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Who here is intelligent?

Ride_Captain 7 May 30

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My friends have asked me to stop using "F-Bombs". But I've never been able to figure out, 'what the fuck is an F-Bomb?'


I don't understand the question. Which type of intelligence?
Naturalist (nature smart)
Musical (sound smart)
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
Existential (life smart)
Interpersonal (people smart)
Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Linguistic (word smart)
(Howard Gardner)


All a lot of "f" words here. Lack of imagination. I expect more from my sis' & bros


If it is the "N" word no. Why has the "N" word over taken the "F" word in toxicity or acceptance? My favorite is the "C" word but out of deference to my right wing friends I restrain. =0} Own it & it & there is no pain. I only swear for stress relief, for emphasis, for literary license. Swearing is so common now even the current Commander in Cheat does it. It has lost its effect, mostly. So to be my usual iconoclastic self I refrain to be different.


Fuck, fuck,bugger,bugger,shit. Blimey I've got an IQ of 140 . Well I have actually.


Really fascinating how some get the joke between all other possibilities


Can you phrase it in the form of a question?


Can you phrase it in the form of a question?


Really, those so called studies must have been done by people who want to justify their bad language and lack or words.


I used to be but then i had a Stroke in 2008. It was a year before i spoke again in fact my brain took it upon itself to train the right side of the brain to do most of the things my left side did. I was a member of MENSA until the stroke.

Me too but less extreme. My IQ is 130 after the stroke. I can't remember what it was prior. Tomorrow it might be less or more. It was caused by an asthma attack that nearly killed me. 20 years of breathing 2nd hand tobacco smoke until that horrible President Bill stopped the human smokestacks from doing more damage.


I have a formally assessed IQ of 129, but intelligence is merely a genetic accident: I am as capable of rank stupidity as anyone else I know.

Perhaps not entirely genetic. With brain plasticity one can increase ones knowledge & abilities. But since ignorance is bliss, maybe that is not the intelligent thing to do. =0}


Can say that most of the time when I sware it is to envoke a self-fulfilling emotion that never comes. Like Albert Einstein theory of insanity. Keep doing the same thing knowing that you are going to get the same results, hoping for a different outcome. Then there is the purpose curse get the fuck out of my way, so I do not trip on your lummox ass and hurt my self. The dumb fuck curse when you observe stupidity that is a wicked form of entertainment. The what the fuck hand jester watching undecided rubberneckers.


I've always sworn to myself by muttering in other languages. I try to use a language not used in my current location to avoid offending anyone, or at least mutter quietly.

Here in Thailand I use Creole since many people know Spanish (Filipinos) and French, and every once in a while Thai know English cuss words. But sometimes, when startled, I reflexively use mild Thai swear words.

If I want to tell someone off who is acting like a jerk, I switch to English if I know they don't speak it. One lady would mock me when I hit the wrong tonal pitch when speaking Thai words, even when I wasn't talking to her, so yesterday when she started jeering, I whirled to glare at her, and said in English, "Hey! Don't mock me!."

She stopped, uncertain of what I'd said, but apparently it sounded dreadful enough to inspire a behavior change.


Of course it is true.


It is like mint, or cilantro. Too much of it will 'take over' and message will fade, along with flow or progression of thoughts. Used as a startling and meant to be form of punctuation, profanity can support and emphasize.

Otherwise, um, it can, like you know, totally um, degrade both message and messenger.


Fuck yeah!


That actually happens to be f*cking true.


Get the fuck out, that's no measure of fucking intelligence.

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