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Just returned from Bobartland. Looking at properties. I get back & there online I find the perfect property. Now I am on cortisol overload. A drink before noon. yelling a lot @ nobody. So I am now in the middle of real estate insanity.
But this is how the West Slope sees us.

We want to regulate everything.
Give their money to undeserving people who do not look like them.
Force them to get vaccines when they don't trust the government.
Made more money under the CONald.
Conald is a victim of persecution.
Sexual mutilation of children via gender reassignment procedures.
They do support Israel as they don't like the Moslems. One guysaid "Kill 'em all. Let god sort 'em out."
They seem to have a huge hole when it comes to trust. It began with Nixon or maybe the Bay of Pigs. It was ok tho with Reagan via Iran/Contra because of ends justify the means logic. So many knew nothing concerning our CIA policies in Cental America & the genocide of Mayan peoples.
Abortion divides them from the uber religious & the soul or over government reach.
Open carry state. The guys pack'in seem to do it for bravado. They sort of have a swag about them. Like a pimp. Every mass shooting results in a run on ammo & guns.
When I was out here in the 1980s, there was little vegetarian affair. There is a Walmart so....

Feels good to see some like minded people again. Durango went BLUE, so we are getting closer.
The sheriff hired a cop of African descent, just as the first emancipated slaves became cowboys.
Assaults on Amer/Indian or Native America in the parks on payday have fallen precipitously.
There are still Mudders, but mostly in designated areas. Keep 'em confined or they will trash the entire eco system.
Still 3 cultures dominate. Euro/Native/Hispanic.
Tourists are fun to watch. They love our nation's parks.
No gay bar yet. But certainly not ultra threatening. Only one bar in Colorado has smoking permitted. He won in court under the "grandfathered" provision.
Meth is a problem. Clause in contracts address cooking meth on the premises

. Seems like a different country sometimes.

I am sure all of you learned folks know all of this but perhaps some living over by dare, do not. My take away is that the area has an outlaw tradition, not unlike when the west of the Mississippi was 1st opened up to unlimited influx of thousands of illegal refugees from Euro's perpetual wars & oppression. We know the result was a decimation of an entire people, who still here.
Well that is enough for now.

Mooolah 8 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Just don't say Beetlejuice (or Boebertjuice) three times or she may grope you in public.


Well hopefully as the nutters all die from meth property values will go up...


On the bright side, now that you're in Bobert's district, you can vote against her. 🙂👍

Actually it is her X district. She moved to the east slope because she was going down . She represented the entire west slope. Lots of land. Fewer people. I sent money to the opposition and she fled.


That whole wild west history crap we are fed in school has not helped things. Screaming into the void sometimes helps but not a lot can be done with the tribal way human nature seems to work.
I grew up in NJ where the racial fallout landed on Black Americans. At 20 I moved to Seattle Washington and since there were not a lot of Black Americans the Asian Americans and Native Peoples were the ones scorned. Found myself asking WTF is it with white people. Wish I had an answer.
I'd love to move outta MAGA land myself but have not found a lot of good options.

It's not just white people who are racists. It's everywhere, in every ethnicity. That being said, whites do seem to stand out.

Here is what leads me to conclude that America is racially divided (note "divided" not racist although that might be prevalent). 1) In all of my online interactions with you guys there is a distinct lack of people of colour. 2) Whenever I hear an African American speak, 9 times out of 10 you can tell that they are black. This can only come through a lack of interaction, this is not the case in the UK and certainly not in my city unless they are immigrants.

@273kelvin My ex so was a Black American. He was 20 when the equal rights amendment was passed. His mom raised him to speak "proper English" and when around most white folk he spoke English without any sort of accent. We went to Oakland, CA one year to help his sister with some remodeling on her house. She and I made several runs to the Home Depot and Lowes. For the most part I was the only white person and I could sense the dislike. We looked at each other and at the same time we both said, "it works both ways".
The difference is blacks are not running around killing whites like they have been known to do in the south. Or beating up a Black kid for just being in a so called 'white' neighborhood.
I have some really sad stories of how black people are treated by many whites. Some from within my own family. Not all white people have issues with other races but the times when some do it has not always ended well for the person of color.
All People of Color want is to be treated equally. As a woman all I want is to be treated equally. The GOP clearly wants to keep us at home, out of the work force and doing what they say.

@273kelvin It's true, there is a de facto segregation going on here. It's not total, but it's significant.

And don't forget the Jews. I asked my mother when I was moved to the city, why everyone seemed to hate the Jews. "I supposed people always need someone to hate". I have see also. Out west the Mormons are a target also. But the open hostility is less. It's murmered.


My older daughter does a lot of yelling at nobody. She has to answer each cell phone call and yell at the ones calling. I think she sleeps with that phone. When I leave my house mine is with me. When I go to bed it is in another room. The fact that it makes nosies does not bother me.

No phone? No problem. I have enough stress without that thing interrupting everything. I worked for Ma Bell (remember her?) for 6 years. I never want a phone again. People do not believe me that I have none.

@Mooolah I have this one cell that I detest and I also have VOIP phones in my house that get their powers from my ISP. These phones recharge on a base and can be carried thought the house. When people start calling me that I do not know I tell them to leave me alone. I do not deal with anyone that I do not know.

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