But at the last minute the Capital was stormed, so the ceremony was abandoned. Because Pelosi, in charge of security of the Capitol building as speaker (not Trump DH), allowed the storming of the Capital to happen by rejecting extra security offered for that day, knowing full well there was a big Trump rally planned. That alcoholic slag even had a film crew there to film her "bravery". Pence freaked out and chickened out of the plan. If anyone was a hero for American democracy that day, it was Pence. As I said, in the end the hand over of power got delayed about 2 hours. Really over soft cock yanks crying over their precious democracy when they fuck over every one else's democracy. Scarier Mauri demonstrations in NZ's parliament than the tour inside the building many took in their "insurrection".
I posted that clip purely because it was CNN who hate Trump. But even they can see it was a hatchet job. I mean ffs when a prosecutor runs an election campaign on "I promise to prosecute Trump", does that not set the alarm bells clanging for you?
America is a dictatorship under Biden's pupet figurehead leadership. Don't believe me? Then why is he not removed immediately as mentally not up to it? A simple test. But no, they like him there. Other presidents tempered the military industrial complex. But Biden, he's just waiting for the next ice cream.
Interestingly, my old man died of dementia and he also developed a sweet tooth with the disease. Loved his ice cream too. But no fucking way would I have let him organise anything. Doners like a brain dead president, talk him into anything. And morons will still vote for him after this genocide that US troops are actively participating in, lets be frank. Biden was photographed with Delta Force in Israel (WH now removed those photo's) and Aaron's death has exposed it. Genocide Joe is the best Democrats can offer, no primaries, decision made. There's the US's precious democracy.
TDS runs deep in the US but a major cleanout of the Nuland types is needed. Trump is the man to do it. I don't like him, he's psycho. He will support Israel's genocide the same. But if American's wish to retain some sense of a Nation there needs to be a tornado of change. That tornado is called Trump. But even then, he will only delay things at best because the US empire is waning fast and that can't be stopped. Way too much debt. So America, I'd like to thank you for the music, that was great. Movies used to be good but the rest? Won't miss it.
@puff "The plan was that as some states had legal challenges, Pence could justifiably not accepting the vote until legal proceedings had been completed." BOLlOCKS absolute twaddle. Trump lost 61 of the 62 cases he filled. What is more, he knew they were BS because he only highered the cheapest ambulance chasers he could get. (why spend good money on a nuisance suit) One bunch of these bonzos even filed suit in the wrong fucking state confusing Michigan with Wisconsin. I mean it's not like he was short the readies, he did grift $250,000,000 off his MAGA faithful in his "Stop the Steal" scam. (court case pending),
"Pence could justifiably not accepting the vote until legal proceedings had been completed" NO HE COULD NOT! Every White House lawyer with an ounce of credibility said so. Do you know which ones agreed with Trump? Sydney Powel a now admitted election fraudster* and Gulliani (Fredo) an alcoholic has-been who has bankrupted himself by defaming honest election workers and a few others who are in the process of negotiating the art of the deal to stay out of nick.
@273kelvin On Jan 6th the cases were ongoing and legal argument differs. As a VP, quite justified in delaying accepting a college vote if the results are in dispute in a court of law. Simple logic as if he accepted then the court turned around the vote count...................Can't happen? Bush Vs Gore it happened. That election was decided in a Florida court if you recall.
@puff If America needs a clean-up and a strong leader, FFS pick someone who is a leader, not a prima-donna. The very 1st rule of leadership is STAND BY YOUR PEOPLE. Trump has a long-standing reputation for throwing anyone he deems "Not wanted on board" under the bus. Up to and including his long-time VP Pence. Whom he literally hung out to dry on Jan 6th.
As for Biden's state of mind. It is difficult to assess due to his stutter but have you heard Trump lately? Four years of impeachments and now 91 indictments are taking their toll. He cannot even remember who he is running against.
I make no great adverts for Biden. Other than he has reduced inflation AND unemployment (can you name any other administration that has done that ... anywhere?) Oh and the US is the top-performing member of the G7. But there is one thing that unites most Republicans and most Democrats... They both would prefer two different candidates.
@273kelvin Shame the democratic party is not democratic. Primaries ie robust debate is a cornerstone of a vibrant democracy which allows the voting public to choose a different candidate.
You know the real crazy thing? In 2015 people wanted change. Obama's presidency was a great disappointment after so much promise, the drone King and destroyer of Libya. People were screaming for change, represented by the overwhelmingly popular candidates; Trump & Sanders. But no, the DNC or more accurately, their doners didn't like Sanders and another psycho Hillary Clinton had it all planned as her time. So Bernie got shafted.
Sanders would have beaten Trump. So thanks a f'n lot DNC for putting forward such a loser that Trump won.
What a different world it would be if we had a POTUS Sanders.
Ed Mind you, still very glad HRC didn't win. Would have been WWIII years ago
@puff "Bush Vs Gore it happened" No it did not...well not in the way you describe. All the court battles happened well before Jan 6th and Gore accepted the result. Trump took his case to the Supreme Court too and he lost well before Jan 6th. The US constitution states that the votes will be counted on Jan 6th and the POTUS sworn in on Jan 20th, period. Game over and you cannot appeal to the ref wanting extra/injury time, especially if you are losing 61-1
@273kelvin NB BRICS is now bigger than the G7. Inflation reduced? Inflation has stopped climbing as fast is all. Employment figures are skewered by Covid.
Do not forget Nord Stream. A potus with all their marbles would not have approved that, an attack on European energy security. I do not think history will judge Biden well at all, especially now with Israel.
@puff I agree that in 2016 the DNC fielded the worst candidate since McGovern. Trump ran on MAGA, she ran on "It's my turn" Even then Trump lost the popular vote
Then in 2020, Trump ran on his record (which was abysmal) and the same MAGA promise that he failed to deliver on...plus they had had 4 years of his fucking voice. Biden ran on "Im, not Trump" and he didn't even have to leave his bunker for that one.
@273kelvin Agreed. Used to be a military spook and never understood why security services didn't stop him tweeting full stop. A security nightmare because 1) Trump may let something slip and 2) I have no doubt foreign trolls tried to influence him through that medium, manufacturing a consent. Must say, was entertaining at times.
The Lincoln project also played him beautifully, running ads on his favourite shows. Playing with his vanity and focusing his attention to their agenda.
@puff "NB BRICS is now bigger than the G7." Yeah right, wanna buy a bridge mate? The fucking Euro is bigger and more stable than a bunch of half-arsed wannabes spread across the globe. One of which is shedding dosh faster than a million alcoholics on poker machines.
Oh, you think you are a Trump supporter? Have you ever talked to a zionist? They literally think of him as God's instrument on earth, I shit you not.
"Do not forget Nord Stream. A potus with all their marbles would not have approved that,"Yeah like the way he looked after the Kurds?
NB US employment numbers are well above pre-COVID levels
@273kelvin 2 choices and no way in hell I could support genocide joe and as I say, a destructive force is needed to clean out Washington.
Sorry to disappoint but since this article, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and others have also joined.
