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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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Only way to find out is, suck it and see, make it a learning exercise, research, that way you won't be quite so thrown when you get a load of nutterguff back. I only tell these days if I am asked and if I have an imaginary bullet proof vest on because it is absolutely of no consequence to me, what I am not. I don't really see why its of consequence to anyone else - I'd love to just answer completely off key and wacky like 'yes I do always wear white knickers'


"I am an atheist."

Ditto I am an American Atheist leader


I try not to bring it up. Everyone tbat I know or meets claims to be a "good vhristian:. At my place of employment a person that brought god into every conversation became so annoying that I told her that I was an Atheist so that shed stay away.She spread it throughout the building and the harassment began...everyone that came near began talking about tbeir church or relivion and some invited me to then poined out that all of the "christians" in the building smoked & drank or used drugs- destroying gods temple,were living in sin or had children with people they werent married to and many had a criminal history and most couldnt pass a background check... and me,the Atheist had none of those issues therefore I'd stay on my own..


I'm an atheist works for me.


I'm open about my atheism. I just say, "I'm an atheist." Most people don't care. The people that do care? Well, I don't associate with them.


I simply say my parents were jewish and my beliefs are personal.


yes! there isnt any simpler way!

believers need to get over themselves and we Atheists need to stop apologizing and equivocating ....we are scientists not delusionals.... we have tested for alleged gotts and found 100 % consistent zero results.... the gawd concept is useless and harmful


Bible belt here too over in Oklahoma. It usually depends on whether I feel like pissing them off or not but that's mostly because I like to argue. There's some major shock value involved when you tell someone you're an atheist minister.


If they ask, "secular" is my response. I don't want to dwell on it because it doesn't matter to me.




I have never used the word "Atheist" to describe myself. I usually tell people they don't want to know my beliefs, or I give them a copy of Small Gods, by Sir Terry Pratchett, and tell them it is basically summed up in there.


Sexual pecadillos between adults are are none of my business, nor IMO anyone else! The 2 women you mention, history I have Never heard that version before, and who was fired, exactly, for "ordering her to the motel "????!
Plus they seem to both have made aplenty of money both during and since then. And I say this as one who absolutely believed Anita Hill from the get-go.

Sexual predator William Jefferson Bleigh alias Clinton is my business. daughter is Monica Lewinsky age now 42 and no woman age 23 should be performing fellatio in the Oval Office nor suffer a cigar thrusting into her vagina by the President of the United States


I just tell them that I am not a Christian. Strangers have no right to know what I believe but if I am put in a situation where I must discuss, I am honest. They either walk away or they don't.


I don't. I listen to what they have to say and smile. Never do I agree with them or even try to get into a discussion about my beliefs or the lack thereof. It is a personal choice and frankly, none of their business. I'm not ashamed of being agnostic nor do I go around trying to convert or change peoples minds. Live and let each his own...etc.


To their face. If they don't like it, they can go back to the Garden of Eden.

Hey xians, go back to Bethlehem where you belong


I live in the South. Only if they ask "do you believe in God" I tell them "no" and let them deal with it.


I just say I don't think we have much common ground, or at a push I'm a fallen Catholic lol


I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!

1998 my mom @ age 84 was telling Monica blow job and semen stained dress jokes from the OVAL OFFICE. ...the politics of Billary is never separated from McCarthyism running 70 years now and Red Baiting labor unions for 100 years............... the word Atheism is 2700 years running as the first Greek sailor just kept walking on by temple prostitutes keeping to his destination. ..."Atheos Atheos take your gawds AND SHOVE IT"

@GreenAtheist yes, the scandal pretty much opened Pandora's box. And I still say what a middle aged man ges tup to with another adult (because middle-aged men Never go nuts) is/was none of anybody's beeswax!

