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"When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”
-- Alexander Hamilton, 1792

Flyingsaucesir 8 Mar 12

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Greg Palast


I like some of these posts and takes on it all. Of course, I'm still wondering how you are able to post here. My recent post to this group went up and I could see it, then later that day it disappeared.

I able to comment within others posts but not able to make a post.


Cliff Cash

Yup, yup, yup! What the guy says about Elon and Putin is all true. I am absolutely loving the spectacle of Tesla, Space X, and Twitter X tanking. Well, maybe Space X not so much, since those rockets and satellites technically belong to the American people. We paid for them with our tax dollars.

@Flyingsaucesir When SpaceX does tank guess who gets control?....


Trump is no prize, however compared to Harris he was the obvious choice.

You are entitled to your own opinion, however puerile, putrid and pathetic it may be.

Obviously stupid choice perhaps....


What about the crook who conspires with our enemies and Uber wealthy to take over the country to rob it and stay out of jail? Hamilton missed that one type of unprincipled Russian plant the same as he missed Aaron Burr.

Touché! 🤺


How little of that describes the Dumpster child as he has all of the vices but none of the talents Hamilton described....

Well, the way I read it, it suits His Felonious Malignancy to a (golf) tee. 😂

I'll try to explain what I mean.

Notice where Hamilton writes, "... having the advantage of military habits --..." He then goes on to list those habits: despotic, scoffing. Ya see, back in the day, they didn't use parentheses like we do today; they were into dashes. So "military habits" here is not really a compliment.

He does the same thing with "mount the hobby horse of popularity --...." He gives us a list of base and immoral actions: "...join the cry of danger to liberty; embarrass the government; flatter and fall in with the nonsensical zealots. It's a litany of depravity, and it describes Trump perfectly, imho.

@Flyingsaucesir Hamilton does NOT list those as "military habits" and if you read the quote carefully you will notice that he is just adding them to define a lack of character... The ones you think he is calling military habits are undesirable in any free society and especially so in any military defending it. the only "military habit" the Dumpster has is dodging the draft which he has done 5 times...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes, indeed, to be despotic and to scoff at liberty are undesirable traits.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I wish we had Hamilton here so we could ask him what exactly he meant. It would also be great to get his reaction to what Trumputin and his minions are up to.

@Flyingsaucesir Probably the same thing he did with Arron Burr.... Challenge him to a duel...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I think it was Burr who challenged Hamilton. Hamilton had been making disparaging remarks about Burr. Apparently Burr was a man of low character; a self-promoting self dealer. Much in the vein of our own orange foolius.

@Flyingsaucesir True but he did accept and Trump is far worse than Burr ever considered becoming...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Both of them had been involved in duels before.

Indeed, Trump has outdone them all in terms of depravity and hypnotic power over imbeciles.

PS I have amended my previous tag (above).

@Flyingsaucesir I for one would love to see the Whitehouse see a hantavirus outbreak that infected the entire MAGA leadership there... including Kennedy....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I would settle for a virulent strain of COVID-19.

@Flyingsaucesir Mortality rate is too low and besides those dolts have all been vaccinated but there is NO vaccine for the hantavirus....

You aren't thinking big enough the hantavirus has a 50% mortality rate WITH medical care...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Okay, but the thing is, since there is no vaccine, Hanta would kill lots of people who aren't MAGAts. Too much collateral damage, because it wouldn't stay confined to just the WH, or Mar-a-Lago.

@Flyingsaucesir It would be transmitted to Musk and his minions... as well as taking out most of the billionaire class as well... They are no longer allowing the voters anywhere near themselves out of fear...


Man, as in human, has tried to govern itself using differing ideologies. Chiefs, Monarchy's, dictatorships, democracy's, authoritarian, feudal, theocratic societies etc. Capitalism, Socialism and Communism were also variants employed by the various ideologies to varying degrees.
Communism is a failed ideology.
Capitalism is a failing ideology. as consumer driven globalisation is failing. We are living the end game.

What does the end of democratic Capitalism look like? It's when government stops representing peoples interest in favour of business interest. When businesses are enabled to have rights, voting rights or the ability to influence outcomes. Corruption of public representatives. Plus the fact that a consumer driven society in a finite world is not sustainable.

It was bound to happen, just another failed human ideology. We will work out something different and BRICS seems to be the vehicle of change.

Socialism looks after the most vulnerable and gives us National Parks, recreation areas, library's and museums. But it also allows Capitalist enterprise, the chance to get ahead which drives innovation, the major flaw of Communism, not rewarding initiative/ innovation. Communism treated all the same which sounds nice but doesn't work.
I like socialism as it is the middle ground between Communism and Capitalism, adopting the best features of both whilst rejecting the worse.

So to stop dribbling, Trump is a symptom of Capitalism's end game. If not him, a personality like him would have risen to the top of the shit heap. One with delusions of grandeur with fascist tendencies.

puff Level 8 Mar 12, 2025

Actually, dictatorships are as old as the hills. Trumpty Dumpty is a throwback, a dinosaur.

And I would not characterize the USA or any of our developed allies as a "shit heap." Self-rule is a relatively new thing, and so far, it has been wildly successful. Witness the expanding human population, and the doubling of the average human lifespan over the last 100 years.

If you are so unhappy with your lot in life, I recommend you seek professional help.

@Flyingsaucesir I meant shit heap as the human shit pile. Our societies have become decadent and hooked on war. We have seen this before when empires, not the USA but Western European colonisers, us whities, and the nations their colonisation formed. The Western Empire, that is the one that is descending. The Romans descended into orgies and circuses. Well, we have opened up sexuality to "anything goes" and "shock and awe" festivities ourselves. Past our prime, decending into shitheapism.
So glad I grew up in our Western societies prime, late sixties early 70's hippy prime imho. I'm quite happy with life thanks for being concerned. Not into therapy in Oz, we go to a pub.

@puff Well put Andrew

@puff You certainly have a jaundiced view of humanity. In my experience, most people are not bad. But a bad one with a talent for demagoguery can stir up mob to do unspeakable things. They can do a lot of damage before they finally wind up hanging from a lamp post, or crumpled in their bunker, or face down in the sand trap by the 9th hole,...

@Flyingsaucesir There he goes with his stupidity ranting about his precious BRICS again... Kind of like Trump he has no real idea what it is or why it doesn't work...


Sounds about right.


Play it again, Sam!

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