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What would it be like to be married to you?

So, what kind of spouse are you/would you be (or partner, if marriage isn't your thing)?

When I met my husband, I didn't pull any stops. I ate the way I normally eat. Maybe with a little spaghetti on my face sometimes 😳 and I didn't sugar coat anything. No surprises.

I asked my husband, "if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?" He said "you ask too many questions... like that one." :\

So, what should a person know about you, if they were to live with you (legal documents or no).

Here is mine:

  1. My sleep is erratic.
  2. I need to have alone time.
  3. I like a quiet house.
  4. I have a few phobias like bugs and germs...
  5. Hate clutter and I donate things every time I buy something.

Oh and I'm pretty sure my feet are made of ice. Chiseled ice cubes.

silvereyes 8 Dec 27

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62 comments (26 - 50)

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  1. I like to cook
  2. I play video games
  3. I think cats are great
  4. Some of my socks are blue
  5. I've never been to Indonesia

im perfect lol


According to my ex, and she otta know, it would be living hell.



I’m trying to be done with animals

I’m easy on everything (not wanting to repair or replace)

Loud is not allowed

Air should be fresh

Organized clutter works ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

Your funny you ask a very good question and its gonna take a little thought to answer properly


Due to sleep apnea, I nap during the day. I like quiet or a favorite show on TV. I HATE to be constantly on the move doing this or that! I suffer from chronic depression, ie. from time to time, or occasionally, I'm depressed for a few minutes. I HATE controlling women!


I would be exactly as I am. Honorable. Never hide who you are. If a spouse can't accept you for who you are, why are you even with them.


I've finally become honest with myself. At this point in my life it would take a very rare bird to be happy in a relationship with me. I'm a bit of a slob. I wouldn't live with someone again. I spend most of my time with my minor children. Worse yet, that time spent with them is usually at their mother and step-dads house. That's a long story. And on top of that, I need a lot of alone time. I guess it would kind of suck.


I work shift work which includes days, nights, holidays and weekends. I do get some days off of course!

If not for a CPAP machine, nobody else in the house would be able to sleep through my snoring.

I'm honest to a fault. Don't ask me a question that you don't want an honest answer to.

It generally takes a lot to truly get me angry and while I never raise my voice or a hand, you'll know when it happens.

I'm a fun and loving father and partner.

I'm very affectionate and faithful with my partner but I mostly bond through things that happen in the bedroom and I'm not the plain vanilla type. Be the demon in the sheets that I need and I'm yours forever.


After two divorces...thanks but no thanks....not going to compromise anymore...

  1. I need a certain amount of alone time, depends on the day I have had or the project that has my attention.

  2. I rarely watch TV.

  3. The cat IS a person. She is my baby

  4. I think I snore, I'm not sure because no one has complained of my snoring in a very long time, but then I've slept alone for a very long time.

  5. Respect my kids.

  6. There is a radio on somewhere in the house at all times. I have tinnitus, I keep the radio on to mask the ear noise. Sometimes it doesn't work. And frequently more than one radio.

  7. No TV in the bedroom and I sleep with white noise and the ceiling fan on. Well, try to sleep.

  8. I read lots of books, and sometimes stay up too late reading books. I read in bed.

  9. I have very relaxed housekeeping standards.

  10. I will never marry again, it would mess things up financially. However I am open to a very long term shack up. Why marry?

  11. Don't leave the lid up.


I haven't been a spouse in over 10 years and I've grown accustomed to life without a partner. There would be competition with my alone time, so if they won that competition, they would expect:

  1. My children are my primaries in life, always, but especially until they have their own lives living on their own. Also, they have an actively engaged father in their lives, and he and I get along fairly well. His parents have stepped in and love me unconditionally after the death of my folks. They will always be a part of my life.

  2. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. you'll find out what it means to me--including but not limited to the ability to clean up your person and your space without my help. I have children to whom this is taught, I do not need to teach this to a grown man.

