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What Do You Do When You Are Sad?

sassygirl3869 9 May 27

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Cry very badly - snot all over face till someone notices


Classical music, mainly the symphonies of Beethoven and Brahms.


Music does it for me.


I don't smoke. if I'm sad, I don't really get hungry. I am really not much of a drinker at all. I don't put my business out there like that on social media and crying is a last resort because it really doesn't fix anything. You end up with dry skin from the salt, red eyes, a stuffed up nose and a head ache and you still have the same problem(s).

I do listen to music and I will start cleaning or doing some other chore(s). The physical movement and the act of organizing puts my brain in a "solution" mode. Thats when I start going over things, moving thoughts and emotions into different categories and really start analyzing the issues. taking positive action.

for example, my dog of almost 17 years died the Thursday before mother's day. Broken is a good word for my emotional state. Got home and started organizing his things; what to keep, what to donate to the no kill animal shelter in my area. I dropped things off the next afternoon, knowing they would go to help animals in need. It didn't dull the pain any but it is just positive actions that help me cope.


All of the above!


Listen to Bowie ❤️


Music and a good workout at the gym. The day my partner died some friends kidnapped me and we went for a long paddle in our kayaks. Socializing a workout and beautiful scenery.


I listen to comforting or nostalgic music. I write pieces expressing my thoughts. I sit and think.
I do not seek company. Like Mark Twain, i feel that "misery can take care of itself."


I'm always listening to music whether I'm up or down but comfort eating is a thing for me.


Well, I always have music on. I might cry, or find chocolate. I rarely drink when sad, it can lead me to do things that are really unwise.


I talk myself through it and try to solve whatever problem has me down. I watch a funny movie and make plans to go out with friends. Or go to the gym and try to sweat it out. What I never do is try to numb myself with alcohol or drugs. Rather, I try to feel whatever pain I feel and walk through it rather than run away from it.


Throw myself a pity party for one day, then get my butt in gear after that.




Eat, cry and bitch at people on social media. lol


I pick myself up and go outside and do my chores, hang with the animals and get lots of exercise. If I'm really upset, I even do some house cleaning!


I have a long hot shower, get some healthy out door time..visit my parents watch a Laurel & Hardy movie. Play with my dog.


I sit in the sun.


I try to get myself out of my routine. Maybe even get laid if possible. If I have the funds, nothing gets my groove back better than hopping on a plane, going somewhere exotic and meeting women who are looking to have some no strings attached fun with a non-local.


All of the above.




Music, mostly.


Sadness is not as common for me on the negative emotional scale, but it happens. When I'm sad, it is usually because I've been emotionally attached to something that is now gone or I feel like I've wronged someone and it can't be remedied.

With attachment, I remind myself that all things are transient in life. Whatever this thing was in my life that is gone was beautiful and I was lucky to ever have it around. Whatever it did for me, I should bring to others. While it isn't a quick fix, it helps immensely.

As for doing someone wrong, that is a tough one. I'll confess to holding things against myself for a long time about causing harm to others and I'm not so great at letting go. I try to learn from it and not repeat it. If possible, I try to do something kind for that person. Often times, I just make myself really scarce since that person is probably pretty done with me. So, I do what I can for them, learn, move on, and wait for the sadness to fade. That's a tough one.


Music has always been my first go to remedy. Next to that, some good comfort food doesn’t hurt at all.


Music,loud, cry, then talk to the chihuahuas who by now have gotten very upset about my mood and need reassuring that the world is not comng to an end.


Fire up a bowl.


I simply place another bet !

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