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March 2023 was the hottest March ever recorded, not just in the United States, but over the entire planet.

April 2023 was the hottest April ever recorded on the planet.

Likewise May 2023. And June. And July.

And August. And September.

In fact, for the past year, every month has beaten all previous high-temperature records.

If that sounds concerning, you're right. It's a big deal.

Of all natural disasters, heat is the biggest killer of humans -- ahead of floods; ahead of fires; ahead of tornadoes; ahead of hurricanes.

A heat wave can kill ten thousand people in a weekend. Boom! You're dead.

In the summer of 2022, severe heat killed upwards of 70,000 people in Europe.

And summer 2024 will be even hotter.

You may be asking yourself, can we turn this around?

The answer is yes. But the window of opportunity is closing fast.

The warming will stop when we stop adding CO2 to the atmosphere -- IF we act immediately.

However, if we keep on burning fossil fuels like there's no tomorrow, then feedbacks in the climate system will bring on civilization-ending levels of heat.

If we don't act quickly, then the first person to die due to catastrophic failure of the planet has already been born.

The last thing we need is a climate science denier in the White House.

During his presidency, Donald Trump reversed over 100 environmental regulations.

He took the USA out of the United Nations Paris Climate Accord.

He shrank the EPA, and had the words "climate change" removed from the EPA's website.

Last month, Tump hosted fossil fuel industry executives for dinner at Mar-a-lago. At the soiree, Trump made this indecent proposal: if the the coal, oil, and gas men donate $1 billion to his campaign, then immediately upon returning to the White House he would reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted.

Burn baby burn. That's Trump's mantra. And that's what the planet will do, that's we'll all do, if Trump returns to power.

It's up to all of us to stop him.


Flyingsaucesir 8 June 10

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Republicans want to destroy the human race so they can all go to see their imaginary friend Jebus so they re doing their best to create their fictional hell right here on Earth.

Do you really think they believe? If they truly believed in god and jesus then, they would fear reprisal and damnation for their lies, theft, sexual exploitation, and the fraud they commit. Religion is the tool they use to manipulate and control. It allows them to get away with murder. Only their followers are believers.

@Betty Even most of the huge donors and elected officials believe.... That is why they refuse to change what they are doing to the planet...

@Betty I think its a bit of both. Some are true believers. Some are just cynically paying lip service. Depends on the individual.


People don't care as long as they're getting paid and making money, these are scary times......

Yes, very scary. And we're just getting started.


And yet we've had the technology to produce limitless energy for 70 years. But when I say we, I mean the oligopoly (including oil magnates) of the military industrial complex that sequestered the information to keep society from upending their power.

I think you're referring to nuclear fission. Yes, that has been around for 70+ years, but the technology to do it safely is a bit newer. Photovoltaic (solar panels) has been around almost as long, but it's efficiency wasn't what it is now (or may yet be in the future). And windmills have been around since before Don Quijote was inspired to tilt at them with his lance. So yeah, we have always had options that were less polluting than fossil fuels. But cheap and dirty won out over clean and expensive. Not anymore! Now solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels. Now it's just a matter of scaling up.

No to the above. None of the above.


To what source of limitless energy do you refer?

@racocn8 Ok, I guess I will need more information from you.

@Polemicist I don't claim to know how it works, but it's often referred to as zero-point energy. The effects described by Thomas Townsend Brown, Salvatore Pais may be related. A number of inventors have developed energy generators and turned up dead. Alternately, whatever it is that enables 'drones' to remain suspended in hurricane force winds for hours with no lift surfaces or exhaust.

@racocn8 Zero-point energy..."according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, any such energy would gravitate, and the experimental evidence from the expansion of the universe, dark energy and the Casimir effect shows any such energy to be exceptionally weak." -- Wikipedia

This does not sound very promising.

I wouldn't read too much nefarious meaning into people having turned up dead. It's what every one of us will do, sooner or later. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir @Polemicist

@racocn8 Sorry man, that is not evidence of anything more than a fertile imagination. Pure speculation.

@Flyingsaucesir That's a lot of fertile imaginations going on (including his copilot who corroborates his story).

@racocn8 Ok. Still not evidence of anything. It's reason to investigate further though.


Nobody really cares about our kids or their future. It's all money right now. On other platforms idiots want to argue with me that there is no climate change. I'm not a farmer but I see temperature changes that bring about many things including less insects, bats, birds, etc. Something is greatly upsetting our eco system and it appears to not be friendly.

Yup, yup, yup, all damnably true. And every MAGA asshat has got to have the biggest gas-guzzling pickup truck they make.


I forget who said this...but true. Sure we could save the planet but, it would just not be cost effective.

Leetx Level 7 June 10, 2024

Some blood clot robber baron executive from the fossil fuel industry, sounds like.


There are hundreds of reasons why to stop Donnie Boy. And even more reasons to stop the decline in the intelligence of Americans. We're killing our planet and our country. If we don't change the course the country is on, what will be leaving to our children's children?

What will we leave them? A burnt-out husk of a planet, that's what.

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