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If you don't sin then Jesus died for nothing.

273kelvin 8 Nov 7

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Do any of these in the Evangelicals' universe and still go to heaven

Well, the 1st 3 have smart people in the mix so I doubt if they are evangelicals.


I still don't know what I did that merits the death penalty.

Oh, it doesn't take much for the representatives of Gods love to want you to burn.

According to Genesis we all lived a long time and got here through incest. Eve did it, yes it was her fault, she ate a forbidden fruit that a talking snake told her about and she got knowledge. This was forbidden so her guilt was passed on to all of us. It gets complicated but this ancient book of Genesis explains why we all need Jesus. He stands at some door wanting to come in and pierce your heart and you should drink his blood and eat his flesh. This is why he is afraid to come back today.


Rest assured I do my part each day to insure that he didn’t die in vain!!☺️


Ah ! That is what Rasputin taught, but he ended with a British Secret service bullet in his head. But then don't all great thinkers.

Can we assume that the secret service isn’t losing sleep over your presence!? 🤠 😇😁

Only slightly related.
Back in the 70s, a labour dispute was holding a rally. On stage was an old union veteran of many bitter strikes who was trying to inject a note of restraint to counter the previous young militant speakers. When a heckler shouted out "That's the type of thinking that put an ice pick into Trotsky's head!"
To which the old guy replied, "It was the only useful bloody thing he ever did have in his head!"

Very interesting. The Brits apparently deny it, but...

@Aaron70 I wear a tin foil hat, so they can't find me.


But then again, Jesus lives, allegedly. He just had a 3 day hunger strike.

puff Level 8 Nov 9, 2024

I don’t sin, but some of what I can do might result in my imprisonment.


As if a god could die... As if a god could serve as a human sacrifice... As if a god could exist in human form... As if there were a Jesus...


He died for nothing if his father, who is also him, still wants to send sinners to hell.

Dat too!!🤠

I’m glad I’m not my father, Whatta dick….🤷🏻♂️


True dat!🤠

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