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Jesus was a funny guy

St-Sinner 9 Feb 26

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According to the written Myth, Jesus was crucified on a Friday. According to Jewish customs, All crusificees were taken down on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
Medical established fact, It would take 3 days to die from crucification.
Go figure

And according to one of the gospels, his uncle bribed one of the guards to give him the body early, and then the only life sign tests were, a mirror to test for breath and a prod with a spear to see if he reacted ( Neither regarded as good tests today.) . Both probably done in the dark at night. Like you say. "Go figure."


Knowing this fact Jesus had less than a hard time on his weekend. Still, he prays to himself and only his father knows when he will return. In America Christian Nationalists keep trying to change a date that nobody knows.

It's worse than that, they're still pedaling things no one can prove, and increasingly no one cares. I hope they get themselves treated the way they treated others.

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