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What do you think about sharks?

I know they are perceived as evil by many, but what do you think of sharks?

EmeraldJewel 7 June 22

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I   don't normally think about sharks unless I'm at a beach. Then I keep an eye open and watch where I'm walking .



Angus Level 5 June 22, 2018

I think they should be left alone & all shark fin soup should be illegal. They are one of the oldest creatures in the . An amazing animal. Do not get your information from the hollywood movies. Get it from National Geographic.


"Evil" is a human concept. Sharks are incapable if being evil. They're just sharks, doing what sharks do.
Too many people are stupid with that shit.


The other day I got a knock at the door, when I asked who it was, they replied, “Candy gram.” And who doesn’t like candy, right? So I opened the door and it turned out to be a land shark. It immediately bit me on my head.


Plenty of Noahs Arks in the water about a kilo from where I live, so I don't swim there much, though lots of people do. Statistically the chances of being taken aren't high, but I don't care for them, and it's their home, so I keep out of it. BTW the sharks off the coast my my state aren't nice cuddly types and do kill people from time to time.


They serve a function and should not be hunted to extinction.

Marine Level 8 June 22, 2018

Wonder how they'd do in a swamp.

Check out a bull shark. They have been known to go into fresh water estuaries and no doubt, a swamp close to the ocean would have one in it once in awhile.


Being a lawyer myself, I have no problem with my fellow sharks. 😛

Seriously, sharks are no more evil than any other carnivorous animal. Humans have exaggerated the danger of sharks, and are too merciless toward them. Let's leave them in peace.

Say it was so cold the other day....drumroll... I saw a lawyer walking around with his hands in his own pocket. Boom.

@Bigwavedave LOL

@BestWithoutGods I used to know dozens of lawyer jokes. I forgot most of them . Thanks for indulging me.

@Bigwavedave Why don't sharks eat lawyers? Professional courtesy.


Sharks snakes and spiders scare the crap out of me. I don't view them as evil, they are giant predators in the sea world. I am of the land world. They own the sea world. Lol


They're aggressive, accursed creatures with very interesting manners of behavior and inner workings. As much as I like fish, I would never, ever want to be near one, though.


I love sharks. Have swam with sharks. There are so many species with so many different characteristics and behaviour. We need to respect them and understand them. We also need to protect them. Many are caught as bycatch in the fishing industry. Many are inhumanely mutilated for their fins. Humans kill many many more sharks per day than sharks kill people in a year. I support shark conservation. I have a tattoo of hammerhead sharks on my right arm.


I feel bad for them, us fucking them over.


They could help clean up some of our problems by being fed politicians.




I like them. Evil only humans can do evil. The jarassic sharks look cool


They make great movie monsters. LOL!


Truly impressive animals.


I am told that most are not all that dangerous to people.


If I catch one dealing from the bottom of the deck, I break his thumbs. (I kid.)

zeuser Level 9 June 22, 2018

Are you asking about literal sharks or figurative sharks?


I actually like going to the local zoo to pet them. They have a shark petting tank and it is awesome. I also REALLY like goblin sharks because of their projectile jaw.


They're a beautiful , and environmentally important part of life in the ocean.

Oh - and when we decide to join them in their realm, we're sometimes seen as a tasty treat !


They are better swimmer than I would ever be ..... Also, if we ever cross paths then I hope they'll have had lunch already

unfortunately I believe the eating is more opportunistic than hunger based like me

@whiskywoman anyhow, safest strategy is to stay out the water... ???


Sharks are horribly maligned and abused and MURDERED by humans. Often the are caught, have their fins cut off, and are thrown back into the ocean alive where they will then drown. It's cruel and abusive....and I hope anyone eating "Sharks Fin Soup" chokes on it and dies. People suck.


Sharks are misunderstood thanks to a movie that came out in 1975. Now what was the name of that movie? Lol.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?

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