7 16

More proof I'm getting old.

We;re all gathered at mom and dad's house for a Sunday together and had a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, coffee and fruit this morning around 10a, now, my sister is out buying five different flavors of chicken wings for dinner tonight around 6p.


i can't eat TWO big meals like that in the same day. I can't believe everyone is hungry for dinner. I'm good til tomorrow. If I were still a young man, I wouldn't be feeling this way. I'd rather take a nap than eat again. Getting old sucks.

Also, "God is bullsht!"* just to keep things on topic.

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Honestly, I am ordinarily down to two meals a day. If I plan to visit the tavern, as I do about once a week, I'll have a light lunch to have something on my stomach. But usually it's a fair size breakfast and a reasonable dinner.

Me too. Two is usually enough for me these days.


Ya, you got it; getting old is a waste of time!

It's generally better than the alternative 😜


First, I am not 100% crazy---- only 99%. I did not eat anything after breakfast yesterday, till this morning, 24 hours. People who like to look like overfed whales--- go for it- otherwise!!! Being a glutton hasn't got a thing to do with old age. When I see a huge beast polishing his car, I see 'it' having more respect for the car than for himself.


Yeah I hear ya, about getting old.

I do reverse eating. I eat a pretty substantial breakfast every day, a moderate lunch mid fternoon and a dinner that's more like a light snack mid evening. That helps me to keep my weight down as I get older. Now if someone can tell me how to actually SLEEP at night, I'd be grateful. I get up two or three times during the night and I'm always tired.

Ya, agree with you!! You sound as if you enjoy your food, like I do- and there are people who successfully do what you do. I am at a normal weight- and I get to the gym. Have a great day.

@Diogenes Thank you. IMy diet is plant based protein, fresh fruits and vegetables I avoid sugar, fats and carbs;;; the three diet killers. It's a whole new way of eating, and I love it. I bake all my own healthy pastries using bananas, oatmeal, etc. I used to think a healthy meal was a cheeseburger and fries from McDonald's.

You have a great day too.

@TheoryNumber3 I am not a vegetarian! I eat fish. The big fish eat the little fish. I was born when god was a teenager, so I'm kinda old- I have skin problems on my arms. The more strict I am about using veggies, lentels, cherries and fruit, the better my arms are. There is NO hardship in eating fresh fruit and veggies----- they taste great. Have a wonderful day.

@Diogenes Hahaha... I was born when god was a toddler 😉

If I don't get enough exercise, I don't sleep well. I need at least one two-hour aerobic workout per week, in addition to lighter daily activities.

@TheoryNumber3 --- and we both know that gods are some kind of friekish joke!


I hear you 100 percent. My family is like that but the big problem is that I eat too much today and I know it. Eating like that is not healthy for you.


it all about pacing yourself man. eating less food more slowly you and can feel satiated at the present and ready for dessert or another round sooner. just my experience. im always holding out for ice cream a little later.


If a young man, you would be running around like a headless chook expending energy. Getting old has it's moments. Time gets faster but we don't.
I was just in Thailand and loved the full English breakfasts when in town at Udon. But agree, it does you for the day.

God is an abstract concept, Bullshit is real. 😉

puff Level 8 July 7, 2024

And there are thousands of "one-true gods" so which one does a person pick- or the viable option- no gods at all.

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