"the five BRICS nations surpassed the G7 in terms of their combined GDP in 2020. That is when measured at purchasing power parity, i.e. adjusted for differences in buying power. According to the IMF, the bloc will collectively account for 32.1 percent of global GDP this year. That’s up from just 16.9 percent in 1995 and more than the G7’s share of 29.9 percent."
@273kelvin As an Australian I look at a potus purely from their foreign policy. Less war is a winner for me. Biden is incapable of curtailing military industrial complex desires. Trump? Who knows what Trump will do, he's psycho eg somewhat unpredictable. The military industrial complex know this, know they can't control him. They pour all their "donations" to the Biden campaign (and Nikky Haley). So I'm a bit "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" here eg if the military industrial complex don't want Trump...................................
@puff I think the GOP is well ready for a splinter party. Much in the same way the UK Labour Party had the SDP in the 80s. Both are facing radical extreme unelectable wings partially funded by Mossco and are unrecognisable to the elctors of 20 years back. If the Lincoln Party ran, they might get enough disaffected GOP guys to grow a pair and kick those idiots out.
@puff ""the five BRICS nations surpassed the G7 in terms of their combined GDP in 2020." Oh really? Can you please remind me what was happening in that year? Even with that in mind, there is more to a world currency than capital. There is mostly a question of trust. That can only be gained by proven records and a regulatory authority like the Federal Reserve or the EU. Plus one of its major players is embroiled in a disastrous war. Most of the rest are dependent on the export of resources like oil. A commodity that has diminishing returns as most countries are looking to renewables.
@273kelvin BRICS has not developed a currency...........yet.
Brain of a six year old? Seen the current el presidenti lately? The same logic applies eg anyone with any sense would not want a demented, hair sniffing grifter anywhere near the nuclear football. Picking Harris as VP was a smart move by Biden. Ensures he's not removed. I want to see HRC's face when she's sworn in as the first female potus.
Both are not desirable but Trump is going to romp it in. If he's smart he will pick Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. She will get all the disillusioned democratic voters on board, especially the young. This is my prediction rather than a wish.
@puff Well I did something last week that no Yank can do in the land of the free... I bet on the 2024 election. I admit that things are not looking too good for Biden atm as I got 12/5 odds. But bear in mind I watched the odds of the 2020 election play out. In December 2019 Trump was an odds-on shoe at 8/13. Then COVID struck and each week as he showed his narcissistic incompetence they drifted out. By August 2020 he was 9/2 only coming into 9/4 by November.
Now with 91 indictments and several court cases where loads of his "only the best people" will be testifying to his skulduggery, I doubt if his odds will shorten much.
@puff The statute of limitations ran out on prosecuting him for criminal rape, However, in a civil court where admittedly the burden of proof is only a straight majority of the jury, it was found that he put something in her. It is just they could not be sure if it was his finger or his dick. His case was not helped by his own voice saying "I just grab them by the pussy". Either way, that's a lot more substantial proof than you have on Biden.
Excuse me but "Not my type" was what he said about Carol and then got her confused with a picture of his ex. Methinks a usual bunch of salt with that one
@273kelvin If elected I will prosecute Trump. Justice does not work that way. You do not pick a person then search for something that will stick. Can't get him criminally so we'll get him with civil cases. These state prosecutors were assisted by the WH, evidence of contact where there should be none/ zip. And then "who funded the cases?" Billionaire Democratic supporters. Que Bono ie who gains? Democratic party. Intention, motive ability and benefits. Plus the fools brag of their accomplishments. Just like Nord Stream this indicates who committed the crime. Plausible deniability only works if it's plausible.
This is called weaponising the justice system against a presidential contender. In an election year to boot. That is as plain as day.
I do not care how vile Trump is, totally irrelevant. To pervert the justice system this way is subverting the precious democracy far more that Trump shenanigans ever did. It will be the norm now in American politics. And don't the peasants love it? Circus for them.
This is why Trump will romp it in. The Democrats are that bad. Obama is the only Ex president who remains in Washington eg are we are in Obama's 3rd term? Not quite as Biden does not quite do all he wishes. More like Netanyahu is atm, Israel's bitch is the states, tail wagging the dog.
The FBI says no insurrection took place on Jan 6th 2020 and no-one has been charged with it. Like Russiagate, democratic BS in collusion with state agencies, demonstrated beyond a doubt by 51 ex spooks producing a letter falsely discrediting the Hunter laptop story in time for Biden to pull it out in a presidential debate. This is why Trump will romp it in. Those spooks still hold high security clearances.
Biden won on a "I don't like Trump" vote. Trump will win on a "I don't like what DNC/ democrats have done to the country" vote and vote for the tornado.
And it will be 100% the Democratic parties own fault. The very reason Tulsi Gabbard left.
Trump did not ruin the precious democracy. The reaction to Trump has.
@273kelvin And she should have been if you believe in justice having an even hand. And that was electioneering. And most importantly, did Trump pervert the justice department to get her once president?
Never realised TDS could cross the pond. HRC had classified docs and wipes her server clean.........nothing to see here. Biden too demented to stand trial.............nothing to see here. But an ex president who has the ultimate authority to handle classified docs......................isn't our justice system wonderful, shows it's working.
@puff writes, "The FBI says no insurrection took place on Jan 6th 2020 and no-one has been charged with it."
Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio was convicted and sentenced to 22 years for seditious conspiracy.
Oath keeper Stuart Rhodes was convicted and sentenced to 18 years for seditious conspiracy.
Insurrection is a subset of sedition, dumbass.
Want to see a classic Dunning-Kruger effect specimen? Look in the mirror.
@Flyingsaucesir "Insurrection is a subset of sedition, dumbass." But a charge of conspiracy is not insurrection is it dipshit? It's seditious. One of them was not even in Washington that day.
No one has been charged with insurrection over Jan 6th. Other "American" insurrections eg delaying government business by occupying government buildings have been done by BLM and trans activists too. They weren't even investigated let alone charged with anything.
US's precious democracy, give me a break. How about the 100's, maybe thousands, arrested for being present that day? The Shaman, now free and running for public office? How does that make you feel dipshit, the face of your "Insurrection" walks free and may soon be funded by you, the taxpayer?
And guess what? When the democrats get decimated at the election, if there is an election, because pretty sure an election year conflict will be started against Russia by genocide joe and the warmongering democrats. So IF an election happens, Trump will pardon all those people locked up over Jan 6th anyway. Please take a selfie when your head explodes and share it around when that happens.
When Biden probes the Russian bear that one time too many for his little re-election conflict, I suspect the Crimean bridge will be hit by US/ NATO which is war because Crimea is Russia according to the Kremlin and people of Crimea. Understand well the US has zero capability to defend itself, can't even detect balloons ffs. Same Europe, no decent air defense whereas Russia has plenty. Understand it won't just be Russia either and they will be not be in isolation, NATO will. Because of Israel's genocide and 20 years of aggressive US crap. The West dominating things is over anyway. But it seems genocidal maniacs running the states want to go out with a bang. They don't care, built their bunkers already.
You can think about that as you're scrounging for food, your precious democracy.
