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With the changing views on gender indentity, are there certain expectations you’d like to see done away with? For example; men wearing skirts, women going without makeup? Are there some that you’d like to still be practiced?

Me? I really don’t care what a person wears, but I think women should still shave their pits and legs. Actually men AND women should shave under their arms, that’s gross.

PeppermintDreads 7 May 22

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I think people should be able to express themselves anyway that makes them comfortable, unless it infringes on the rights of another.


Woah, I am not shaving my pits. I will trim them down, and I do, but I won't shave them. You are telling me to assume the expression of someone who I am not. Also, that armpit hair is there for pore health.

Also, women do not have to shave their pits if they do not want to. If anything, it causes stronger pheromone emissions, making them more attractive, not less attractive.

I can vouch because I used to date this hippie girl who didn't shave her pits and legs, and the pheromone smell almost always resulted in a positive, if you catch my drift. It's just not necessarily a bad thing if they have armpit hair!


Sorry, don't shave anything. Also, I am naturally blond, you have to get really up close and personal before you can see my armpit hair. If you are that close and personal you better not be looking at the hair. I can't even see it in the mirror from 3 feet away, but I can feel it.


I am so happy I won't be around to see the nonsense.

Consider a sidewalk cafe in Amsterdam on a warm Saturday evening.


To each his own, live and let live.


I wish people would quit squishing their kids feelings, boys in particular. Teach them how to express themselves emotionally so they're easier partners to live with, so they aren't constantly getting dumped for the same shit over & over..

FFS let them LIKE pink goddammit, purple! Play with BARBIES ZOMG!!!! Take them to DANCE CLASSES FCS!!! (<-those boys are HOT properties later in life too! Guys who won't put themselves out on a dance floor are NO GODDAMN FUN! PERIOD!
Take boys to horse back riding lessons. THAT'S ANOTHER THING that will be a hot skill to have in their history later. Hellooo, puts them smack in the middle of well to do educated girls also if they're so inclined that way.
Let them have PETS and TEACH THEM PROPER ANIMAL HUSBANDRY!!! Being able to NURTURE another living creature successfully will go MILES in their emotional value later in life!

It WON'T MAKE THEM GAY IF THEY AREN'T ALREADY! Do put them in a competent self defense class young so they can defend themselves, this goes for girls too! INVEST in your kids so they at least have those tools for later in life. They won't forget it.

I agree. Let men be human.

Some women are the worst perpetrators of misogyny and homophobia, which they direct at men.

@Ellatynemouth I can't argue with that at all. That there ARE misogynistic women alone just blows my mind.


It's internalised misogyny. It's easier to side with the enemy than to fight the battle

@Ellatynemouth 😟


I just want to quit wearing a bra!

What's stopping you? ?

@jwd45244 Nothing really. Actually I believe I am allergic to elastic! I switched to a cotton bra but still have a rash on my left side underneath.

@Presley1209 It becomes addictive.

Well, what's stopping you?

@PeppermintDreads my boobs are too big to go without, I can’t stand the under-boob-sweat.

Must be nice to go without! I just don't know why it seems like a requirement! I hate them, its not natural. Plus the underwire ones are linked to breast cancer.

@bigpawbullets I guess cuz I feel like its a requirement at work. They are so uncomfortable! I go without on the weekends.

@patchoullijulie I know, during the winter I wear a cami with a blouse.

I stopped years ago.

I threw them all away. I had an epiphany - who was I wearing them for?

The bras I had were hugely uncomfortable and expensive and throwing them in the garbage felt intensely liberating. I've never looked back.

If someone notices a nipple and gets upset - that's their problem. I won't tolerate my natural state being used to shame me by fearful people who use their hang-ups to navigate through life.

@Presley1209 Thats the way to go. I have hated bra's my whole life.


Nope don't care. It isn't up to me what anyone else does. I like wearing make up etc but thats just me. What anyone else does is up to them.


You think women should still shave their pits and legs.

Your post became invalid at that point.

Right on!


I really don't care what people do with themselves as long as they're good people. There's a lid for every trashcan.


I'm an avid fan of wearing kilts...I mean I know some think there's a difference but either way...

Kilts are awesome! And in true kilt fashion is...Well magical.

