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Do we have a purpose in life?

I've been reading a book called Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. It's an interesting book that looks at Okinawa, the place where there are more centenarians than anywhere else.

On the north side of the island, a town called Ogimi boasts the highest life expectancy in the world. So, they researched what sets these people apart. Of course, they eat well, have a good social network, regularly drink green tea... but another factor remained called Ikigai. That is having a purpose in life. In Japanese culture, work is considered a very important part of life- and finding the right work that matches skills and interests is Ikigai.

To them, you do not make your purpose in life. You find it. So, do you think Ikigai exists? A purpose in life, that each person has, and is meant to discover?

silvereyes 8 Dec 26

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What a great concept. Searching for the "meaning of life" naturally encompasses purpose. I believe that is what a lot of people use religion and mysticism for--to discover that answer.

@atheist I'm not sure that's true. While I am comfortable with absolutes once they have been proven by evidence, until I have been given evidence on a subject, I try not to narrow my thinking on subjects. I believe that Christianity and all of these other religions are based on human beings trying to interpret their environment and events that occur in their lives. Others take those observations and read their own meaning into it. They are not universal truths, but common truths that certain people share, which is why we end up with cliques and groupings. BUt to say there is no consciousness after death, there are no aliens, there are no ghosts, or any other phenomenon is asking for trouble. Science itself has had to rewrite ceratin laws and theories over the past few hundred years. The heart does not produce blood in the body as medieval doctors once thought. There are many more instances that science is reevaluating all of the time from physics to archeology. One day the purpose of life may be discovered. I won't just dismiss something because it's not known now. I will approach it with the same evidence based need I do everything else.

@atheist Remember that many Science theories and law started out as a Philosophy. 😉
but seriously, While I am a skeptic of a great many things, I also will not shut the door on possibilities. In my lifetime I have said "never" quite a few times and was proven wrong by million to one odds occurring. So "Never say never" is a common phrase in my lexicon.


I've discovered that I'm here so unstable people will have someone to date too.

Duke Level 8 Dec 26, 2017

Break the cycle! 😉


I don't think there's a plan, but I think people who find their niche can say they've found their calling.

Marz Level 7 Dec 26, 2017

Well alrighty... to invent things to make us smarter. To have children and help them do the same. Keep doing this till our inventions do all the work and we no longer have to do I guess! Heck! I told my wife a king and queen from the old days don't have as good as we have it today. Even poor people have it better then king and queens from the old days. We have everything. 10 times more then people from the old days. We getting smarter.


My purpose was to raise three amazing daughters to adulthood. As long as they need me I will be happy to stick around. I grew up without a mom after age 14, I would not wish that on anyone. My girls still need me, as does the first grandchild,and a second en route. And just making it from one day to the next is purpose enough.


We are not special, humans have no higher purpose than other life forms. We are for the most part social animals, and therefore it seems we must have roles in our society and performed like trained animals so. 94% of the population accepts this (random number plucked out of the air) most of the rest may not accept it, but appear as if they do. Are we any different to a dolphin, seal, or any circus animal board and raised in captivity? Not knowing any different and totally out of touch with the life that their DNA is adapted to exist in.


My Purpose seems to change with the woman or loneliness in my life.


Many people simply exist, without purpose. The person who has a sense of purpose and finds the means to achieve it is fortunate.


No. You can find purpose, but fate is silly.


I don’t think there is any objective purpose in life, but I do think humans are evolved to feel more contented, and perhaps be more productive, when we adopt a sense of purpose. I think that’s usually by way of contributing something of use to society at large, or to our family, or to an individual other than ourselves. Many people also find purpose in contributing to the wellbeing of other species, as in the case of animal rights activists, etc.

skado Level 9 Dec 26, 2017

We were in a program hosting Japanese students enrolled in the many English language programs in Seattle. Our first student, Risa, was from Okinawa. Okinawa is a tropical island S. of the main part of the country. What you say about longevity is true but only for the older people. Unfortunately, the American military is based there and have brought fast food. The younger generation have thus become one of the most unhealthy parts of Japan.

There is an expression "hari hachi boo" which means eat only until you are 75% full.

We had students for 3 years and it was so rewarding. One student was with us 13 months and I still communicate with her.

@silvereyes Wow, you know the term (and the correct spelling). Our student told us it was 75%.