@puff I didn't think you would get it. Here, let me help you: the charge of seditious conspiracy encompasses insurrection. You don't have to charge insurrection if you charge sedition, or seditious conspiracy. You don't have to be at the site of the insurrection to be guilty of planning it and setting it in motion.
@Flyingsaucesir Oh golly gosh too clever for me by far. The charge of seditious conspiracy also covers lots of other things. Fascist authoritarian security surveillance states like loose definitions.
@puff " did Trump pervert the justice department to get her once president?"... Too fucking right he did. 14 1/2 hours of congressional testimony (yeah she showed up, not like the Jan 6th coop conspirators) but the conclusion (much to Trump's chagrin) was no charges to answer.
Then we have the aforementioned jailing of Micheal Cohen, his bagman turned whistleblower in order to silence him. The pardoning of the traitor Flynn and the outright thief Bannon. Setting the IRS on political opponents.* The guy used Bill Barr as his personal hatchetman and the DOJ as his fiefdom. What is worse is he vows to go further with this if elected again.
NB. This is the right-wing "Post" not the "Times"
@273kelvin Same shit different wrappers. Been watching some very sobering analysis, watching pronouncements US and Europe. NATO plans war because Russia, who were always going to win in Ukraine, have won and they seem surprised. eg I'm way out the insiders loop but it was obvious to me pretty well from the beginning that Russia was going to win (you may check my historic posts). All those lives for what? F'n Boris Johnson should be shot, should have been over in the first month. And now plans for more by NATO losers. The Sepo's must feed that war machine and NATO is just too good a customer so must grow the business and expand.
Your UK which have about 73,000 active soldiers. How long they gunna last? Because that is where your government wants to take you. What dickheads in power don't understand because they are so Western/ European centric, is Russia won't be on their Pat Malone in this war. It will split Europe plus the Arab states, Pakistan, Iran, Africa and half of Sth America support Russia, reject sanctions against them. China, what will they do?
All because the Yanks are so self absorbed and have a terminal case of hubris. They elect a president with zero pride in his country, trashing any moral high ground they still had. Braindead, not just the president, the whole country. Consensus is they will be the first to use nukes. MAD, remember that acronym? NATO will stage a false flag, justifying attacking Russia. Like the Gulf of Tonkin. Like WMD. Like this whole last shit show 20 year war on terror. Feed the US war machine.
@273kelvin I must say one of my favourite youtube video's is a compilation of the arrogant democrat supporters prior to the election, so confident Hillary was a shoe in. Followed by all the heads exploding when Trump won in 2016. Imagine what it will be like in 2024?
Just thinking of it cheers me up. Stephen Colbert having a cry was classic, he'll have a breakdown this time.
@puff writes, "...it was obvious to me pretty well from the beginning that Russia was going to win..."
All this proves is that you're a defeatist slob, and a poor judge of character. It ain't over yet; not by a long shot. Ukraine has already fought an enemy ten times its size to a standstill. Putin thought he would be in Kiev in 3 days. Two years later half his armour is destroyed, and he has to go begging ammunition from Iran and North Korea. Hundreds of thousands of military-aged men have fled the country. Europe is doing quite well without Russian fuel, the price of which is in the basement. And another wave of sanctions, this time hitting the countries and companies doing business with the Kremlin, are about to be rolled out. And Putin faces a lot of discontent at home. Witness the thousands who defied the threat of imprisonment or worse to protest the murder of Alexi Navalny and the war in Ukraine. The fact that Putin has to kill his political rivals and crush all dissent is a measure of his weakness, not his strength. Meanwhile, Ukraine is going to receive enough help in the short term to hold the line, Trump will lose the election, and Dems will take back the House. The USA will once again join the EU in supplying Ukraine, and many more Russian soldiers will die or defect. And now NATO is considerably larger than it was when Vlad the invader began his little adventure. Don't be too surprised if one day we hear that he has taken a chill in the night.
@puff writes, "Democrats are going to be slaughtered if there is an election."
IF there's an election? IF? Oh, there's going to be an election alright. And the stumbling zombie that used to be the Republican Party is going to lose decisively...again. Trump is more erratic every day, if that's even possible. He looks like he hasn't slept in months. He's going broke. His grift can't keep up with his legal fees, much less the judgements against him. The RNC is broke too. Trump keeps committing unforced errors. Like taking credit for the Dobbs decision. Suburban women are not pleased with him. And Biden is now beating Trump over the head with Trump's own signature issue, the border. Trump says terrorists, rapists, drug dealers, and murderers are pouring across the border, but don't let Biden sign a bill that would give the Border Patrol the resources they need to stop illegal crossings. Let them keep pouring across for another year...because it's good for Trumpty Dumpty, who didn't build a wall...
@Flyingsaucesir Think you are going to be disappointed my friend. The WSJ released a copy of the peace agreed to then scuttled by Boris on behalf of Biden.
Crimea is Russian (since 2014). Ukraine could join the EU but not NATO. Downsize military ie no long range missiles to threaten Russia. That was it. It was a reasonable and good deal for Ukraine. EU won't accept them as too corrupt.
@Flyingsaucesir Put up with the Putin's puppet crap for years now, so it's my turn. How's it feel to be Netanyahu's bitch? Israeli's bitch? Because that is all US policy is atm.
@puff We have already been over this. Johnson was never empowered to decide anything for Ukraine. Anyway Putin's word is not worth the paper it's written on. He doesn't want just a little slice; he wants the whole pie. Just listen to the way he talks about Ukraine, the boring false history lectures he gives. And look at the way he attacks civilians in every part of the country. He's a greedy little fuck. He wants it all, and is willing to spend millions of (other people's) lives to get it. But the Russian people are not with him. He has to threaten and coerce. Meanwhile their economy is going down the tube.
@puff With Ukraine and Gaza you're comparing apples and oranges.
@Flyingsaucesir The similarity with Ukraine and Israel is this. Both wars funded by genocide Joe and both wars would cease if genocide Joe stopped funding. One phone call "Stop or no more money/ military kit/ UN support. There would be an immediate outbreak of peace. Vetoing aid getting to Gaza 3 times, genocide Joe has no humanity (or brain).
@puff Russia have already lost the war in Ukraine. A bold statement I grant you but look at the actual aims and what the results have been. In one respect you are right, it should have been over in days. If that had happened they would have achieved all their goals which were as follows (feel free to correct me if you disagree)
Seize large parts of Ukraine quickly and cheaply
Increase Russian hegemony in the region and worldwide
Divert Ukraine from looking towards NATO and the EU and towards Mossco
Reduce the influence of NATO in the region
Let me deal with each in turn
They most obviously have failed to seize large parts of Ukraine cheaply and quickly. This war has cost them dearly. They are down to bumming artillery shells off N. Korea and using T38 soviet era tanks.
The embarrassment of what was regarded as the 2nd most formidable army in the world, halted by a bunch of determined amateurs plus ravaging sanctions has left them almost bankrupt in money and bragging rights and all the oil money in the world will not buy them the high-level mico chips and technology needed to equip a modern army.
Ukraine is a long way from looking for peace with Russia. Even if after a long drawn-out conflict it did succeed in beating Ukraine's ground forces, the terrorist campaign could continue for decades.