@PeppermintDreads seriously the feel of the breeze on my naughty bits is...wonderful


This is actually a great question. Couple of questions, actually. First, I agree about shaving pits. It is gross. Some people worry that it’ll grow back thicker but research indicates that’s untrue. Light arm and leg hair is okay on a guy but I also don’t like it on women. I’ve been conditioned.
I’ve never understood make-up or the female fascination with it. Expensive and completely unnecessary. Especially with the nails. Stop this, please. Hair doesn’t need to cost upwards of $80, either. Go to a Cosmotology school and pay much less. This applies to guys, as well. Many are starting to take up this terrible idea and it makes me sad.
As for dress: I wanted to try wearing a kilt but can’t find one for under $100. That’s not going to happen. I don’t have a problem with boys wearing dresses, or girls wearing pants, or whatever way people want to dress. I also like nudity, though, and attend clothing optional places whenever possible.


Personally, I really don't care what anyone else does, doesn't do, wears, or doesn't wear.
I stopped wearing makeup over 30 years ago and haven't missed it.
As far as shaving goes, to each their own. As long as everyone is practicing good
personal hygiene and not be stinking in public, I'm not going to have an issue.
What I do, I do for myself. As long as I'm not walking around emitting offensive odors, I don't care what anyone else thinks of me.


Yup shaving pits is a good thing. 😉


I’m pretty much good with all of it so long as it’s somewhat tasteful. I don’t care what gender you are, a miniskirt is not appropriate in a professional work environment. If you’re out running errands on the weekend and want to wear yoga pants or pajama bottoms, have at it.

The only makeup I wear is mascara and blush. If I’m going out in the evening maybe lipstick. Go with it or without it, whatever makes you comfortable. I have no issues with guys wearing makeup.


A camel toe or moose knuckle while wearing yoga pants? Whatever, not my business and probably no worse than some of the stuff people wear to WalMart, which is probably why I never go to WalMart.


I think woman going without makeup would be beneficial to them due to less stress,and less exposure to chemicals. To me some woman are much more attractive without makeup.


Women should wear makeup.

Out of morbid curiosity, why do you think they should? What kind?

only if they choose/want to.

Men should too then 😛 , lord knows some of ya'lls needzit.... /js

Oh I look great in makeup.
Years of theater - I've played women's roles.
And you're correct, a lot of men could use a makeup job.

@Marcie1974 It doesn’t matter what kind. All you have to do is make youself more attarctive.

@Marcie1974, @SallyMc It is suggested, in stead of “should”.

@WanderingJay and what do men do to make themselves more attractive? Or don’t they have to?

That's the double standard. Men can get fat, look aged, gray, etc. - wearing their pretended success like a spare tire around their waist as a sign of living well.
Not women though. Once past your peak you become some old hag who obviously doesn't care about herself - taking on the kindly matron persona, baking cookies and such.
It's bullshit.

@Slappy_Longarms you seem to embrace the mentality....yet you call bullshit on it. I’m not exactly sure where you stand on the issue.

I disagree with you regarding men being able to age and get fat and still be attractive. Just look at the disgusting photo of trump golfing with his fat ass in white shorts with tidy whitey underwear ?

@Marcie1974 I'm saying the idea that women be required to maintain a youthful appearance while men usually aren't is bullshit. A double standard of no value. I've no problem with humans looking human regardless their gender.

@Slappy_Longarms my apologies, I didn’t look closely enough at who was responding and assumed you were @wanderingjay.

Good to know you don’t buy into it.

@germangirl90439 Good for your natural beity. Generally speaking, you are an exception in my opinion.

@Palacinky lol sorry!!

I love you ladies wirh or witnout makeup. I happen to love ladies with make up. Ii is my personal biase. Please forgive me if I offend you anyway,


Being human isn't a crime.
Unless you're religious of course.
I've never been one to play the rigid gender trait game.
Such a waste of time.


Do you work for Gillette or some other razor makers?

Yes a nose full of pit hair? Was never high on my list. lol

@RavenCT from the original question the priority seems to be of the order "remove gender inequality" and then "eliminate armpit hair from the world". This sounds like a typical sales pitch to me 🙂
Insert your product into whatever the socially cool thing happens to be around

@srikanth Yeah I remember the 70's when armpit hair was "In".... I'm ok with it being on the "Outs".

Also I know someone that worked for Gillette. lol


I think people should be able to express themselves however they like, and that it should have little to nothing to do with gender identity.


I can't handle a man bun. I'm ok with long hair, but not in a bun.

I love a man who can wear a man bun.

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