  3. I give 110% in a relationship and perhaps the reason they don't last is that I expect the same in return. I haven't "answered" to someone in years, that may or may not be easy.

  4. I have a serious aversion and physical reaction to loud noises and voices. So don't.

  5. I like it when a plan comes together. I am working on not being rigid or bothered when plans change. I do like to plan a day of spontaneity though. 😉

  6. I despise horror films, pranking people, most rap music and country music. I do have a great sense of humor and comedic timing.

  7. I take the time to appreciate little things. I actually will comment throughout a day on little things I notice and try looking through a different perspective.

  8. I am allergic to animal dander. I am not a lover of cats. I do like dogs; however, I feel that dogs should not be alone all day/night, and just be convenient for the owner. It's a HUGE commitment that requires enormous time and energy. Also, I don't think it's fair to the animal if the owner cannot financially manage medical expenses. Oh and I have no interest in cold blooded creatures without arms and legs that slither or need to be heated on rocks. Same goes for more than four legged creatures or ones that fly or require a perch.


"A new Level of Hell, not found in the bible" that's what she said before closing the door.

  1. I'll grab my partners feet, and if need be curl up at the foot of the bed, to warm them up.

  2. lots of oral sex. Fully committed to enjoying the hell out of your partner enjoying it. (bonus points for returning the favor, but as long as I can do my thing, that's enough.)

  3. If it turns into a battle for dominance, everyone looses, not only will I leave, once my tolerance breaks I'll put in some well aimed shots. (I am a lover not a fighter, but if it is war, it's magnificent)

  4. Try to spend what you earn, I don't mind providing food and shelter, demanding jewelry beyond my capacity to provide it? Not cool.

  5. it's only cute when I hog the covers, if you do the same, we need more covers, and on cold nights I will shamelessly burrow into your warmth.

  6. I flirt with everything with a heart beat. That 160 year old turtle at the zoo, those cuttlefish in a tank? Random strangers in the street? Not planning on sleeping with them.

  7. I am not planning on being anything but me, to avoid disappointment, learn what that is rather than making other plans for me (I'll endevour to do the same)


I would enter into a long term relationship if I met the right guy. Even relocate.

1.I love animals. If I moved would probably let my daughter stay in my house with my dog and cat.
My partner would have animals. A horse and/or farm animals would be a bonus. My father grew u p up on a farm and I've always wanted to live on a farm or ranch.

2.I'm a very tactile person - like physical intimacy.

  1. I'm afraid of fire. I can't light a match.

  2. I am not -mechanical or media savy.

  3. I yell at my tv when tRUMP says something stupid.

Your throat must be very sore by now.... (5)

  1. I'm a toucher. The more I like you, the more I touch.

  2. I read, a lot: news (PBS, CNN, Fox News, local newspaper, foreign newspapers online), archaeology, dictionaries, encyclopedias if I can find one, and anything having to do with the history of the English language. Things I don't read: assembly instructions, informational signs (ring bell for service, out of order and wet paint signs). If it's quiet, I'll read the day away.

  3. I am extremely loyal through sickness and through health as long as he is.

  4. Don't hang on me except in bed.

  5. I still have a high sex drive (curse or not).


I'm probably not a good choice because I do the following.

  1. I like to cook and create foods tastes. I would get you fat. My wife blames me for her problem.
  2. I'm always telling my wife to be grateful and to remember how it use to be. We live like kings and queens. I would say - better than them. She gets frustrated to easily. She's bipolar. Whew!
  3. I'm not that romantic anymore... I should be... but I'm not. I'm loving and helpfull and attentive.
  4. I want to iron out a situation before we go to bed. I don't want to stew about it all night long
  5. No drinking while taking pain meds... no no No!
  6. My wife says, don't use that psychology on me...
  7. I'm always telling her to read the directions... she spent hours trying to program the GPS in her jeep. I said please read the directions Susie!
  8. I talk in my sleep. I've been to a lot of places. Ive done a lot of things. Ive had relationships with other ladies. Please don't answer my dreams or be offended by what I say. It's a dream. Stay away!
  9. Please don't answer questions for me when someone is asking me a question. Hmmm?
  10. I'm 65 years old... let's keep it simple. No roller coasters or crazy rides. I walk a little slower so you may pass me up but don't get mad if I'm following behind. I will try to keep up. See im no
  1. my sleep is also erratic
    2.i am afraid of clowns and little people, so a clown little person will send me around the bend.
  2. I can watch TV, listen to music, and read a book all at the same time I have been told that is annoying.
  3. I have eclectic taste in music so at any time my playlist could include NWA and Sinatra never opera though hate opera.
    5.I have restless leg syndrome