At the start of the war, NATO was weak. Trump moaned that most European nations were not pulling their weight and not paying their ante (the UK being the exception) Look at NATO now. Germany, Poland France, the UK, and the Baltic states have all massively increased their military budgets whilst Sweden and Finland have also joined NATO. Thus increasing Russia's NATO borders by hundreds of miles
I dunno about you but if I leave a bookie or a poker game with a lot less than I started with that's a loss
@273kelvin Russia has the best performing economy in Europe. Sanctions have hurt Europe, not Russia and BRICS is growing at a rapid rate because the US weaponised their currency, the default world currency eg other countries watch and thought "Fuck! If they can do it to Russia, they can do it to us. We better find alternatives". The removal of SWIFT, which all international transactions use, freaked everybody out. Hubris by the states ie we control the default world currency so lets weaponise it. We are so strong and powerful, we can do what we want.
Putin deals with domestic politics as well you realise? People had been screaming at him to intervene to stop the shelling of Russian speakers in the Donbass since 2014. There is a lot of anger against Putin in Russia because he waited too long to go into Ukraine. But Putin wanted to give the Minsk agreement a chance, he foolishly believed both parties had entered/ negotiated Minsk in good faith. Merkel, involved in the negotiations, has admitted Minsk was all about buying time to arm Ukraine.
Since the idea was first floated to absorb Ukraine and Georgia into NATO Russia has been very clear those two countries are red lines. The West has constantly ignored Russia's wishes, refusing to even discuss the issue ie talk ie diplomacy.
In the end, Russia went "Fuck it" and went in and headed straight to Kiev. The aim was simple. "Talk to us". It was successful and Russia pulled the troops back in good faith during negotiations in Turkey. Then Boris scuttled that idea and Nord Stream got blown up. Putin woke up. Negotiations were not going to happen. Now the size of the force Russia sent in was not an invasion size force, it was much smaller. If Putin wanted Ukraine, he would have carpet bombed the place before troops went in. In the early days of the war he was careful not to destroy civilian infrastructure.
So the Russian's withdrew to defensive positions and dug in, allowing them the time to build up their forces for a proper war, one never planned for. The Russians are very good at war of attrition and built excellent defensive lines, illustrated by the failed counteroffensive. To attack defensive positions without adequate air support is suicide, as the Ukrainian's found out. Russia built up it's reserves then started advancing and here we are.
The released peace plan shows exactly what Russian goals were. They don't want to rule Ukraine because many Ukrainian's hate them with a passion which is why all even the Donbass was to remain Ukranian. No way do Russia intend to move further into Europe. Just look at a map and it is obvious why NATO in Ukraine is a red line for Russia.
The Ukrainian's are very good fighters and the resistance did take the Russians by surprise, all power to them. But remember they had been shelling their own people for 8 years and 12,000 dead via civil war. Armed and trained by NATO.
NATO are unable to supply Ukraine with enough ammunition. Russia is producing ammo 24/7, ramping up defense industry production. Look at a map and you will see gains Russia has made and is still, in Ukraine. They won't get it back now for rejecting the peace deal not because of Ukranian interests, because of NATO's interests. Russia will now keep that land, but would swap it in an instant for the lives lost taking it. If Europe was afraid of Russian expansion, they would not have depleted all their military stocks by giving them to Ukraine. They would have kept them for their own defense which proves the lie Russia eyes Europe.
@273kelvin For US neocons the aim has been achieved. A combined Russian Federation and Europe is their worse nightmare economically and militarily. Why do you think the states were so against Russia supplying energy to Europe? They were getting far too close but it is none of the US's business, excepting protecting their homogony as #1 in the world. Ukraine is the wedge to keep them apart. Bill Clinton rejected Putin's desire to join NATO.
Russians know famine, Putin's elder brother died from it. During the whole cold war they never used essential energy supplies to Europe as a lever, never cut it off. Because they knew the misery it would cause to the civilian population, not something they would wish on their worse enemy having experienced it themselves.
NB Neocons succeeded driving a wedge between Europe and Russia, only to bring Russia and China closer together and have BRICS rise dramatically. So suck shit for that!
@273kelvin You're from the UK. Does it not piss you off one tiny, little bit that the US destroyed Nord Stream so they could supply energy instead at inflated prices? They were bragging what a great oppourtunity the terrorist attack provided. They celebrated the worse environmental human disaster regarding emissions, sending Europe into recession. They vetoed an independent UN investigation into the Nord Stream attack. Great allies.
@273kelvin Why haven't the Ukrainian's blown up the one running through their country then, supplying Italy? Italy more important than Germany?
You know Ukrainian's have wanted to join the EU for ages but are constantly knocked back, corruption mainly. So what benefit is it to Ukraine to join NATO? Not much really in the knowledge that it would severely piss off their shared common culture neighbour Russia. Unless! Unless it was a backdoor into the EU. Who's idea; NATO's or Ukraine? I suppose it's worked, still not officially ie still too corrupt for the EU, but in practical terms? They have done it. But at what cost?
Yes Russia was very bad under the USSR, they fucked over a lot of people. Including Russians. The USSR treated all populations under their control badly. That people can't get over the enemy is dead, gone, never to return. Russia is not Communist? Don't know what to do about that.
All I know about NATO is this. They destroyed the richest country in Africa; free healthcare, education etc etc. Ghaddafi may have been a cunt, but he was doing something right. The destruction of Libya is 100% on NATO. Not Russia. Libya is not in Europe and was zero threat to Europe. NATO is a defense organisation.
Do you know what happened after Ghaddafi was removed? Failed state. From richest country to failed state in the blink of an eye. Open slave markets. But a great jump off point now for African migration to the European continent. So all the illegals, undocumented, Europe deals with now, many many of them passed through Libya. So you may thank NATO for that. Their baby.
Then Syria active. Afghanistan and then when a conflict, against a real army on their doorstep, Europe's doorstep, what do they do? Sweet fuck all useless cunts, what has been the point of them all these years since the USSR fell? Utter waste of money for us, good for the weapon manufacturer's.
Because of NATO, peace was denied in Ukraine. No other reason.
Who the hell sets NATO's agenda anyway? Why does a defense organisation have an agenda in the first place? Fuck NATO. They do not make the world more peaceful.
Hard to see a people that apparently learned nothing from their past.
This state that winners created was a nice idea and ideal, sadly though the abused sometimes becomes the abuser.
I said this like 20 years ago and caught some major flak. I do not believe most Israelis think what is happening right now is okay but they were more than happy to move into lands not theirs.
I'm afraid most Israeli's are right into it. World Jewry on the other hand, either by birth or faith, do not support what Israel does supposedly in their name.
The International Court of Justice did NOT call it genocide, and did NOT mandate that Israel cease military operations in Gaza. The fact remains that Hamas is still a lethal force actively fighting Israel. It is lamentable that they (Hamas fighters) are using their own mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, and children as human shields. It's also an impressive display of will. I'll give them that. But ask any resident of Gaza who is responsible for their misery; they will say 100% Israel. Hamas gets a pass. The slaughter and abductions of October 7? To the extent they will even admit that it happened, they think it was justified. Also note that the casualty numbers are coming from Hamas, not an independent source, and so are probably inflated. Not that it isn't a horrific mess. It's heartbreaking to see, regardless of the true numbers. And to think that it's a family feud. They are all descendants of Abraham, one tribe riven by religious sectarianism.