@AnneWimsey I agree what Billary won't do what Monica would do in that little open disgusting triangle SHOULD not be national discourse but eyewitnesses from Georgetown Law School to violated widows volunteering in the White House = 27 years a series of sexual predator crimes worse than Harvey Weinstein ....Paula Jones was a 100% victim working for the Arkansas Highway Department ORDERED to Clinton hotel room during a statewide government conference of government employees and his only 2 words to her were: " suck it " with her eyes presented with his open zipper and crooked erect penis in full view. ....and she ran out of the room ....fearing for her job she filed a lawsuit that took 7 years to reach the US Supreme Court. ....Billary should have divorced slick Willie when the Governor was screwing Jennifer Flowers TV anchor in the governors office while Chelsea and Billary were playing outside on the state mansion lawn

@GreenAtheist So, who in the the highway department ordered her to his room? Because of course they would be named in any lawsuit! Consenting adults, one of whom has made a ton of money & a nice career from her " kiss & tell". Unlike a Real victim such as Anita Hill!

@AnneWimsey Clinton himself ordered Paula Jones into the Governor Suite. ....once the US Sup Ct ruled 9-0 a sitting President could be dragged back to Arkansas to testify before the Grand Jury the prosecutor also asked Clinton about "that woman, MS Lewinsky" and slick Willie lied: " I DID NOT HAVE SEX with that woman, MS Lewinsky" he further elaborated the statutory meaning of sex " IS " when his answer was pure dishonesty : " that depends upon what the meaning of WHAT IS, IS"....HE LOST HIS LAW LICENSE IN 1999 FOR 10 YEARS as punishment for perjury before the Grand Jury

@AnneWimsey Monica turned down the Revlon job in 1998 and made purses for a living ever since. ...she was not a consenting adult she was a co-conspirator to unauthorized entry to the White House her co-criminal is Clinton himself lewd and lacivious conduct in a public building while Anita Hill was harassed against her will with Thomas public hair on her Coke can. ....the headline in the newspaper today is: 95% of Hollywood women report harassment or worse in movie industry. ...this social crime must never be excused as "peccadillos"

@GreenAtheist Monica herself, aged 25, Never alleged any force or coercion...where is that idea coming from?

@AnneWimsey the ultimate illegal quid pro quo for illegal sexual favors is between a "intern" and a lawyer President. ...boy Bush has a lower standard because he is not a lawyer demanding sexual favors as TX Governor or POTUS. ...Bill Cosby is innocent compared to the 45 years of lawyer Clinton violation of sexual harassment laws


Unless it comes into conversation or they try and convert me , I don't . It's nothing to do with them .


It's rare that I find it necessary to be part of a religious discussion. If necessary I just say, "I'm not religious." If someone wants to push my buttons, asking them to grow up usually works or there's an old saw, "Everyone has the right to find their own way to Hell."


I usually avoid religious discussions the way I avoid discussions about Harry Potter or any other work of fiction. If, however, I am dragged into a religious discussion, I inform them that the scriptures were written by a bunch of people with no Idea of how to store grain. This allowed hallucinatory fungus (ergot) to grow and make people see a lot of strange things like talking snakes, talking bushes that burn funny, haloes around heads, and angels. This usually gets them to change the subject

Love it 🙂


That depends on the circumstances and the setting. Most of the time I don't bother. However, if they are pushy, I am very clear that I reject their beliefs and they need to back off quickly because I won't be treated with disrespect or disdain. For example, I went to visit a patient in a nursing home and encountered their minister leaving the room. The asked about my "personal relationship with jesus" and were quite pushy. After patiently explaining that my relationship with jesus was none of their business, I finally asked them to pretend that they were actually professional and to shut up about my beliefs as they were crossing way too many personal and professional boundaries. If they continued I would be taking action to have them banned from speaking to any staff members.

If I am asked to attend a service or participate in prayer outside of supporting a patient, I simply say that I do not share their beliefs and I will not participate. I do have a practice at work, I am a hospice social worker, of pointing out that this is a secular organization and I won't allow them to make it anything else. Prayer in meetings is not acceptable as they can pray on their own time, not on mine. I am pleased that it is less of an issue than it used to be. I even managed to become friendly with the Southern Baptist who was our spiritual care person because he was wise enough to understand that he didn't have a strangle hold on truth.


I tell them I'm Jewish. They feel sorry for me because I don't know Jesus. If I told them I'm an atheist, they would not come near me.


I don't unless I am asked, its no one else business, if they say something like 'oh thats a shame! I just walk away .


I just tell them.

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