The program is not for everyone and not every student was ideal but some were unforgettable. One Japanese woman, Kaoru was crazy and fun. She was 27 but looked 17. She loved to socialize and party and was always the hit of the group. She once came home late at night and fell down the stairs to the den where we were sitting (luckily they were carpeted). She was obviously drunk and I asked "the bus driver let you get on the bus like that? She said yes, she told him not to worry because she was a happy drunk!! She was with us 13 months of which was filled with one memorable event after another. We had a student from Saudi Arabia, Korea, a 16 year old from Taiwan whose English was perfect (she was in the country for 2 years on a college prep program. She talked like she was from California.


This sounds very interesting. I thought my purpose in life is to gain wisdom and pass it on to my girls. But I would prefer to play a role in dismantling Christianity and revealing it as bullshit to as many people as I can.

Who says you can have only one "purpose"? I think you can have as many as you please.

Did the same; just as your girls are a blended continuation of you, you can all continue your good work 🙂


In my opinion, there is NO purpose to live and each creates their own purpose.


"Purpose" is another one of those subjective issues. I don't believe it can be defined uniformly or universally. Each person must identify it for themselves. Or not. I don't particularly agree that we all "need" purpose. Then again, I've never been much of a fan of societal norms or labels. I tend to push back against such things. If there's a trend, I'll buck it. If everyone is turning one way, I'll turn the opposite. Perhaps my purpose is to be defiant. To reject the things that are "expected". To question everything. To trust precious little of what I'm told. I don't like the idea of conformity. Consequently, it seems to me that being told I should endeavor to find "purpose" to be happy with myself, makes me want to be happy with being a contrarian. Or maybe that all just makes me an asshole. I'm not going to judge myself on that. There are more than enough people who will judge me for no other reason than they're breathing. It doesn't concern me enough to worry about it.

It's not really a conscious choice most of the time. I just can't bring myself to "go along" with most of the stuff that society says I should. But thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

Defiantly stamping my foot "Don't tell me what to do!!"


I'm a nihilist in the sense that I don't think we have an innate purpose beyond survive. We create or choose our own purposes in life.


The way it is phrased clouds the issue. Hark back to one of my mottoes in life: Do what you love and you'll always love what you do. You may call that Ikigai if you wish, but it is a simple notion and the results of following it are self evident. Doing what you love to do rarely places any stress in the psyche and that can only translate to less stress on the body, hence a chance at a long and fulfilling life. Mine has been interrupted by an illness that has nothing to do with stress, diet, blah blah blah, but I remain happy with what I am doing and where it is taking me. No fate, faith, or Ikigai to blame. Just doing what I love.


All human beings have purpose, whether it’s found purpose or purpose that has been hunted. We are all doing exactly what we’re supposed be doing when we’re supposed to be doing it.


Biologically, yes. Cosmically, no.

Varn Level 8 Dec 26, 2017

in all honestly life hasnt much perpise . we live we die we hopefully pass on our genes they live thwy die they pass on there gene the cycle continues. however getting into science i find human evelution extrodinary . seeing technology advance health getting better all the great pleasures in life im actually having a good time here and dreading the end of it. find what has meaning to you and enjoy life while you can is my motto.


It is innate for human nature to feel a need to answer such a question, but no one knows.


We are put on this Earth to fuck and die.


Your purpose is what you manifest.


You have asked the question. It has been asked since humans have had the ability to think. below are some ideas from a few recent great thinkers. I would say purpose is perception.

"It is not what we expect from life, but rather what life is expecting from us." -Frankl
"Mans unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden." -Frankl
"I have but one hope, that I am able to be worthy of my suffering" -Dostoevski
"There is no truth, there is only you and what you make the truth" -Oberst
"Measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it," -physicist Andrew Truscott
"The purpose of life is to make the person next to you happy" -Tolstoy
"to wake up in the morning and not be sad" -Musk
“Don't aim for success, but rather dedicate yourself to someone other than yourself and success will come as a result” - Frankl

I would recommend "Man's Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl

“Some lived for family, others for work that they felt needed to be completed, others religion, then there were those who had no reason that they could find for living. These were the ones who died in the camps first.” - Man's search for meaning Viktor Frankl

True, the one's that make a career out of Government welfare, live 20 years less. The main purpose is to Survive first and then your closer to singing your song in life too.


It depends in what venue, Ecologically humans serve no purpose, on the contrary a disservice. If you call propagating our own destructive species a purpose, that's a different story

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