The world, through the United Nations, sanctioned the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. But many Arab Moslems never accepted that mandate, and to this day deny Israel's right to exist. In so doing they are giving us all the middle finger. For 76 years, Arab Moslems have been carrying out terrorist attacks on civilians in the Levant and around the world. That's where they lost my support and sympathy. There is NEVER any justification for blowing up a bus full of innocent civilians. But the number of such atrocities is large.
On a few occasions, Arab Moslem neighbors of Israel have launched full-scale military war, aiming to wipe Israel off the map. Each time the result has been just the opposite. Israel has come out victorious and has gained territory. It makes one wonder if they (the Arabs Moslems) will ever learn.
The United States has been a friend and ally to Israel since its founding. We made a commitment and we're sticking to it, as we should. But that support does not mean Israel is any less a sovereign nation. The capitol of Israel is Tel Aviv, not Washington DC. No American president can dictate Israeli policy. So to lay the blame for the current unpleasantness on Joe Biden is both childish and unfair. Biden has a difficult role to play. He has to strike a delicate balance: support an ally in a tough situation and try to get that ally to show restraint. And that is exactly what has been done. Biden has called on Israel to show restraint FROM THE GIT GO.
The ICJ said it was plausible a genocide was occurring a month ago. Just a first step as an actual genocide case will take years. They warned the IDF to take extra care protecting the civilian population and stop bombing refugee camps etc. Israel ignores, as it has multiple UN resolutions.
The UN also sanctioned a 2 state solution, why we call the West bank occupied by settlers. They have zero right to be there like the Kibbutz's attacked Oct 7th, they were part of 1967 borders Gaza so legit targets. Occupants human shields for colonial expansion who deserve zero sympathy as occupiers of stolen land. These fools put their own families at risk, knowing there is a resistance to their occupation. These are the human shields, useful idiot colonisers.
No one listens to Biden except democratic voters. The whole world view the current potus with the same admiration, not listening but watching. Seeing the US veto humanitarian ceasefires 3 times so piss off Biden is attempting to do anything but enable. Weapon deliveries everyday.
Why do you defend colonisation and genocide?
@puff You throw the loaded term genocide around, but the ICJ stopped short of that. It's still s hot war zone. Hamas could end this instantly by laying down their arms and releasing their hostages. I'm not saying I condone Israel's actions, but I think understand them. Do I think they should have kept expanding the settlements in the West Bank? No. But Trump encouraged that, whereas Biden has not.
@Flyingsaucesir I think the problem has been the world has carried a huge guilt over the Holocaust. "Never again" will we let this happen was the overwhelming sentiment. But what this did was make Jews in general but Israeli Jews especially immune from any criticism over our collective guilt. But Zionist's running Israel took this lack of criticism as a free pass to do what they want in the name of "defending themselves" and have literally got away with murder since the start of their existence.
So after our collective "Never again" we again see an attempt to remove a whole people from this Earth, the very definition of genocide. Exactly the same as the Nazi's did to the Jews in Germany eg remove all trace of them.
After the actions of the IDF the last few months, the world has finally lifted the burden of guilt from themselves. Israel, if it survives as a Jewish state, is going to have a rude awakening as there will be no more free passes. Israel will be criticised heavily from now on and held to account which is long overdue.
With the ICJ, they said it was "plausible" a genocide was occurring in Gaza after only weeks and urged restraint. Netanyahu ignores as he does the UN and world opinion. He's stuck in the pass and thinks Israel still has it's free pass, paid by the blood of 6 million odd Jews, and will hold that pass forever.
He has no idea how appalled the world is that a state military is targeting civilians, destroying all infrastructure and driving them into even smaller enclaves. More settlements planned for the West Bank ie colonising another's land.
"Never again". Stop the genocide and honour those lost in the Holocaust by opposing it. This is where I stand.
Israel could also stop it by accepting Palestinians have a right to self determination in the only place they can call home. Their own state as the world desires and was the plan from the beginning. A plan totally rejected by Zionists who want it all.
@puff Palestinians reject a two-state solution, because that would mean recognizing Israel's right to exist.
Meanwhile, Israel has had improved relations with its Arab neighbors. This in spite of Iran's continued meddling and incitement. What does that tell you?
@Flyingsaucesir "While the 1988 Hamas Charter had been widely criticized for its antisemitism, the 2017 document stated that Hamas' fight was not with Jews as such because of their religion but with the Zionist project."
Hamas has mellowed and are now a political force, running government over 10 years. They started off terrorists but have evolved. Very similar to Ireland and the IRA.
One of Hamas's demands for the release of hostages is a Palestinian state eg 2 state solution. That they oppose the Zionist project, the ones who coined "From the Jordan to the sea" (see Likud party manifesto), promote continued settlement creations and occupy their land and terrorise their people? No shit Sherlock.
Israel may have improved relations with it's Arab neighbours on Oct 6th, but by Oct 9-10th Persia (Iran) and the Arab world were united in condemnation of Zionist Israel's genocide of Gaza.
You do know Iran and Saudi Arabia have mended ties? Thanks to the Chinese? Both part of BRICS now? Saudi not joining the US in its fight in Yemen?
@puff Oh yeah, Hamas has mellowed beautifully. Just look at their good works on October 7. 1200+ slaughtered; men, women, children. 250 kidnapped and held hostage. And then fighting on for months, using their own wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, children, and grandparents as human shields. Very mellow indeed.
@Flyingsaucesir you mean 450 IDF killed in a fair fight. 250 kidnapped from occupied territory, to be traded with thousands "kidnapped" under military law. Look up Hannibal directive, the IDF killed more than Hamas did that day civilian wise.
Why not mention the IDF breaking children's arms, using a 6 year old girl as bait to ambush ambulance attendants killing all, disguising as women and entering a hospital to assassinate bedridden non combatants, instructing people to seek refuge in camps then bombing those places of refuge, destroying places of worship and historic structures in the cradle of civilization, targeting hospitals and schools etc.
The IDF are no more than bully prison thugs who are piss weak in a one on one fight. Totally unprofessional with zero adherence to humanitarian laws. Gutless turds who convince fools to settle on seized land not theirs so they may be human shields on the frontier of further colonial expansion. No one should mourn their deaths. Give the losers Darwin Awards instead for dying for colonial expansion. Blows my mind any could live there with young children, putting them at risk knowing an armed resistance is around.
Yes using all their relatives as human shields are the Palestinians. Sheilds in their own country and homes for an invading foreign military.
@puff Sounds like you are denying that Hamas slaughtered 1200+ Israeli civilians on October 7. Wow. Amazing. Ok, you're even farther off the deep end than I thought.
@Flyingsaucesir This from the Times of Israel DH. Not 1200 "civilians".
