Just for Laughs
Jan 5, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by JackPedigo
It’s time for the annual New Year’s resolutions (or not). Some Suggestions ”Try to quit all my bad habits, but remember, no one likes a quitter!” ”I resolve to get in shape. Round is a shape.” ”I resolve to read more, so I’m ...
General & Hellos
Jan 2, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Lorajay
My 2019 resolutions might actually be achievable. In 2019 I hope to never mispronounce Reuters, cleavage or aluminium.
Health & Happiness
Nov 20, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by FlippantLlama
Hello all! As I'm sure you know, taking the high road on an issue does not in any way mean that you are going to get resolution or restitution on an issue. I'm impulsive and spirited, but I'm doing my best to be my best. What do you do to ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 14, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Denevil
What kind of New Year's Resolutions did you make?
Health & Happiness
Jan 1, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by GeekLeen
Looking for "accountability partners" for weight loss!
General & Hellos
Jan 1, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by Madeline1992
Today is the first day of 2018. If you’re going to ask me about my New Year’s resolution, it’s going to be nothing. Only because it’s just another year to me.
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Jan 1, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by AMGT
Don’t set the bar too high ;)
General & Hellos
Jan 1, 2018Jan 2018

Posted by M121
Everyone is going to bang on about ,"A new year and new me". I'm sorry but I don't buy the bs. I'll give most people a week for their new years resolution to go down the pan. I'm not trying to be negative but you want to change then don't wait for...
Silly, Random & Fun
Dec 31, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Benthoven
My New Year's Resolution
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Dec 29, 2017Dec 2017

Posted by Savage
What's your new years resolution going to be? Mine is to move to France in 2018 and find someone to share the adventure of renovating a derelict house and man. Both need a lot of work.
1 comment