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This morning, I got a message on Facebook from a man whom I dated about ten years ago. The message said:

"11:35 AM
[URL for a Youtube video which I am not posting.]
Post from BobbyTheDiscple"

I wrote back: "Why would I be interested in what a "disciple" has to say?"

His reply:

"Well, according to Scripture (Paul);
Romans 7:24-25
"O, wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
I thank God- through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin."

My reply: "And I think your god and book are bullshit. It doesn't matter to me what Paul thought. I resent you trying to proselytize and preach to me."

Was I too harsh? 😛 (My question is sarcastic, of course.)

Gwen_Wanderer 6 June 26

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Lets just hope he doesn't take you on as a challenge and double up on his attempts to convert you. Still it might be fun to duel for a while.

I seem to have offended him and he said he would NEVER text me again. Mission accomplished.

I don't care to duel with people who have no ammunition but somehow, think that they do!

@Gwen_Wanderer I fully understand as I recently got int a verbal scuffle with a female Conspiracy theorist. After the first round I figured this could go on forever and simply stopped. It's a waste of time even with certain members here.

@pedigojr total waste of time! I noted elsewhere that when I reconnected with an old friend who believes that the moon is hollow, I told her that I did not believe that and moved the conversation on. I won't be drawn into such silliness. The same with some members here.

@Gwen_Wanderer It's a matter of avoiding temptation. For some it takes a little longer.


I think you went too easy on him. Pushy fucking christers deserve harsh vitriol.

zeuser Level 9 June 27, 2024

We exchanged some more messages after that and he said he would NEVER text me again. I am surprised he didn't unfriend me and maybe he did--I didn't check.


tell it the way it is!

I can be tactful with the occasion calls for it, but this occasion did not call for it!


You’re nicer than me, I would have been direct and to the point…..Fuck-off, oh and have a nice day😉

He got the point!


Dead on!!!!


Ummm, no, not too harsh, considering all the history and the fact that he knows you're not into religion or the buybull.

It was a trick question--I don' think I was too harsh, but thanks for the confirmation!


Wow!!! Was he this bad ten years ago? You did good and it makes for a good story to share. 🙂

Betty Level 8 June 26, 2024

When we dated, he tried a couple of time to get me to go to church, but soon understood that I would call it off if he persisted.

Other than that, his flakiness, and his fiscal irresponsibility, he was funny and personable. The funny and personable aspects could not top the other issues. In the intervening years, he got married twice (or had a live-in relationship and got married once); he had been married four or five times prior to those relationships. When I saw him after years when he lived elsewhere, it was in Walmart (yes, I see everyone in Walmart), he smiled tenderly at me, took my hand, and said, "I know we had issues in the past, but I want to put them all behind us and start again." I told him I didn't want that.

His ploy made me laugh--he is not as charming as he thinks he is.

@Gwen_Wanderer I'm glad you dodged that bullet. 🙂

@Betty There were several bullets I dodged! He was charming, but that soon wore off. He is the only man I know who could wear Dr. Seuss sneakers and pull it off. That did not make up for his flaws.


You probably confused the fuck out of him with the word “ proselytize”, four syllables is pushing the boundaries with these folks…..😇

You are right. I doubt that he will do it again, though, as I made my position very clear!

@Aaron70 is that a trick number for "A Bible Verse a Day" or something similar???

@Gwen_Wanderer I’ve never handed out a Buybull verse. However I am known to hand out my fresh baked cookies!?😇

@Aaron70 I figured it was not a trick number. I am not much for talking on the phone! You can send some cookies to me, though.

@Gwen_Wanderer Me either, thought you might be up for a chat though. Not like you can message anyone on this shitty app…..🤷🏻♂️

@Gwen_Wanderer I can’t send any messages on here anyhow……could be it’s my phone!?🤔

@Gwen_Wanderer I used to be able to message folks on here, but that was a long time ago?!🤠

@Aaron70 I haven't been able to message anyone for a loooooooooooong time!

@Aaron70 I sent a message to you to try one more time to see if it works.


You hit it just right. I would have been a little lighter only if I knew this person in my everyday life. Even then I would have told the truth.

I don’t see you going lighter for some reason, just sayin…..🤠

The only time I ever see this guy in person is a chance meeting at Walmart. If he tried to foist the information on me in person, I would have told him "not interested" and if he pushed it, I would have said what I said in the message.


better that he realizes how you feel rather than fill your inbox everyday with bullshit.

Agreed--and he said that he would not message me again!


Difficult decision, one choice is to deny him air by ignoring his diatribe the other choice is to tear him a new one by demonstrating his lack of evidence and the stupidity it takes to ignore what is real for imaginary friends. The first choice is almost certainly worth the (non-existent) effort, the second is not.

I don't mind tearing a person a new one if it is warranted. He KNOWS that I am not Xtian.

@Gwen_Wanderer In that case, the effort might be worth it to you. Please do not let me dissuade you. Can I watch? Is popcorn available?

@Detritus he said he would NOT text me again!

And watch out for popcorn! I broke a tooth on an unpopped kernel and it had to be extracted. The tooth was broken into two pieces, but it would not show on Xrays for months. That was last year, and the site has only now lost tenderness.

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