"Since October 7, the IDF says 425 soldiers have been killed, mostly during the October 7 onslaught"
All "settlements" attacked were on previous Palestinian land and are therefore legitimate targets for a resistance to foreign occupation/ rule. So don't you dare insinuate they were "innocent" civilians. They were gullible fools happy to occupy another's land, naively thinking the IDF had their back with a big wall under constant surveillance and remote machine gun nests. Well, they badly miscalculated their IDF did they not? Thought their family were safe human shields for an expanding colony, resistance contained. So sad too bad. They died.
Then we have Israel's Hannible directive ie don't rescue hostages, kill them as well. A lot of burnt cars buried by Israel, Hellfire missile burnt cars. 100% not Hamas, didn't have the weaponry.
Hamas did do bad shit that day which all have condemned to some extent. But they are a desperate people who had lost hope. Hamas is fighting for Palestine when no-one else does. Besides, the shit the IDF did previously but especially after Oct 7th make Hamas look like girl scouts when it comes to terror. IDF kills regularly in the West Bank and just shot up 100 desperate, starving Palestinians rushing aid trucks.
Two sides here. I support international law eg we all have the right to resist, using any means possible, a foreign army occupying your land. [un.org]
Occupiers have no claim to self defense when responding to an attack on foreign soil (listening to this America).
So fuck all imperial occupiers and colonialists. Hope their occupying forces all get wiped off the map (get your people out of Syria and Iraq or they will die and I won't cry)
@puff This from Wikipedia: "On 7 October 2023, 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals, including 764 civilians, were killed, and 248 persons taken hostage during the initial attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip."
You repost, "So fuck all imperial occupiers and colonialists. Hope their occupying forces all get wiped off the map."
So you are advocating for the murder of 300 million + Americans. You're advocating genocide.
@Flyingsaucesir You trust wikipedia as a source over what the Times of Israel says?
Here's a tip; go to your preferred search engine (google, duckduckgo etc) and type "How many IDF soldiers died on Oct 7th 2023?" You may have to scroll past MSM opinion pieces to get actual figures but they will be there, what figures the IDF has released anyway.
They were not all civilians and as I indicated above, many civilians were not "innocent". Not Hamas's fault they were used as human shields by Zionist expansion. That's what Israel says yes? No innocents in Gaza and if there are, blame Hamas for "human shields"?
One only needs to watch half of this to see where the talk was going. Israeli's good guys, Palestinians, bad guys. Unfortunately, for the Israeli propagandists the rest of the world is hearing another more grim side which is being propagated by the Israeli side and Netanyahu (who is trying to avoid criminal proceedings by his own government). Again, this is the work of one man. Netanyahu is keeping company with the worst of them.
The problem being is how supportive are those who are major contributors to political campaigns? If the contributors don't have support for Israel, then the politicians won't either, despite general or overwhelming public support. Big money controls politicians in the U.S. anymore.
Citizens United was one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time.
@Flyingsaucesir Yes, it was awful. Especially since Roberts told them to refile to the court making specific arguments that allowed them to make the Citizen's United ruling.
@snytiger6 The fix was in then and it's in now with this immunity case scheduled to be heard in late April, probably delaying the DC J6 case until after the election. It's a blatant thumb on the scale, and totally unconscionable.
Is it propaganda or are they trying to give us statistics about what is going on there? Then if you think this is all lies ask yourself what you think it would be with another set of figures for what is happening. Some of us might like to say this all comes from a teleprompter. News of any kind always does. Rather than talk about how this is all lies, try to disprove it by using your own data about the situation. While I cannot offer them prayers or support it would be nice to see this conflict go into end game.
They have multiple posts a day. They use the language of genocide.
Usually I see daily videos of what's happening in war torn areas. For this conflict I haven't seen much. So I don't see where people are getting "genocide" from. Any of you have sources for such a claim?
"Genos" means people or tribe. "cide" means killing. Genocide means the extermination of a people.
What does that mean? It means you remove any sense of an identity from them, take or destroy their possessions and land and destroy their artifacts. Remove all trace of them. That's the idea. Luckily most genocides are not 100% successful.
Understand this conflict is about a colony that is still expanding. "Settlements" is seizing and occupying another's land. Understand colonisers use religion to justify what they do, to excuse their actions. But don't fall for it is a religious war. Hamas would not exist if Palestine was not occupied.
Palestine is actually split in 3 with the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Israel abandoned Gaza 2006ish I think and walled it off, removing settlements. But most of the Gaza strip from 67 (UN consensus where borders should return to) had already been claimed by Israel. These were the places attacked Oct 7th ie occupied land ie legit targets for resistance. More and more coming out the IDF killed most that day, not Hamas. Misinformation abounded with beheading babies stories.
Palestinians have been suffering a death by a thousand cuts, settlers, for decades. They resist.
You need only your own eyes to decide if what Israeli's are doing now is attempted genocide. The International Court of Justice thinks it's plausible. and that was a month ago. Decide for yourself but I have no doubt that is what Israel is attempting. To wipe the very notion of a Palestine and Palestinian people from history.
@puff Your definition is only that, a definition. You also omit the fact that Hamas wants Israel off the face of the map.
The Palistenians living in Gaza voted for Hamas, they got what they deserved.
@Alienbeing and you're a guy that openly admitted to wanting every Muslim dead
@Alienbeing I would not go so far as to say they are getting what they deserve. What they are getting is almost too terrible to contemplate. I would not wish it on anyone. But I also think you can say that the Palestinians brought this on themselves. Hamas did not just appear out of thin air; they are a creature of the Palestinian people. The same people who have defied the world for 100 years, insisting that Israel has no right to exist, and emphasizing their point with hundreds and hundreds of terrorist attacks on civilians of many nations.
@Alienbeing Think you will find Hamas is a resistance organisation, formed because of a foreign military occupation. No idea why they don't like Zionist Israel. The refusal to recognise a 2 state solution is calling for Palestine to be wiped off the map is it not?
Zionists are worse than Hamas, the IDF far more brutal and less professional. You defend colonisation of brown lands where the inhabitants are lesser beings. Mumsy will be proud.
@puff how many of Israel's neighbors have they started a war with? None. How many of Israel's neighbors have started wars with them? All of them. Islam is a disgusting streak on the back of humanity's underwear. In my opinion it's the worst religion and should be the enemy of any westernized nation. Also at the same time I don't care about that part of the world, my apathy and indifference is all I'm willing to contribute.
@Tejas Islam is no more ugly than any of the other 3 stooge religions when it comes to extremism. Zionists are extreme.
You really should read some history. Islam, the Ottoman Empire, were far more civilised than many "Western" cultures at the time. Persia another example.
You are just racist, Islamophobic. You hate all "rag heads" don't you? Save your hate for the psycho extremists of all faiths instead because, sorry to break your bubble, people are people with the same hopes and desires the world over.
@Druvius Gaza was NOT occupied, and Isreal is a recognized State even if you don't like it.
@puff "Brown Lands"? Perhaps you are unaware that Arabs and Jews are BOTH Semites.
Take your leftist bullshit and leave.
@Communistbitch Not every Muslim. Read what I said and correct yourself.
@puff I doubt your Mumsy" would be proud of your bullshit.
