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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I usually claim parody religions like Dudeism and Pastafarianism.


Mainly I will tell them that I don't believe in the existence of 'Any' "God/s", because I've never found 'Any' credible evidence that would lead me to believe that 'Any' of those "God/s" factually exist in Reality.


Only when they bring up religion or spirituality first. Then I say something polite like "Jesus H. fucking Christ on a goddam pogo sitck. Another religious idiot". I'm a very subtle guy.


I don't know how old this post is? But I have to tell you what I say to them. If they ask or if they start ranting on how sweet their Jesus is. I tell them. "Hey I'm an Atheist and I don't believe in that bullshit." Okay I don't swear to get my point across, but I let them know directly.


I would go for 'Well I used to be religious, but I wanted to live a more ethical life so I became an athiest' You're welcome


I simply tell them I'm not religious politely, if they try to push it I inform them I think adults having imaginary friends need serious professional help


Just be open if it comes up, you can't be called a liar if you hide nothing.


By saying the word A..THE...IST.... VERY slowly!


I say that I'm a non-supersitionist. If pressed, then I explain further.


For me blunt is good. I feel my life is made up of time and I could do both of ourselves a favor if we don't waste it. You don't want to hear their bullshit. They could be spending their time talking to somebody else who does.


I have gotten to the point of just saying I can't believe in any gods. Listening to them is like listening to brain dead dribble. I just have to say I am atheist. I can not go on lieing. You hear them babble about bible study. One was surprised I knew so much about the bible. I look up a passage and m sick to read most of it. You do something wrong and first thing they want to stone you for any reason. Muslims is cutting off your head for some reason. What also gets me is the hate from these religions for all those not just like them! So many versions of the book of supposively the same religion. If there is one god why are there so many versions of it? Want more truth then ask why did religious leaders live with the kings and dictators while the poor ecked out a living being abused by kings and such? No there is no god just another tool for oppression. You ever noticed when one group conquers another and enslaves them they force there religion onto them? They either convert or are beaten or murdered. So if religion is so good why is so much death in their writings? Wipping out whole civilazation because someone told their god told them too. Oh yes kept the young virgin girls for slaves and concubines


Tell them you don’t believe in ghosts, spirits, talking donkeys and shit like that.


I let them get to know me as much as possible before I reveal that information. Thinking back when I was a Christian, if someone told me they didn’t believe in God, I automatically associate them with the devil which is unfair. So I know how that works and to avoid that I would much rather people get to know me first before they know my religious views or lack there of.


I am up front and let them know my position early in conversations... I work with staff and clients who come from many religious positions ... so my approach to remain authentic to my self is to say "I am a person of no faith... but respect your choice to choose what you believe in. I have thought about using the word "Atheist" but find 'a person with no "faith" softer and less confrontational as I work in a health context.. ?

I am a bit more confrontational. If asked on the street - so to speak- and not in the mood for a long discussion, I begin by clarifying what (faith) (belief without evidence) is and continue that because faith is a dishonest path to determine truth, (The things Christens claim faith can reveal), and that I actually value truth and dislike dishonesty, I place no value on faith. . . etc. .


Straight out tell them. It has already cost me my entire family, thus why would I care what their reaction is. If they try to talk down to me or make rude comments I just give them about 20 questions they cannot answer and I give them about 20 crazy things they believe from a common sense thinking rational point of view to help them to understand how crazy is. One does not have to go much further than Kangaroos and the Ark. lol


That’s my favorite approach. The questions.

Don't I know it. I get told you have to believe, were do you get your morals from if you don't believe? Ask why if a dog does he allow the bad to happen if all knowing all powerful why does he not stop it? I get told he gives us free will. Then they tlk about gods will you are to do what her has planned for you. Ok we either have free will or their gods will or plan one of the other. If it does nothing if real then is either not loveing or kind, or is not all knowing and all powerful. Does this make sense to any of them. Then you about 80% of you think the right religion is the one you were raised in. As babies we are forced into the religion of our parents as they were. Scared to question anything about it. You live around the same people with the same religion and are scared to question any of it. You ever think that is how all of them are scared to question god even being real! God if real let people die of so many things now that science has found a way to cure. sorry those who believe are like in a cult just because its a wide spread mental illness does not make it right!


I just say it or that I do not believe in a supernatural magical being in the sky that I have to have blind faith in BEFORE it will help me out here on earth. All the religions I have practiced, including a sect of buddhaism, insist I have blind faith & belief before the "god" or "universe" shows benefit in my life. Bunch of hooey.

I will parrot it back to them by asking, "So, what You're saying is, If I 'just believe it',....then, I'll 'believe it'-?"


By laughing a lot when they start preaching, LOL


just be honest and tell them straight up


Yesterday some coworkers were talking about how the end times are approaching, evidenced by Trump's acknowledgement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. I wanted to butt in and tell them people have used every bit of world news for the last 2000 years to predict the end times, but I decided to avoid the argument and just let them have their fun. I'm not going to change their minds and they aren't going to change mine.


At work, I don't have to tell anyone. I've told a few people. Now they talk about it when I'm not around. Here in Kansas, Christianity is the extreme default. So anything else is to be pitied. But I did have some ladies come to my home once with flyers. I told them I don't believe. They both said "ohhh" like my dog died.



I say, "I'm an atheist." If anyone asks a reasonable question, I'll answer it as honestly as I can. If anyone decides it's a good idea to lecture me, I disabuse of them of that notion in short order. I won't be rude to you, if you aren't rude to me.


I usually don't bring it up until I have to because I am a small business owner, and I don't want to lose business. When it becomes uncomfortable, or if I am asked, I say I am Atheist.

I had one client try to give me a list of the 10 commandments one day. I said "no thanks". He was very puzzled. When I told him I am Atheist he started questioning me with very basic questions. "you mean you don't believe in god at all?" and so forth. It was interesting, but not offensive. I still have them as clients, and like them very much.

Anyone who judges you, or tries to make you feel uncomfortable, for being atheist is not worth having around. If they do this, they don't respect you.


I do not really talk about it a lot. If someone askes me I say "sorry I am not religious" and that's's not their business.
Things like "God bless you" or "I will pray for you" really make me feel uncomfortable.

Alexa Level 5 Dec 7, 2017

Actually that's exactly what I say. "I'm an atheist." To Christian's and other religious folk, there is a shock value to hearing that admitted so openly. That and within a couple minuets they usually show how open or closed minded they can be.

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