I barely even know me, and when I'm in a room with myself I tend to ignore myself. I keep forgetting my name, and I refuse to share the covers when I'm cold. I tease myself, and sometimes I pull practical jokes on myself.

This guy... I like this guy.


I am an introvert and hate confrontation. That doesn't seem to work well with cohabiting. I think living alone works best for me. Me and my Lady of 27 years live separately in our own houses. I think what she sees in me is a kind, honest, loving, generous and loyal man, with a good sense of humor.

  1. I am and can be passionate about some topics as religion & the Environment. I can get on my high horse but it is easy to bring me down .

  2. Also need alone times and can feel frustrated when someone places an inordinate amount of need on my time.
    3.I am often a creature of habit. Time to bed and rise (early). Meal times especially not late at night.

  3. Absolute need to share open and honest feelings (emotionally and physically). Don't like to play guessing games.

  4. I hate clutter and too much stuff. I need a clean, tidy home (which I am willing to maintain).

  5. I don't like too much heat and keep the house cooler (around 66 degrees)

  6. Dietary habits are important to me and am a pretty strict pescatarian. I like to cook and don't mind being the main preparer of meals.

  7. I like to shower (in the summer) outside and pee outside all year around.

  8. I need a dark/ cool/quiet - no snoring- bedroom with no TV and no electric blankets.

  9. I hate rats in the crawl space (like I had 2 years ago - the alpha females are the smartest and worst).


After being married for 10 years(still in effect) I would not look for a marriage situation since that usually just turns into a power struggle because once you have that legal binding document, there is a guillotine looming over any serious disagreement. I think a common agreement to support each other, be the first responder for life's difficult moments, and show affection and deep emotional connection is all a relationship needs, not a paper saying "live-together-or-else".
You should know:

1.I snore, esp because I can rarely get a full nights sleep and when I do sleep, I'm sleeping hard.

2.I am usually quiet but get fun and goofy often, if you need to talk I can't read minds.

3.I enjoy solo or duo activities over large social happenings.

  1. Yelling causes me to shut down, if you can't say something with a somewhat cool attitude I'd rather we think on it.

5.I have many hobbies: Drums, video games, guitar, computer/technology/programming, song editing/production, but I can shut all that down for a good cuddle movie/convo.


So, here are a few things about me....

  1. I may be tactful, but I won't lie in order to spare someone's feelings. My level of honesty makes a lot of peopel uncomfortable, so I usually say nothing unless asked.
  2. I too like my alone time.
  3. I too like a quiet house.
  4. I have a definite preference to cats over dogs. If you want a dog, then dont' expect me to take care of such an overly needy creature.
  5. I expect others to be honest too. I happen to have a great memory, and although I could nto recall conversations specifically, I will recall what you said if it contradcts what you told me earlier.. That quality makes me not trust peopel who either lie or are just too careless about what they say.
  6. I am legally (partially) blind. That doesn't make me helpless or dependent, and it really pisses me off when someone just assumes they know my limitations without asking or consulting me to know what i think my limitations are.
  7. From #7 you might gather that I can be fiercely independent. I am my own person and I do tno "need" someone in my life to feel complete, as i am complete already. To me a relationship can enhance my life, but it is not needed to complete it.

I'm sure it's like heaven being married to me, but I may be biased, you should ask my wife.


completely uninhibited, only get pets I can eat and 90% of the time I'm naked

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