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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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806 comments (701 - 725)

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If they ask me, I tell them. They like the brainwashing, I like thinking for myself.


I don't believe in any gods, I only believe in things that can be proven. I am not superstitious and I do not think any religions are true.


I had some Mormons come to the door, and told them that I was an evolutionary biologist (which is partially true). That was a short conversation.

Guess I don't have enough points to actually write a response yet. That's too bad because I've read a few of your posts. Let;s see if this one goes through.

HAHA! Zany 🙂

You have a very important job!


all of my wife's family are very religious so I pretty much keep it to myself, if any one were to ask I would not deny it though


I just say it no shame here.


What I believe is NONE of their business. Unless someone is specifically interested in me and my beliefs... 99% of religious people want to TELL you their religion, not learn about yours.

Just had two stop by to take a survey on spirituality from a nearby church. Simply told them my spirituality is none of their church's business.

Waterwolfie! Yes ! Exactly. They'll go on and on about their "walk with the lord and other holy crap ! I don't want to be rude or mean. Why do they think its ok to drool their beliefs all over me? It's qawdawful !!!

I need to tell you about my religion if you don't believe what I believe you go to hell!! I better tell you that I'm a hypocrite I enjoy this shit it's fun keep my mind off life


if asked i say i am an atheist
but i don't go round shouting about it
i don't like the godsquads preaching at me so why would i do it
if you have a mind decide for yourself


If asked I am honest and very proud of it. But I do not walk up and ask someone if they are a christian etc because I find it rude. If it comes up in conversation then ok. Lets talk.

Nesa Level 1 Oct 16, 2017

When a conversation turns to this subject, I always just say that I am a devout atheist, and the subject usually gets abruptly changed.


I am proud of being an atheist, so I just say I am an Atheist, if the issue of religion ever comes up or at holidays when people ask weird questions..but sometimes my "Proud Atheist" or "This is what an Atheist looks like T shirts " gve me away.

Teresa Level 6 Oct 16, 2017

I just let them know if they bring up religion.


I really only mention it in response to someone pushing their religeon onto me, otherwise live and let live.


Whenever it seems appropriate or necessary, I tell people simply that I am an atheist. If they want to pursue that for whatever reason, I will engage them. I am who I am and if other folks can't deal with it, it's not my problem.


my atheist necklace gives it away 100% of the time

What kind of necklace do you wear? Where did you get it? I wore Richard Dawkins scarlet letter A. No one seemed to know what it stood for.


i tell only the ones who ask me. to be a muslim and one day to say to people who know you you are an atheist its like you make a decision to die! so i chose to tell only who i am sure that they will understand and who don't judge.


Unless it comes up, I don't. Have been known to hedge by saying "I;m not Christian". Being braver now and just saying "atheist" if they're trying to push a religious identity on me.


It's dangerous in my country to say that 😟

That is sad, stay safe!


I'm straight forward about me being atheist but I don't bring up religion, unless someone else starts it. I'm respectful about it and will talk about it, but I do tell tell them if they ask me.


I tell them straight out - I am not ashamed of being an Atheist and I remind them that my parents taught me to think for myself, question, read and then make a decision.


I never bring up religion unless someone else brings it up first, or if i'm venting about something and it just happens to slip out. If religion is brought up, most people around me are religious, and they'll ask me if I am, I always respond no. They then want to question why I am not, and tell them it doesn't matter and to just move on.


I just come right out and say.. I am non religious.. I don't need that in my life. It serves no purpose for me. They ask me.. so you don't believe in god? I come back with... which god are you referring to. That usually stops them dead in their tracks.


That kind of depends how the subject comes up. If we seem to be hitting things off and I think they should know where I stand, I just calmly tell them my stance on belief and hope for the best. If they're constantly talking about their religious views, or start off with religious rhetoric from the moment we meet, then I'll just tell them right out that I don't believe in any of it, and as long as they don't push it on me, we're cool, but if they do, I'm out.


You could say "I am not a church goer," or " I am not a believer."


What do you respond with when someone ends the conversation with "Have a blessed day"? For some reason I find this extremely offensive. It's their way of getting the last jab in.

That hits me like scrapping a nail on a blackboard. I don't know why that bothers me so much.

Same reply I give when people say they will pray for me.."Will you sacrifice a goat as well? That actually works you know."

Oh my gosh! I'm glad I'm not the only one. It depends on the context. I have seen people say that and mean with great sincerity that they want you to have a wonderful day/life/etc. I say, "You too!" to those people. To those who say it as a badge of honor (Chick Fil-A...I'm talking to you!), I say, "What an offensive thing to say!" and walk off. LOL.

Or when someone tells you bless you when you sneeze...


I tell them I stopped having imaginary friends when I turned 5... .-.

Apart from Santa, who is real 😉

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