@Alienbeing Gaza 1967 borders. All those loser Israeli's on Oct 7th were occupying Palestinian land. Why do you thing Gaza was walled off? To protect these settlements (the very name settlement screams "occupation" ) from a known, armed resistance to occupation. But IDF thugs fucked up that day and got overrun because they are piss weak bullies only good at breaking children's arms and legs. Piss poor in a real fight. Shooting their own waving white flags. A real goon squad full of American accents.
@puff you mean the ottomans and Persians who enslaved hundreds of thousands of people? And to say they are equally bad is beyond ignorant. Christianity and Judaism are mild compared to modern Islam. To this day they commit atrocities on each other and the entire world with terror attacks. Not to mention the killing of infidels including non believers women children and LGBT. You yourself would be put to death in many middle eastern countries simply for existing as a non believer. So keep your stupid opinions to yourself. Yes I am Islamophobic and proud of it.
@puff the USA doesn't attack large civilian targets in an attempt to kill as many people who don't believe in our ideology. The USA kills civilians in attacks on perceived terrorism. Big difference. The USA also attempts to minimize civilian casualties and jail those who commit war crimes. The terrorists you are in support of cuts peoples heads off on camera and they play it on their local TV. I'm a religion phobe. You should be too. But I guess stupidity runs deep, yall must get much sun down under.
@Tejas Typical Israeli scum response. Target innocent women. Got a couple of kids, gunna attack them too you Israeli? That's the way Israeli's like yourself operate isn't it? If your so into killing Arabs, get on a plane and go participate in the genocide. But you would be too chicken shit to do that.
You'll get your wish fighting Arabs soon enough, in your own country. Undocumented, just waiting for the IDF to enter Lebanon there are many. You can play with yourself then watching "shock and awe" in real time and real life. But be warned Israeli, they are grown up men so it will be a real fight which Israeli scum fold fairly quickly in the face of. Just look at Oct 7th, barracks get overrun so the IDF level their own barracks, too gutless to try and rescue their fellow IDF bully's hiding in basements terrified of the Palestinians . Ones who escape get shot by their own , waving white flags which Israeli's ignore. Did you hear they shot up a whole lot of desperate people trying to get food from aid trucks? Not their fault, they were "scared", that's according to the IDF.
What would have you done in 1930's Germany? You would have tried to join the brown shirts.
NB you understand I'm relacing Nazi with Israeli here? I know you're a septic tank (Yank). I'm calling you a Nazi
@puff Nobody, including ALL Islamic countries, want Palistinians. They seem to suffer mass delusions, similar to your's. Israel would never have had to confront them had they not first engaged in terrisoism.
@Alienbeing And why should any "want" Palestinians? Their land. You may have noticed, Islamic countries are not overly wrapped in Zionist Israel either so will they be accepting of Israeli's who seek refuge when they get overrun?
Most agree the word Terrorism came in vogue around the founding of Israel, from Jews using those tactics against the British. No occupation of Palestine, no forcing people out of their homes and off their land, no terrorism. No Hamas either. Occupation is the root cause.
If you read the UN charter on resisting a foreign occupation you may use "any means possible". Targeting civilians is not on but settlers/ settlements? You don't build settlements in your own country do you?
@puff Why should they "want", EASY to answer, they should want to because their religion demands they help fellow Muslims. The reason they don't want them is because every time they did, the Palistinians who did migrate caused severe problems in their new hst country.
Reading the UN Charter would give no understand as to why Palestinians would vote for Hamas, who treats them as pawns.
Your last sentence asks a meaningless question vis-a-vis the currnet conflict.
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Worse than the Holocaust.
As I've told an Israeli online, "Never Again!" is not about them. It means Never again will THE WORLD stand idly by whilst a state military carries out genocide. That was the vow.
Not "Never again will we let it happen to us".
Religious extremism be it Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Judaism.......they all suck equally. Zionist have a huge "We are the master race/ god's chosen do what we want" psycho attitude that needs extinguishing. Gaza, Warsaw Ghetto..............you see any difference? I don't except Gaza is worse.
@FrayedBear That's a hard one, Holocaust was pretty bad. Lets say they are a lot more arrogant about it. At least Nazi's tried to hide it.
@puff exactly. They have put themselves outside of any sympathy or leeway that was engendered through the holocaust. It reminds me of the boy who called wolf once to often.
@FrayedBear I've put comments on that site, most "disappear" pretty quick. "Truth! You can't handle the truth!" lol.
After one interaction I just kept getting comments removed (really annoying as it disjoins the whole thread if anyone looked) so I wrote;
"Hey moderator, you know when people say "Israeli" now it's just the same as calling someone a "Nazi"? So have fun in the Galilee "Israeli". No more colonial expansion soup for you!"
Funnily enough, that one disappeared too.
@puff like my profile no longer links through the 3 bar menu or menu under my avatar. Then I find that most of my comments & some posts are not listed.
Hamas could end this instantaneously. All they would have to do is lay down their arms and release their hostages. Just saying.
@FrayedBear Not.
@Flyingsaucesir So the 75 years of prosecution, death and displacement for the Palestinians would end then you say?
@Jolanta No, I didn't say that. What I'm saying is that the Palestinians lost me a long time ago by engaging in terrorist attacks against civilian targets, and with their continued defiance of the world in denying Israel's right to exist, all of which is driven by religious hatred.
@Flyingsaucesir Hamas are not attacking civilians. They are trying to evict illegal aliens stupidly empowered & weaponised by your country & its taxpayers. Aliens who have invaded their land, are inhumane & insane in their behaviour. They have been perpetrating atrocities against Palestinians & others for more than 75 years.
Try taking a reality pill.
@Druvius They may have said that in 1985, but they have alo said the opposite many times over the intervening 39 years.
I'm not giving Israel a free pass here. I think their actions are excessive. At the same time, I understand why they are doing what they're doing. As long as Hamas is still a lethal fighting force, they feel there could be a repeat of October 7. Its not an unreasonable assumption.
But I am pushing back against rhetoric that paints Palestinians as innocent victims. Both sides are guilty. I certainly don't minimize the thousands of Palestinian terrorist attacks that have been perpetrated over the years. Their willingness to spill the blood of innocent civilians is, frankly, appalling.
The word that Palestinians use for the partition of the lands is "nakba." Its literal translation is "catastrophe." That's how Palestinians characterize the formation, under the auspices of the United Nations, of a Jewish state in the Levant. They also repeat the slogan, "free from the river to the sea." It mean a land free if Jews from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. So please don't try to tell us that Palestinians are open to peaceful coexistence. That's just a cheap lie.
@Flyingsaucesir I know what it means. I have friends who live in Israel who are Israelis and they tell me that it is impossible for the Palestinians to be at peace as they are hounded every minute of every day by the Zionists.
@Flyingsaucesir Sounds to me like you are okay with Zionists perpetrating atrocities on the Palestinians.
@Jolanta I know. The abuse escalated big-time under Netanyahu, and while Trump was in office, it skyrocketed.
