6 17

Me: Whose hell am i going to? I need to plan my outfit accordingly🤪

Cocoavine 6 Sep 13

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Like Homer Simpson said, If heaven means spending eternity around people like Ned Flanders, I see no diff between that and hell, at least for me and my friends..


I want to get one of those T-shirts that says "Going to hell in every religion".


I want all gays to go to hell. Not that I have anything against them, it's just that I wanna see what they do with the place before I get there!


Back to the old question of who's hell are you going to. I'm at the point now to where I do not believe in the heavens or the hells. I no longer wonder if I would go to the wrong one.

@DenoPenno I don’t believe in them either. I just find it funny how each religion thinks the other is wrong and will face punishment in the afterlife, making it seem like nonbelievers like @Cocoavine might get double judgment because both think they’re right!


Ooooo, do me! Do me! LOL

@zeuser Looks like you've got a VIP pass for both, but they’ll have to vote on who gets you first! 😉

@Cocoavine I already paid the extra 20 bucks for an aisle seat on the train to hell. I'm all set! 😆

@zeuser Hey...If I send you $20.00 can you book me a seat next to you? We could have a pun time. 😉


I'd ask Statan or who ever the hellish leader is.

What religious group got the correct answer to go to heaven.?

How can anyone know how to dress for eternal fire or a demon monkey up your butt.? That's like my mother saying wear clean underwear in case you get into a car accident, times a trillion.

In church they compare clothing .

@Castlepaloma I'm in stitches 😂😂

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