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Earth orbits around the Sun for one Armageddon. Then Armageddon ends and New Earth is formed. Once Earth has reached an equilibrium. We wait in silence because God’s Kingdom is at hand. We are scarred by the holy scepter. Noah’s ark was built to last 40 days and 40 nights. Armageddon lasted 2000 years and then came Peace; at a price. Christ reigned for 2000 years in the biblical sense. The four horsemen came and caused the end of the world. Another bible was written and placed by Gideons.

Only time will tell…

7G0X 4 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Uh huh, and then what happened?


Silly and fun, I get it.


It's a 10 from me for the definition and use of the word in a sentence

From the Urban Dictionary:


Christanic: The Extra Testament; In the beginning was Earth, God and Word. The World was formless in the Universe. We called the World Moon. Subhumans walked the planes and fought endlessly. Infinity ruled by chaos. The Magistrate staved off Famine. Death was under God. The River of Styx carried dozens into Codex the Messiah Kingdom. The Kingdom of Lightning was ruled by 911 Gods, 420 Devils and 607 Angels. Outnumbered; they fought and killed each other. They fought endlessly; But Peace was nigh' for the Lord Jesus Christ entered and smote them all with a rod. Even Jeffrey was smote with a rod with His rod, but that was then this is now. End of Story, Amen. For we where with Him in the Beginning. Jealousy was Prides' Godfriend. Travis and Joseph were exiled to walk the American wasteland forever with Mike Pence and Donald Trump. Garin was mentally loved by all the people, even Kevin who was another one of God's Highest and Most Acclaimed Sons. Infernal damnation was guarded by Dylan. "Even in Hell I have fury, Amen."
Rage bears witness to Lust, Greed and Famine. Feel our Wrath claimed the highest Most Honorable Lord God Almighty. Jesus wouldn't have the Magistrate, instead it was named Christanic.
She read the Extra Testament of Jesus Christ and it was so Christanic!

by 7G0X October 31, 2020




This must be the sinking Christanic.


You don't even know the basics of Bible nonsense. The Bible story says that it rained for 40 days and nights, Noah, his family, and the animals were in the ark for about a year and eleven days. You probably think Adam and Eve ate an apple and that the number of the Beast is 666.

The Flood lasted one year and 11 days or 371 days based upon a 360-day year (12 months x 30 days/ month). It is not known at what hour the Flood began on day 1, nor at what hour Noah left the ark on day 371. But by definition a day can mean either a full day or daylight portion thereof (Genesis 7:11; Genesis 8:14).

Papyrus 115 (which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation as of 2017), as well as other ancient sources like Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, give the number of the beast as χιϛ or χιϲ, transliterable in Arabic numerals as 616 (χιϛ), not 666. - Wikipedia

The Bible is nonsense already, but if you are going to make silly comments about the Bible, you should probably read it first.


Actually the bible does not even say, that the earth orbits the sun.

@Fernapple Very true.


Every day is the end of the world for sombody.


Sounds legit. The way that Israel and their US backers are behaving Armageddon is probably not far away.


Wow, you can Reeeaaally read the room....


Such nonsense

Well said 🙂

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