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I want to be open-minded and to honor my relationships with family and friends. BUT... I have friends who will begin telling me about ghosts or sending me links to spiritual discussions that devolve into Deepak Chopra BS, and I don't want to waste my time. I get that weird stuff happens and it can be fun to talk about. However, I have frustration that nearly everyone falls off the cliff at some point.

I draw a hard, bright line at psychic phenomena. I have a very hard time believing that the intricacies of our neural nets can be accessed by others, or enabled to manifest external changes. I get that the CIA engaged in Stargate and sought to obtain information with remote viewing. If this was possible, I think we'd know about it and people would have all sorts of information they shouldn't have. We'd have savants that were especially good at divining impossible information. I've yet to hear of one. And yet, that's where people go. Sad and tiresome.

racocn8 9 Apr 10

Enjoy being online again!

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When I run into others with different or far fetched belief systems, it usually comes down to; "conclusion shopping for an explanation that fits their narrative."

Most of us, no matter what we believe have access to the same tools: opinions of other people who are smarter than us that we 'respect', the internet, libraries, personal eyewitness testimonies. etc. However, its how we use these tools. If you search for only what you want and don't attempt at searching for what would debunk that, than you are just conclusion shopping....

Skeptics tend to question and like to look at other perspectives, similar to "i want to know if I'm being wrong and why, but if I'm right, then i also want to know why."

Those in hard-boiled belief systems tend to find comfort with what they found, and don't want it disturbed, and some will vehemently defend it or, passive/aggressively say, "well, do some more research on it and get back to me." however, both people research for the same thing differently.

In the end, healthy discussions are great, but when it turns into a circular 'argument'' then it's not productive for either parties.


I've had some woo woo moments in my life. I attribute it to dysfunctional home life and feeling the need to be hyper aware of what was up with my mom so as to avoid her wrath. A defense mechanism if you will, right up there with thinking about someone and they call you or stop by. This usually involves someone you speak with on a regular basis anyway; about as accurate at prediction as 2 people always throwing the same rocks, or paper or scissors each time.


When it really sucks is when it involves your late spouse. I had my cousin tell me that my late wife Kristin was trying to contact me but couldn't because I'm such a hard-core rationalist. So basically, the fact that she and I have no communication in her afterlife is MY fault. It's hard enough dealing with the grief, much less somebody guilt-tripping me about my logical mindset.

@DharmaBum50 Your cousin sounds like an asshole!

@michelle666gar She isn't, really, but she was that day. She's afflicted with all this woo-woo shit -- but that beats the other cousins who thump the Buybul.


Ahhhh yaaassss, Deepak Chopra, the Master of using many, many words meaning Nothing, until drump came along.
But at least Mr. Chopra is peaceful.


I cut everyone off with a joke. "What sign are you?"
"Yeah, I was a test tube baby"


I get it. Mostly I just avoid it if possible. Or remove myself at the first opportunity. I will express my views if specifically asked but generally try to avoid calling anyone out. If I can think of something I will try to use humor to point out the absurdity of it, something like "I bet Geraldo wished he had a better psychic before opening Capone's vault!". Sometimes Scooby Doo references are needed. But I don't see that any differently than religion, and I do my best to live and let live without hiding my views.


Howard- You accidentally posted this four times, please delete the extra copies..


I know the feeling. I have this one acquaintance, we went to the same university for a short spell, then didn't have any contact for about 30 years. One day he just contacts out of the blue, and ever after has continued to send all kinds of wacky "research" and "data" concerning the deadly nature of the COVID-19 vaccines, and the evil cabal that big pharma and Bill Gates run, with the specific intention of depopulating the Earth through mass murder disguised as public health protocols. This isn't the only mania afflicting my old schoolmate. But that is another story.

Some of the Covid 19 antivaxers claim they did not get the shot because "it is their right " not to do so and still say that they let the children get shots for school. This is so coz "no shots-no school" seems to be the norm.


People want encouragement in their lives, that’s why they involve themselves in it. Just let them be. We/you don’t have to pay any attention to it. Just say it’s not your thing.

That's pretty much the way that I look at it too


I remember I went to a party and this lady starts telling the homeowner that she feels a presence in his house but it's a good one but she's not going inside his house, she's going to use the outside bathroom because she doesn't want anything to happen to her. I asked her if it's a good presence why be afraid of it and she should ask it questions about the after life or whatever dimension it's in, she turned her back on me and everyone else stopped talking to me, it was a great party! Lol!!!

That alone-in-a-crowd feeling; I know it.

@Flyingsaucesir I felt accomplished because I called her out on her bullshit, I guess neither did anyone else! Lol!!!

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