@Jolanta, @Druvius You continue to miss my point. I do not condone what Israel has done and is doing. But it is not as simple as you make it sound. The Palestinians are not innocent victims. Their (mutual) hatred for Jews has driven the whole long tragic history. Imagine how things might have been different if, instead of starting a civil war over partition, they had accepted it. Right now there would probably be two states peacefully coexisting. But no. The creation of Israel was, as Palestinians call it, "nakba," a catastrophe. They couldn't accept it. They defied the whole world, gave the UN the middle finger, and started a civil war.
What puzzles me is why I don't hear you calling on Hamas to lay down their arms and free the hostages that they abducted on October 7.
@Druvius, @Flyingsaucesir Do you honestly think that the Zionists would allow a two state peaceful coexistance?
@Jolanta Today? Doubtful. 75 years ago, before the first civil war? Maybe.
@Flyingsaucesir It is very simple and it is not based in Religion, fascists just like using religion to justify their actions. Even adopting their symbols eg Nazi's and Swastika, Israeli's and Star of David.
European colonists still conducting a brutal, apartheid occupation so as to expand further. Can't get much more simple than that. Supported 100% by the major imperial power, because they understand and support, participate in expansion by force too. Good news? Imperial empire is in its death throws, the peasants just don't know it yet.
@Flyingsaucesir And why is that I wonder? Myself I think it may be that during those 75 + years they have found that they literary can get away with murder.
@Jolanta If the Palestinian men, their own fathers, brothers, and sons who make up the ranks of Hamas care so little for the lives of Palestinian civilians, why should the Israelis care more? There's nothing preventing the Israelis from showing more compassion And I think it would better if they did. But let's make no mistake, what the Palestinians are doing is an impressive display of will. They know if they keep fighting they're going to get clobbered. There is no question in their minds that they and many civilians will die.. Hamas's strategy is to garner sympathy from the world by subjecting their own people to unbelievable carnage and destruction. But they apparently think it is worth it. They perpetuate the struggle into the next generation, and the next, because for them the formation of a Jewish state was nakba, literally a catastrophe. I wonder how the hatred between the two parties could ever reach such a level. Of course it all goes back to religious differences between two branches of one family, but I would like to find out more about the early days of the split. We might be going back 1200 years, to the time of Mohammed. He was, in addition to a prophet, also a general.
@Flyingsaucesir Well, if they don't fight, they die slowly and if they fight they die faster. So what are they to do?
@Jolanta When they are not fighting, the Palestinian people are not dying, they're having babies. Lots and lots of babies. And the purpose of all this procreation? To make new generations of fighters, and mothers of future fighters. It's not a new phenomenon, this frenetic breeding of warriors. It has been going on for millennia. And I have heard the logic articulated (through translators) in recent times, in South Sudan. It is a mentality that is entirely foreign to people like you and me, who have grown up in relative peace and prosperity. Personally, I would not have kids if I was not sure I could afford to keep them safe, fed, clothed, housed, and educated to the point that they would have a decent chance of living a full, comfortable life. But that is not the Palestinian way. They have children in order to throw them into a desperate fight with an implacable foe. An enemy that is also a blood relative, whose state is nakba, a catastrophe.
You ask what other options apart from war do they have. Seriously? You don't think there is anything else they can do?
The other day on NPR I heard an interview with a Palestinian guy who studied hard and became a doctor. Not everyone can do that, but Gaza also needs plumbers, artists, restauranteurs, musicians, teachers, electricians, mechanics, etc., etc. For some, migration is an option too. What should not be an option is creating generation after generation of cannon fodder just because you think a Jewish state is a catastrophe. It's madness.
@Flyingsaucesir I can tell you that they do have electricians, plumbers, etc, etc. And no they are not having babies just to breed fighters. I do know Palestinians personally, so you are wrong there.
@Jolanta Of course raising fighters is not the ONLY reason they have kids, but it's an important one. The 24 combat battalions of Hamas fighters that existed on October 7 did not just fall out of the sky.
"Palestinian women have one of the highest fertility rates in the world, averaging 4.38 births per woman."
-- PubMed
You have to admit, it's surprising behavior, given the perpetual hatred, animosity, and frequent violent confrontations up to and including all-out war. Is that the kind of environment where you would want to bring up kids? I bet not. I sure as hell wouldn't.
@Flyingsaucesir Actually the birthrate there is 3.38 and while you are talking about how many children Palestinian women have you need to look into the how many children the hasydic jews have, which by the way is 6.6 children per women.
@Jolanta While we're at it, let's not forget the Evangelical Christians
I see no reason to trust your number over mine, since you don't even cite a source. But let's say yours is accurate. So what? It's still almost double what it is in the USA.
All Abrahamic religious scriptures are based on the Hebrew Bible, and they all say "be fruitful and multiply." It's a credo that goes all the way back to Moses, who was, like Mohammed after him, was a general as well as a prophet. Filling the ranks with soldiers has always been a prime motivation for a high birth rate.
And Moses, according to the Old Testament, at one point instructed his soldiers to kill every man, woman, and child of the opposing tribe. Do you think for one minute that the Palestinians would not try to do that to the Israelis if they got the chance?
Both parties are guilty as hell. A pox on both their houses.
@Jolanta What does "persevere" mean in this context? It means fight the Jews.
@Flyingsaucesir so, you would not fight if you were in their shoes?
@Jolanta I would not plant bombs on buses or subway trains, or kidnap and murder teenagers, or stab passerby on the street, or hijack civilian planes, or shoot Olympic athletes, or abduct grandmothers and grandfathers, young women, kids, and babies, or murder concert goers, or grenade farmers, or toss a guy in a wheelchair off a cruise ship. No way. All that is completely off the table.
I also would not behead journalists and post the video online. I would not throw "infidels" off cliffs (and post those videos online). I would not fly planes into tall buildings. I would not machine gun people in a nightclub in Bali or anywhere else. I would not massacre journalists for daring to publish cartoons depicting the "prophet" Mohammed.
You may think that the second set of atrocities I listed above have nothing to do with Palestine, but they do. Through their acts, Palestinians helped create the permission structure allowing all radical Islamists to commit their crimes on a global scale.
I ask you again to think about how things might be different if, instead of rejecting partition and denying Israel's right to exist, the Palestinians had agreed to work within the system.
By digging in their heels, the extremist Islamists have played right into the hands of the extremist Zionists.
I have no affinity for either group. A pox on both their houses. And the same goes for the extremists in the USA: the Christian nationalists and Maga Republicans, who have tacitly or explicitly approved the continued expansion of Zionist settlements in the West Bank, and the movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem. That is just pouring gasoline on the fire, and they know it. It's disgusting. These so-called "Christians," these so-called "patriots," they are trying to get a race war started here. They are trying to institute a fascist dictatorship in the USA. And to do that they have to discredit Joe Biden. So they loudly blame him for not instantly fixing the problem they purposely exacerbated. Never mind that Israel is a sovereign nation, and no US president has ever had control over what it does. But we do have an obligation to demonstrate unwavering support for Israel's right to exist and to defend herself.
So to all those American Muslims who wave the Palestinian flag and symbolically withhold their votes for Biden in the primary election, I say get over yourselves. Where were you in 1948? Instead of embracing a path that could have led to two states living side by side in peace, your people opted for a never-ending civil war, which you apparently endorse. And you dare to blame Joe Biden? Ha!