10 16

Posted by a very religious relative on fb. Yes they feed the poor and help the homeless. And generally has a good heart. I find this extremely f*kd up on so many levels. Maybe Iā€™m overreacting. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Stephen1364 6 Nov 7

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Post this and win FB jail


David may be to the Psalms, what Henry eight was to the tune "Greensleeves", and Trump was to Time magazines "man of the year."


Religion has always been an excuse for evil peopleā€™s bad behavior. When I was a young wife and mother I was sexually harassed at work by a guy who said he went to confession once a week to clear his conscience about how he stalked, cornered and spoke to me. Married with small children meant nothing to him and my husband said I must have done something to deserve it.

Iā€™m sorry you went through that experience šŸ˜”


The "God ordained" part is the worry. Some Trump supporters would believe that, but many wouldn't. The same religious types that are gullible in all things that way, very Monty Pythonish. "It's a sign!! A miracle!!!" And then when Brian tells them to fuck off, "How shall we fuck off Messiah?"
It's all "God's plan" to these people.
Trump got in because the Democrat party had gotten that bad. Not due to a god bothering minority. His support was widespread and increased amongst all the "minority groups".
That cracks me up too eg have ads about no-one will know who you vote for when alone in the ballot box, then after the election, breakdowns on what minorities voted what way percentage wise, including sex. So if your vote is totally anonymous, then how do they get these statistics?

puff Level 8 Nov 7, 2024

My guess is those stats are based on exit polls.

I am a atheist, and I don't like Trump. However Kamala was not the answer.

@Alienbeing snap

My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again an amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []

@FrayedBear Israeli thugs, hope they don't refugee in Australia when their genocidal state is no more.
Posted before "I support Hamas" and posted title of youtube video so people may look it up (one way to avoid censorship here). What I meant was is what Ritter states, that if you are against genocide then you must support those people on whom the genocide is being perpetrated resisting. This means supporting Hamas. I have no problem saying that as Hamas was born from occupation/ apartheid.

Want to know what irony is? When people blame minorities for their own view being in the minority.

aka Democrat party voters in the US..


I left the US because it's too dangerous.

@puff regarding Jewish settlement in Australia you have only got to look at some of the kangaroo court decisions against those decrying the lie that the Reich murdered 6 million of them to realise that they are already here. I've even had ordinary housewives with no more than 16 yo leaving school certificates saying that they cannot find the evidence.
Some years ago we had the infamous Victorian Woman Police Commissioner who went to out dine whilst some 300+ Victorians burnt to death during the bushfires arrive to address a local meeting organised by B'nai B'rith - [] - "Strengthening Jewish Life
B'nai B'rith in Victoria helps to strengthen Jewish life, reinforcing the communityā€™s sense of Jewish identity, and reflecting its shared humanitarian principles, cultural heritage and legacy of innovation through membership, projects, programs and events."
The meeting could have merely been coincidental but I had only just pointed out to them I had just experienced treatment from Victorian people & government that only differed from Nazi persecution of Jews by the lack of genocidal concentration camps. Her message was that Jews would never again experience the Third Reich maltreatment in Victoria! . . . & Bugger everyone else particularly white non Jews now known by the pejorative racist term goy, pl.goys or goyim.


I thought he was meaning King James 1 initially

That's certainly what Jimmy himself thought.


The only thing that Trump and David have in common is banging the wives of other men.

Didn't david allow a plague to decimate the israeltes because he refused to humble himself before god? trump being stubbornly prideful also allowed a plague rack up unnecessary deaths.

@Dave375 How many other Democrat "talking points" do you have?

@Dave375 could be--do you know the verses?

@Dave375 Ahh...... 1 million Americans dead from his mismanagement. How soon some forget.


Psalm: 20:24 They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets. They're eating the wildlife... When I blow this mike, it tastes like metal...


Now itā€™s back to underpaid workers spitting in food, especially at Republican owned restaurants, and those sick without healthcare coughing on anti-vaxers and spreading the love. Be careful where you eat. The people have a lot more options in resisting tyranny, let's see how creative they will become.


I have a former mother-in-law who called that book Palms.

You say tomato, I say tomato (admit it, you pronounced it both ways!!)!šŸ¤ 


Or a pothead whore, I mean lol

My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again I am amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []
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